communism bad

> communism bad

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>> communism bad

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yeah it is your point?

Yes it is

The message wasn't "communism bad", it was "putting incompetent people in positions of power leads to bad times"

We are literally living it all around the world right now


>"putting incompetent people in positions of power leads to bad times"
That was a staple of communism tho

It is.
t. russian

A very important & timely message.

"Written and produced by Levi Finkelsteinberg"
Good goy
The show heavily implies that they were in power because of the system which was inherently flawed because based on a failed ideology. You blainlet.

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Incidental to the message

Absolute qt

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communism is jewish tricks 101, you stupid nigger

No, I disagree
Most of the people weren’t incompetent per se, it’s just they were trapped in a cloud of silence and unyielding compliance made by the communist system. They say as much in the show, it’s the constant lies and misinformation the USSR propagates that led to the disaster and that made recovering/solving it so difficult

I would agree it’s not simply a shot at communism but it’s 100% aimed at the soviet way of life, and hierarchy

you were too weak and stupid to survive in a capitalist society, i understand, but you must have something better to do than shitpost on an anonymous imageboard

>The message wasn't "communism bad", it was "putting incompetent people in positions of power leads to bad times"
>We are literally living it all around the world right now

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White communism is the way forward

Murders millions starve millions. Kill people Based of "murh bad thoughts" yes very bad

The western capitalist world is collapsing while communist countries are the only ones who have this outbreak under control. You've lost. Learn Chinese.

>he's never heard of the Dilbert principle

More accurately I’d say it’s just critiquing the power structure than the economics/ideaology

If you were getting the “all people deserve to be there” equality crap, then ya you’d have something to critique

>we can handle a crisis that only happened due to our shitty standards better because low what are freedoms

non-primitive communism has never existed

Yes, but the most incompetent response(disinfo, lies, coverup, etc. like Chernobyl) to the outbreak and its starting place was in a country ruled by the Communist Party of China. Really makes you think...

>The message wasn't "communism bad", it was "putting incompetent people in positions of power leads to bad times"
Hello, reddit. This is what happens when your first priority is strict ideological conformity and you enforce it at gunpoint. Yes, the incompetence is communism’s fault.

So is free market capitalism dumb redneck. Most jews abandoned the ideology a long time ago. The only onesleft are the occasional misfits ( see Bernie).
Now be quiet.

>most incompetent response
>not Drumpfy’s America

I didn't really see this message in the show, although it would be nice to see it displayed more for how evil communism is. You have an entire generation of young people who think communism is a really swell idea that maybe had a few incidental flaws with implementation a long time ago.

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the reddit is strong in this thread

Dude at least try to maintain some semblance of discourse

Nazbol gang when?

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>TFW people think this is communism

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>China is capitalist when it does bad
>China is communist when it does good
Yo lil zoomie. I got a present for you, wrapped in my asscheeks ;)

That's kinda what Communism is.

Chinkland isn't communist, it's state-capitalist.

The virgin (((gary))) vs the Chad ubermensch Matthew
Seethe more porky

When will Fascist and Communist put our difference aside and unite to destroy liberalism? NO. MORE. BROTHER. WARS

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A contradictory, nonsensical term invented by Marxists, as a "state" cannot be capitalist.

China is socialist-fascist, not state capitalist

How much student debt do you owe?

so communism?

Yes and it's absolutely beautiful. Can we all appreciate that the Chinese have essentially perfected Authoritarian Capitalism? It's legit a socialist-consumer paradise.

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Zero why?

.07 CNY have been deposited into your account.

So let's make a tv show bashing a long time dead failed ideology. Dont mind the dying failed ideology that we are living under right now goyim.

You have to be a litteral idiot to think that Communism is a threat nowdays.

It was literally written by a far left commie. It was honestly a pretty fair interpretation.


>a fucking ramp

>de judeo-communismo meme
Marx was an honorary aryan and hated Jewish influences in a movement

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>So is free market capitalism
Capitalism is literally as old as money you insipid, cum-chugging retard.
It was never "invented" because it's not a system; it's a lack of a system. You don't know this because commies are woefully uneducated.

>tfw Adam Smith was a radical Maoist
Capitalist explain

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its beautiful but i would never want to live in china

>You have to be a litteral idiot to think that Communism is a threat nowdays.
Like somebody who writes two Ts in literal?

Finally some common sense
T. Yas Forumsdfag
It was more about old power structures (or fructures) and corruption

Hell we are living in a world where a man made virus is gonna billions (thank God) and Australia burnt to the ground and all anyone can care about is fucking stockpiling toilet paper hand sanitiser and other useless shit

but pol said communists were jews???

Yes communist countries didnt have ugly skyscrapers

It is still an implicit criticism of communism, because that type of corruption is endemic in communist systems.

It's free market capitalism with heavy state intervention. So what does that make it?

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Right just ugly commie blocks. Oh and invented brutalism.

yeah soviet buildings are well know for their beauty

It can imply and criticise communism as much as it wants.
Capitalism isn't inherently better just because it's (free) same with socialism or Marxism or whatever meme system people wunna label and brand shit

It's a kino series and imho shits on corrupt morons and bureaucracy more than anything else.
They just so happened to be white Russian men because that's who they where in reality at the time and the arrogance and layers of secrecy was their undoing.

Ok - rent seeking behavior is the anathema of competitive market. In the times of Adam Smith the mercantile system, where the central government protected those who had political clout, instituted social losses and privatized gains in partnership with an imperialist social policy. In that paradigm the landlord was not the landlord because they competed or took on personal risk that the economy (the people) would compensate them for, but instead the landlord was the king's favored chosen who was instituted to collect rent from the people and funnel the money back to the central bureau.

>with heavy state intervention
then it's not free market, you dumb fuck

>its beautiful
Yes, it is.

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Sounds surprisingly like National Socialism.

It's a hybrid economy! You figured it out!

>it was "putting incompetent people in positions of power leads to bad times"

So basically "communism bad" without outright saying "communism bad". Thanks.

>it’s beautiful

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I don't have to explain because no one who's a free market guy worships Adam Smith, nor is he particularly read in free market circles.

Maybe your perceptions our distorted by high school history class.


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>It's free market capitalism with heavy state intervention. So what does that make it?

A contradiction.

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That's what people say China has become or is slowly becoming, but Yas Forums fags are in denial.


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>Marx was an honorary aryan
According to who? Name an aryan communist intellectual

>The Yas Forums apartment complex

>The one that happens to be symmetrical

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