>let me decorate our apartment
fucking women
>let me decorate our apartment
fucking women
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Incredibly based, fuck women.
i bet you have to water them too
I want to decorate my room with animal skulls
Would look a lot nicer if you got rid of that ugly tv
apart from the tacky buddha face pot i see nothing wrong with it
Looks nice apart form having to awkwardly stand on a ladder and water them twice a week.
Bitch, where are the Chia Pets?
>mixing stone, different kind of woods and metal surfaces
>different kind of angle brackets
>cables not hidden
Better hunt 'em down yourself.
wat? shrek doesn't even have hair
>honey, can you water all 345 plants?
Scouser Shrek?
He's got a jheri curl thing going on there
I had a Mr. T chia pet, it was actually pretty unsettling when it grew out
All this clutter is really distracting, they already get to decorate the entire house, they could at least leave the kino station alone.
>tfw there are five plant pots in my room right now
I decorated it myself.
>What do you get when you guzzle down sweets
Except for the fact that you'll have to water them right behind the electronics, it looks pretty based
>Diabetes and life as a NEET
>I cleaned up your room, user!
only basic bitches get one of every kind of plant they can find.
How to you even write on a carpet?
Didn't he OD on benzos and turn himself into a vegetable?
Piss on it
RIP in peace that TV when she spills water on it while trying to water the plants.
Would change the lighting, put up some non-poverty shelving, and mount that ‘vision to the wall
Those are plants designed for women. No need to put water, they let them die and buy another one.
This is what my gf is doing to our apartment right now. Honestly it doesn’t look bad but it’s a little cluttered.
That being said, if i ever live alone my apartment will probably look like this
Looks great
>letting woman decide how your property should look like
She would never let you do the same. Grow some fucking balls.
Your forgot,
>Raw plywood
>Plants that need water
Nigga gonna get bugs
Get rid of the shitty tv and put larger plants on the credenza and it would be even more comfy.
OP is being made to tend the herbs that will eventually be mixed to chemically castrated
ugly cheap looking wallpaper. nothing worse than wallpaper trying to mimic a textured surface like a brick or stone accented wall. those peel and stick backsplashes meant to mimic tile is almost as bad too.
I can smell this room. God I hate current design trends. Why do they hate wood? Why do they hate carpet? Why do they hate walls?
no one hates carpet, you just probably have ugly worn out and dated carpet
Because everything else gets packaged with pictogram instructions so you can hire any idiot to help you install and still charge most of what wood costs. It's not my thing, but most people wouldn't know to even find a lumber yard.
So? You should get at least 40 years out of good carpet. Stop being wasteful.
My furniture consists of a recliner, a bed without rails or a headboard, one of those wooden spools that I set my TV and PS4 on.
That's it. No pictures, no posters nothing. Why do I need more? Why have bullshit plants to water an care for?
she cute
Because you have been brainwashed to be proud of living like cattle.
As long as you have your 4x4 pod and your internet machine you are happy, based goy.
Live like your ancestors, they weren't cattle.
ask me how I know you have depression and no gf
> I need shit everywhere
My ancestors were ignorant serfs who thought a magic man in the sky granted wishes. More shit means more shit that will break
post more awful looking living rooms
no joke they have him in a coma ward in siberia
>behatted supreme gentleman actually buying into le ebin just another animal maymay
> Muh fedora meme proves there is a genie in the sky granting wishes
All females do this, it's called "nesting". they're marking their territory and building a comfortable space to start a family, as women need to feel comfortable to mate.
That lounge looks like a fucking bathroom.
not that this room looks any good, but what, you'd put your pulp fiction poster & pickle rick figurines there instead? fucking lmao
I got you covered, senpai
I bought a brand new small apartment and I'm gonna get the keys in 1 or 2 months (if the corona doesn't kill us all or fucks up everything).
Convince me I shouldn't put movie posters in frames.
not here, not with that shit, no
Women get sad if you don't let them "nest". Just deal with the plants, pussy.
>Buying at the absolute peak of a 9 year bullrun, right before a recession that most investment banks anticipate will be worse than the 2008 recession
God damn, this must be one of the worst fucking feelings one can have.
My first thought after I saw that pic. Whoever designed that is a tasteless moron.
You can use the extra oxygen
pick up one of these bad boys
the best thing about abundant decoration is when you have to clean. It's so fun having to remove all the pots, vases, portraits and other crap to clean them and the furniture that holds them.