Found out the love of your life is already someone else's

>found out the love of your life is already someone else's
Kinos for this feel?

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>my preference is brown
based /ourboy/ega not into miscegenetics


Based af non race mixer.

or perhaps some sour grapes

I thought social medias snowflakes hate Boyega now?

Boyega gay

Did this thicc hipped short gay man really need to state his ethnic preference? What a bigot

imagine if a white person said "Besides my preference is more....erm..... white"

>getting engaged to a barren woman with endometriosis
based boyega dodging the hag

based beta black boi settling for his own kind because he knows he's not good looking or famous enough to land a quality white roastie

If a (semi) famous white person would say this it would be career ending social suicide.

I just did. Nobody cares


if they said they preferred white women sure, i'm sure they could also say they prefer brown women and get good press from it


Yes I can see the AI-generated headlines and boomer-news articles now

lmao not even the nigger likes this tranny looking bong

Yep, a fault of the Left that needs correcting with rope or flame.

He just knows the territory, unlike you mudbloods Brits don’t mix. It’s our deranged and barren old women that fuck them for mere attention.

you sound deranged


But why would anyone do such a thing?


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Since it would be an extremely gauche and racist and David Brent-tier sad cringe to say "I don't even like white women anyway" I have to assume that by brown he means male ass holes

>and....erm..... masculine
The guy is obviously gay. Nothing wrong with that, but it's amazing how many people can't see it.

>white dude says "my preference is white"
Gets cancelled and will be labelled as a racist for the rest of his life

I would love to use Daisy as my own personal cumdump. I would train her to ride my penis at the drop of a hat and be thankful of the opertunity to do so. She would be forbidden from wearing clothes, of course. I might allow her to wear something to keep my copious amounts of cum from dripping out of her unwashed snatch. I would teach her that her only purpose in life is to accept my seed in her barren, useless womb and that is all her worthless body will ever be good for. A literal living masturbatory tool.

based obsessed redditor

oh no nono this is recent. I thought this must have been months ago. He is still fucking at this

Nothing wrong with it tbqhwyf. If you had the choice between dinner with Daisy or Denzel who would you pick?

I'mma come clean, I'm gangsta, but I gotta say shorty's cute

Holy based Boyega hating JJ for putting them together in a romantic relationship
WTF I love him now!?

Ugly. Both of them, completely ugly.
Look at that photo. Someone decided those two should hold the leading roles in a multi-billion dollar franchise. Absolutely hideous.

because you are enemy occupied

True, imagine if a white celebrity said what he said but with brown replaced with white. It would literally be on the news and there’d by discussions on female talk shows about him

looks like someone did a glamorous photo shoot of the people that work/shop at one charity shop


Eh daisy is cute

So he wasn't mad that Rey ended up with Kylo?

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>my preference is...erm... not niggers

he wasn't mad at all he was actually laughing. He thought it was funny. And he was glad because he doesn't like yucky white girls


based groid self segregating
thats rare and should be applauded

What the fuck were they thinking

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Based and quadpilled

For me, it is ebony kweens.

I have a girlfriend but she lives in Africa so you can't meet her

they all look so fucking monged

you are 100% skinny, have one deformed feature and basement dwelling level pale

good boy.

>5 years and 3 movies of him being in love with rey and getting cucked by the bad boy
>5 years and 3 movies of constant social media retardation like laying pipe
>Now that it's all over and he never got any the grapes suddenly are too sour for him
what a fucking asshole

Because white people can't read between the lines.

In here Boyega is just saying he'd never date Daisy because she's ugly. He adds that he preferred black women as to not insult her or put her on blast. He would no doubt date a white woman that's actually above 5/10, Daisy just doesn't meet the minimum cut.

White dudes will some out of nowhere and say "I hate black women and will ONLY date white women!!!!" without realizing why they're virgins to begin with.

Has he been called out for his racism?

Holy fuck lil black boi you lost, get over it

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>besides my preference is more...erm...male

poor black Israelite lost another one its rough b

>my preference is.. Erm.. More brown
Hello? Based police? White women truly deserve the bullet.

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Stfu Callie, you dense bitch

Based Bodegar's not giving in to the xeno. /ournog/ indeed and forever.

Serves you right wh*te boi

Why pay for the cow when you already get the milk for free? Seething wh*Tebois.

because the cow in this instance is oscar isaac you silly billy niggy