Who's hyped for the next Simonkino?

"The Plot Against America imagines an alternate American history told through the eyes of a working-class Jewish family in Newark, New Jersey, as they watch the political rise of Charles Lindbergh, an aviator-hero and xenophobic populist, who becomes president and turns the nation toward fascism."

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Why the hell would they go after Lindbergh of all people?

just imagine

he was a nazi sympathizer

Fuck off It's out tomorrow, comeback then you fucking shill

The Jews killed his child

He also fought in WW2 and was extremely integral in developing aviation strategy in the PAcific Theatre of the war. But I guess Jewish oppression fantasies are more important than destroying a heroes reputation. We Wz Genocided In New Joisey!

Imagine a country putting the well being of its own citizens and native born people ahead of strangers who feel like moving there. It's horrifying

what's your problem dude?

the important part that goes with this story is his symapathy for nazis.

my problem? what's his problem

Some people may think demonizing someone who fought against the Empire of Japan and risked their life to help end WW2 is a bit craven, tasteless, unseemly etc

Jews have no morals.

>john turdturro
I couldn't watch this shit even if I wanted

>Lindberg disappears because Nazis and Roosevelt is elected and we enter WW2 anyway and the Jews live happily ever after

Whoa. Compelling story telling.

He was a nazi sympathizer and an apologist, refused take up arms against Germany during the war, shit,he actually wanted to move to Germany during he early days of WW2, and only supported the pacific front because of Pearl Harbor. Doing an alternative timeline story where he turns the country into a fascist state akin to Nazi germany, a country he openly admired and praised, after becoming president is entirely fine when it is rooted to views he openly spouted.

It’s not demonizing when it’s fairly accurate to what he was like in real life and drawing inspiration to tell a fictional account of a world where Lindbergh gain power and starts advocating his bigoted views as policy. He was known to have anti-semitic views and was good friends with Henry Ford, another well known anti-semite. There’s even an actual famous quote about how whenever the two met they would spend their time talking about Jews.

okay rabbi

>Moishe, the whites are starting to wake-up, what do we do?
>churn-out 6,000,000 anti-nazi films and tie them thematically into Blumpfs election
yeah I don't think it's gonna work. You're going to have go with plan B where you designate any white who advocates for white interests as a terrorist and drone strike them.

He was based, redpilled, good-looking, a real American hero and real human being

Lindbergh was sympathetic towards the Nazis and pretty famous/respected. If you were going to make an alternate history story about a fascist leader rising to power in 30s/40s America, he's not a terrible choice

How is any of this bad? Nothing criminal, un-American or evil so far, just a taste for a form of politics which is no longer acceptable in polite (i.e. braindead) society

This was also a book from 20 years ago, but I wouldn’t expect anyone on this board to be aware of anything beyond reddit memes and catchphrases

If antisemitism is at an all-time high, wouldn't it make more sense to be conciliatory instead of becoming MORE aggravating and antagonistic?

It seems like a poor choice to go "these are the reasons people hate us, so let's double and triple down on them and show those fucking goyim who's boss"

Philip Roth was a screeching kike for the entire 85 years of his life and accidental ingestion of his propaganda only makes readers WANT to rev up the gas

>Let’s placate the people who hate us.

>If antisemitism is at an all-time high
it isn't the only people that hate jewish people are semi-retarded internet weirdos.

"Let's increase the people that hate us"

Shit, look at the new war on Roald Dahl. Guy literally fought in a war against Nazis and must now be forever destroyed for saying everything Hitler did was wrong, but maybe Hitler singled out jews for a good reason

Keep telling yourself that even as the Black Israelite plunges the knife into you, ya fucking hooknose.

Also Muslims

I get your point. White Gentiles treat all non-whites like sacred cows and the only thing they get in return is more hate and more demands. Separation is the only real answer to interracial or inter-ethnic hate. I wish all people had their own ethno-state, everyone would be a lot happier

Informing people about the horrors of hate and bigotry is beneficial even if alt-right nazi apologists get angry.

