Space Mountain Movie

Space Mountain Movie

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too star wars like, and they already made Tomorrowland. they need to make a film of based on Dinoland, USA with the energy of Cadillacs and dinosaurs.

I like the 50s kitsch of disneyland

shame its getting thrown out for DUDE CHARACTERS LMAO

Hopefully with Chapek as the CEO, someone with a bit more passion will take his place as the head of parks and resorts

>a film of based on Dinoland USA
>Takes place after the events of the Dinosaur ride
>Doctor Seeker needs to get help from Chester and Hester to contain the Iguanodon after it escapes into their roadside theme park

I'd literally never ask for anything ever again

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Maid Marian ride.

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Is Jungle Cruise different from Pirapists of the Caribbean?

Why would I care lmao

Obviously, pirates don't live in jungles.

how about you die of aids

An expedition Everest movie would be great

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Dinoland is the WORST part of any Disney park and they should be embarrassed it still exists
Burn it down and make it Indiana Jones land already

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I remember a time when undercover jennyposting threads actually had the girl herself in them. Simpler times.

Queue audio kino. Nothing else compares.

They need to fix the yeti before they do that shit.

>rides are all built for kids
>coasters are baby coasters, no taller than 150ft, don't go fast, no loops or inversion
>most of the park is old as shit and expensive as all fuck
>90 minute wait times for shit ass 1970s kids coasters at best

Any other American theme park
>rides are all world class cutting edge white knuckle adrenaline pumping marvels of engineering
>get to push yourself to the limit and experience something genuinely unique and exciting
>new and exciting rides and coasters put in all the time
>substantially less crowded with shorter waits in line

So why the FUCK is Disney hailed as the be all and end all of theme parks? It looks so fucking lame. Why do people go so nuts for it?

Pleb filtered

Imagine spending millions building a giant expensive robot that doesn't even work.
hahaha what a piece of shit

Lol you sound 14

Uniroincally 'muh childhood'. Disney gets em while they're young.


Take your ADHD medication, zoomer.

>coaster jock
Go watch The Imagineering Story and get back to us.

>dude the magic is adults in large plush costumes silently miming as cartoon characters, that's real entertainment!

So like... You just look at people in costumes? And pay hundreds of dollars for that? I know they do some parades in the park, is that what does it for you? Like honestly what the fuck am I missing? What the fuck do you "do" at Disneyworld that justifies the rabid fan base? It seems so so so much more boring and childish than literally any other theme park in the world.

Anybody who seriously responds to this is fucking retarded, including me.

thanks, we know

You want a ride to adapt into a movie?

>Pretty cool steampunk/Jules Verne-ian aesthetic concept
>Already has a theme written by the Sherman Brothers
>Dreamfinder has that unique Santa-like look that people would see
>Figment is such a Chad he literally outsells Mickey Mouse in EpCot
>It's cheap time in comic was a vest seller and had a decent skeleton for a story

The only problem is Disney CEOs have an absolute hatred of Figment so it will never happen.

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>don't degrade yourselves disneybros, don't even answer this guy's logically put question!

Again... You guys act like it's the most obvious thing in the entire goddamn world as to why Disneyworld is so popular. Yet every single time I ask someone to explain why they just scoff at the question or sperg out. You guys act like a cult.

God damn why does Disney hate Figment so much? He is pure kino mascot kino.

Maybe you should go to Disneyworld and it will make more sense to you.

I find Disneyworld far more impressive as an adult than I did as kid. I enjoy the attention to detail in the groundskeeping and themeing etc. Disneyworld is about a whole enclosed experince. If thats not your thing fine, but I challenge you to spend a week at Disneyworld...and then go to 6 flags. Other than that they both feature rides, they are almost not even the same thing.

Themeing and immersion, my dude. Disneychads prefer being immersed in a story rather than riding big ass coasters.There is no reason to be so upset if you don't get it.

Well said

God it's still so good

Can you at least appreciate the fact that you're struggling to articulate why it's so popular? Grounds keeping? Attention to detail? Like yeah okay, but my man people drop thousands of dollars and spend an entire week there. And you're telling me they do that because of the fuckin groundskeeping?

Kinos for this feel?

Space mountain would be cool. But I would prefer if a proper Haunted Mansion film was made.

The space mountain que is literally an inimitable experience. There is no kino that could possibly replicate the feeling.

Guillermo Del Toro better get his fat ass on that.

>Those windows giving projected models in space while star tunnel plays

After he finishes his other 10 projects.

Can you at least appreciate the fact that you struggling to cherry pick individual points in order to keep your line of thinking? Rather than listen to what I and several others have said. Disneyworld is all about themeing and immersion. This extends to completely silly things like grounds keeping, seriously. It is quite obvious that you have not been there. Without that perspective, you will find it difficult to truly understand. Even if you dont like it, and/or find it too expensive etc, you would at least understand why it is that way.

I spent a week at Disneyworld in the early summer and it was the best vacation Ive had in several years. Even within Disney you can have vastly different experiences. My family stayed at the Grand Floridian, and only spent one day at Magic Kingdom favoring the other parks, for example. My experience was worth every dollar, but for some it wouldnt be, even others staying at Disney

Try it out, if you dont like it fine. But until you do, there is no point to cherrying picking to be obstinate

See you in 2037

Disney is nowhere near enjoyable now that the Great Movie Ride doesn't exist. The final montage was one of my favorite things when I was a kid

My college program starts in August

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He'll only pull out of a few last minute

The Disney College Program?

Here's my .02, but like user said a lot has to do with the fact you can take a family there and not have to worry about anything. It's a safe place where your room will be clean and the customer service phenomenal. If you stay on campus all your transportation and meals are taken care of. There's stuff for the adults and the kids. There's plenty of bathrooms and places to get water.

I do a lot of traveling but I'll admit when I went again this last summer it was nice to not have to stress about anything once you arrive at the parks. Do you can just focus on having fun.

Where ya living?

Yessir. Assuming Corona doesn't kill us all before then

Haven't decided yet. Torn between Vista and Chatham. Leaning more towards Vista though

How long it take to get a response back? I had the phone interview back in Feb. Haven't had any update on the dashboard.

Do Vista, my guy. I did Vista during my program (however that was like 7 years ago) and it was awesome. Chatham is fine but a lot quieter.

Took me 2 weeks but I talked to people in the dcp discord and they said it can take 2 months for some people. Either way, don't worry because you will definitely hear back even if it's a no. They aren't going to leave anyone hanging with no response.

What attraction has the best poster, lads?

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Only problem with Vista is that only half the rooms are renovated to the standards of the newer complexes and which room you get is a complete crapshoot.

Oh yeah I guess that stinks. Back when I did it, they were all shitty lol But hopefully you won't spend that much time in your apartment aside from sleeping and shit. I wouldn't let that be your deciding factor.

Liteterally doesn't get more kino than this

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Based Star Tunnel poster

God damn, I wish Disney would go all in on stuff like this again

Disneyland/world is popular with adults because it's popular with their children. It's one of the best places to go where everyone can have fun.

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Lucky enough to see this when Disneyland reintroduced it after Michael Jackson died. Shame it's gone now and probably never to return, the "ride"/movie was top notch and really fun.

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just tell everyone you're bisexual so you get twice as many hand jobs on the Peoplemover

Adults who love Disneyworld are literally all victims of sexual abuse as children.