Is this GoT peak?

Is this GoT peak?

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Peak /fa/ maybe. Those cape clasps are very slick.

no, none of it is "peak" all its peaks were thoroughly blunted by the latter series.
Knowing that same very room will be murdered by one mary sue ruins any anticipation or suspense.
Remember folks Arya murders all the freys, all of them, shes like Palpatine in her powers.
And that Maisy is smug faced shit muncher who actually was never that invested in th story, like all th ecasual fans of the show she was in their to "slay qweeeen"
Rubbish the whole fucking lot of it.
GOT was and is utter shit.
Try re-watching it.
Pro-tip, dont.

I've been rewatching all of Tywins scenes non stop the last few weeks. God it was so good.

Also I forgot how based the spice king was.

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>Peak /fa/ maybe
>the king is dressed in dark granny clothes
>Peak /fa/ maybe


The show peaked with season 1.

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Omg epic /got/ general meme breathtaking wholesome here come dat boi stannis

I miss /got/. the fat fuck hhas been writing the same book for 20 years now and is still not done. maybe now with corona-chan he will cancel his wold tours and stay home and just write

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How come nobody talks about how insanely lucky the Lannisters were in The War of The Five Kings?

because the audience's self-insert (tyrion) hates them so the audience hates them as well

>Remember folks Arya murders all the freys, all of them, shes like Palpatine in her powers.
Her ninja shit later in the show was total nonsense but in the case of the freys it made sense. More or less shapeshifting is an incredible power, and being disguised as a woman who prepares and serves the food/wine would make it fairly easy for her to poison everyone. She's an assassin with a power that is perfect for assassins. If she also jobbed in every direct fight like an assassin should then she wouldn't have been that bad.

But Tyrion is partially there to be a sympathetic Lannister, and the Starks are more relatable to the audience than Tyrion is.


Was it luck or preparation? Tywin kept his vassals in line through fear and intimidation but also by rewarding loyalty and valor (like raising the Clegane's up to being landed knights because of their service), he kept his armies drilled and ready even in peacetime despite the expense, and he played the game of thrones at court and by betraying the Mad King but keeping to Robert even though Big Bobby was objectively a terrible king he signaled to the other powers in Westeros that he and House Lannister were the real power behind the throne.

its the one moment that Dabid really wanted to get to (i suspect its the point in the books where they stopped reading). So it was the last time they really tried, its no secret that getting here was their goal and they stopped giving a shit immediately afterwards. They should handed the show off to showrunners that actually cared after this point in the story but wanted to ride it out for maximum profit.


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Almost a year later, it still hurt bros!
Why it had to hurt so much?

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I cant believe how badly they laterally wrote her.
That 4 episodes of season 4 that dropped early where she was on that boat to bravos i was punching the air and jumping out my chair i was so happy she was getting the fuck out of westeros.
Then it all turned to pure liquid shit.
By the end of the show i hated nearly every character cos the writing was atrocious but she was the worst.
Do you remember sitting trying to stream it and seeing this board go "fuuuuuuuucking LOL shes KILLS THE NIGHT KING!!!!! ARYA FUCKING KEK THIS SHOW SUCKS"
just stop posting any GOT threads and let my PTSD go in peace.

I did just this last year and boy what a hilarious shit show.
It's pretty good until s4 then it shits the bed
S1 is still the best imho

No. Red wedding was actually poorly done in comparison to the books and ruined future plot threads. (Although D&D fucked them over even worse)

house of dragon will heal your wounds

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In the /got/ generals it was often discussed how lucky they were
With the Baratheon brothers fighting amongst themselves
Renly being a massive nonce as well
Stannis' fleet commander being a retard who fell for an obvious trick
Robb who can't ditch one girl after a heroin induced one night stand
Sure they played the right moves, but a lot was disgusting luck

it was well done, just visuals were shit, but all of got had completely wrong visuals, color and weather

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that's a big man

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The things I'd do to that woman's asshole
I've had a thing for her since About a Boy

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I don't remember this scene from season 6.

because we didn't get to experience catharsis.

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robb was the only kid ned and catelyn made that didn't end up looking hideous.

she has very strong features, especially the jaw. if she has chad's baby then the kid will be an ultimate chad.

Her greatest asset is her voice. Jesus. So hot.