>save jews in ww2
>in return they constantly mock and deride your nation and society
what's their problem?



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What are they mocking? There was a lot of public sympathy for the nazis and fascism in the US during the 1930s and even at the very beginning of WWII (before we got involved of course). The people writing this show aren't making anything up by saying that a fascist candidate could have gotten support in this time period.

Look at this man. His ancestors were imported to the country on a slave ship likely owned by a jew. Later, jewish legislators helped set him free, jewish activists gave him equal rights, a plethora of jewish organizations gave his family free food and housing, and today a jewish lawyer represents him after he went into a synagogue on Hannukah and stabbed five jews.

You truly are a fascinating group of stupid fucking assholes.

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wtf i love lindbergh now

>more shit about Nazis/fascism


>you have to love the jews
>two guys talked bad about the jews
>nah he hated jews so we can say whatever we want about him

J*ws are amoral cowards.

The eternal "ooyyyy veeyyyy" is so grating that eventually someone will silence it. It happened over and over before and will surely happen again.

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They just become easy targets when times are tough because they're often linked with banking/finance
>and will surely happen again.

>mommy Winona

>period of history where land of the free literally declared nips as inhuman enemies and herded them into camps as potential saboteurs
>make it about MUH NATZEES and MUH HOLOCAST
Is there seriously just some innate neuroticism in jews that causes them to go too far and do shit like this? It's like the achilles heel that's stopped them from completely taking over the world.

>father coughlin
>huey long
when did real american patriotism die bros? now all conservatives are controlled opposition

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stop projecting. It's obvious, at least to anyone with two brain-cells to rub together, that Jews hate whites. And they'll continue to hate whites no matter how much white people bend-over backwards to accommodate them. Politely asking jews to stop being assholes and wrecking communities isn't ultra, extreme, neo-nazi, bigoted hatred

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he had the radical idea that americans should not be involved in a european war

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his airplane escapades were what led to everything wrong in the world

Where the hell is this guy's estate/descendants? If there were plans to make a film that portrayed my grandfather in an untrue, fantasized light I'd be on the phone the second the script passed through the hands of the studio.

You dishonest motherfuckers were crying just six months ago about how wrong it was to make a fictional supernatural horror TV show about the Japanese-American internment camps. You people are never happy.

Basically... The Holocaust happened, so anyone who felt sympathy with Hitler's political project (rather wider than "kil al joos xdddd") is fair game in the next propaganda venture.
It's all so tiresome, Yas Forumsbros

he's a stand in for white america, the thing jews loathe and fear

>You people
I'm sorry, what exactly do you mean by that; "you people"?

They were crying because the show was shit. Ratings dropped 67% between Boat season and Boohoo Weeaboo season, do you think the audience were just that overwhelmingly stormfags?

What's wrong with her heel?

it was swollen with sadness about the immigration situation

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But it’s all more or less based on historical facts. Lingbergh was famous for being a nazi sympathizer and an anti-semite who kept trying to stop the country to fight the Nazis or even giving aid to countries fighting Germany. And this is a alternative history show where they simply apply his public personal political opinions to government policy when he wins the presidency.

Who was crying? not me at any rate (although I think season 1 of the Terror which was about, wel, the actual Terror, was quite sufficient). This argument only really works against a specific person to show he's inconsistent, you're just fighting your self-formed idea of the Yas Forums hiveminded, which is a little too convenient

Understandable... i cri evritiem

If you need to read something by Roth, read Portnoy's Complaint. It's an eye opener.

read the Holocaust Industry by Norman Finklestein and youll never want to watch any of this shit again

They were crying about the show the second it was announced what the subject matter was for the second season. Countless threads where people were trying to dismiss the entire historical fact and say it was just SJW propaganda to bring it up now.

Ok, so it's untrue then, that was the point I believe?

To be fair, that's judging intentions, which can be hard to fathom... in the current political climate, it's very likely, but if it's well made and not a pure cringefest (like HBO Watchmen or last Dr Who), fair enough. I haven't seen it btw


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>working-class Jewish family

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