I wouldn't mind her driving that Needle up my bum.

you should go to Manchester bro

>hey uncle... *giggles*
>yes sansa what is it
>I have an announcement to make
>please have sex, uncle

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Sansa ended up pretty once Sophie Turner lost some weight for the last few seasons. Also Rickon died as a teenager, so we'll never really know what he would've ended up looking like

rickon's actor is 18 now and shows worrying signs of bong gene subversion even though he's irish

pic related is him, art parkinson. he's also a turbomanlet (1.68 m)

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meanwhile richard madden stays qt at the age of 33

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Joffrey's actor was so good. He truly had the potential to be the next big thing. God knows we need a good young actor given the fact that (((Hollywood))) insists on pushing hacks like Ezra and that other faggot Timothee.

melisandre is perfect in this pic

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He looks retarded.

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he most likely is since he didn't zig zag

Tywin didn’t ennoble the Clegane’s, his father Tytos did

Remember when one of the greatest warriors in all that world died because a simple infection?
Remember when Arya was stabbed multiple times by a trained assassin, dive into sewerage and then popped up episodes later fine and dandy with not even a problem of sort? Such a good writing. At that point I was expecting Ned coming out of a dark alley saying something like "Not so fast, Lannisters"

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Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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>At that point I was expecting Ned coming out of a dark alley saying something like "Not so fast, Lannisters"
it would have been better if they had fully embraced their stupidity, but they did stupid things and still considered it high art. well maybe it was high art since they still won best drama emmy for season 8

Watchers on the Wall was the peak imo. most fun and comfy ive ever been watching a show.

literally what even was the point of arya getting stabbed?

My favorite scene was always when Jaime get his hand cut off. Watching it I remember thinking there’s no way this guy cuts off his hand. It gains him nothing and makes him the #1 target of the Lannisters. And then he actually did it, the madman. But then when I thought about it more it made perfect sense. Here you’ve got this grizzled northern guy who has a blonde pretty boy prisoner from the south. He’s only not killing him in the first place because he’s worth some money/political power to him. And his men want to have some fun with the female prisoner. And this dick has the gall to tell his captors off? The guy should be begging for mercy, and he just got offended and chopped his hand off.

Unfortunately the show went away from that kind of rawness after season 4 and became a lot more classic Hollywood.

>what's west of westeros

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So the viewers will watch it and wonder "will she gonna make it? OMG I'm such an Arya".
The answer was obvious, she would, fan favourites had massive plot armors at that point, and that wasn't even the biggest problem since every death or at least any attempt to had consequences: Eddard's death had massive consequences for the story, so Drogo's, Joeffrey's, Robb's, Tywin's, etc.
But when D&D came in major players in the world would die and nothing happens.
Roose Bolton killed by his bastard's son? The North is fine with that.
The entire Frey clan wiped out? Alright.
Prince Martell killed by his brother's paramore? Ok, the one who killed will rule.

it was weird how they ended that episode with some punk-ish modern song

My problem with it isn't even stuff like that, I agree with all that, but it's a given now

my problem is much more basic. Why not just have her get attacked, get injured? They created a problem needlessly. Like getting stabbed in the fucking heart over and over and then falling into sewage is a big fucking deal. SO JUST DON'T DO IT. Have her get in a fight, have her in trouble, get wounded, some cuts or scars or even a less serious stab but play it out over a few more episodes

Like god damn. this is basic shit and that's what makes me mad.

this, ruined the episode for me. don't ever fucking do that. Don't fucking ruin my immersion in a series where that is it's selling point, by bringing me back to the real world with real world music. That meme works great for sopranos, don't use it here. Amazing no producers stopped that. If the show didn't have so much good will with me at that point, I would have been a lot more mad. Now in retrospect it does

Not that it matters, show is completely ruined for rewatching anyway


americos ofc

a dream of spring epilogue will be westerosi colonizing americos and raping and genociding the americosi natives

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>they still won best drama emmy for season 8
kek is that true?


yes and meme dwarf won best supporting actor for the 4th time

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I can only wonder what he himself thought of that.

The opening credits was peak GoT

It wasnt until I watched the Witcher I realised how smart of a decision it was for GoT lay out the world and what cities that episode will take place in each episode, it was good world building

most normies were so dumb they didn't even know what the opening was about and considered it boring and too long kek

To be fair, at almost two minutes it really was too long.