/I Am Jazz/ General - Season finale soon

Discuss this TV show and post OC. Season 6 is likely ending early due to Jazz becoming suicidal (see webms), and there might not be another season after this. Jeanette says his mental breakdowns are unrelated to being trans though. Fear not trannies, this show totally isn't ending on a low anti-tranny note. They will contrive plenty of positive upbeat notes next episode so that retarded normies can pretend that broadcasting this kid's life has been a net-positive for the trans-community, as opposed to being a freakshow like TLC's other programs.


>Twisted Sister: "Were not going to take it" Jazz Parody vocaroo.com/cwW5QekV9vW
>Remastered: vocaroo.com/h4mNOjjZb00

>Dire Straits: "Money for Nothin" Jazz Parody: vocaroo.com/31i1WPs6LPU
>Remastered: vocaroo.com/9FzkeuLbZwK

>Butthole Surfers: "Pepper" Jazz Parody vocaroo.com/4DNipwnrvjO
>Remastered: voca.ro/e09inxplv3W

>Gotye: "Somebody that I used to know" Jazz Parody vocaroo.com/iZpbj7Md1Q9
>Remastered: voca.ro/nFc7swOPsa4

>Gassing Kikes and Trannies: vocaroo.com/3hUbVJDP6Qg

>Rage Against the Machine: "Bulls On Parade" Jazz Parody voca.ro/gWrWjOAZo7r


>Endocrinologists view of "I am Jazz" (Completely demolishes it) youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=iYw0iq3tVug&feature=emb_logo

>Why we need Jazz threads youtube.com/watch?v=5zdyLsgXQ0Y

Attached: happy graduation jazz!.png (1672x1016, 1.75M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off back to Yas Forums

Reminder that Jeanette herself said this wasn't the fault of bullying and society's lack of acceptance.

Attached: NOT bully NOT society.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

This is a show that is currently airing on TLC.

And it had nothing to do with the puberty blocking drugs fucking up his brain development. No no no the Bloshinsky family is quite sure of that.

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If you are a lurkfag who only tunes into these threads and not the show, these next three webms are for you. (1/3)

Attached: metldown1.webm (640x480, 2.96M)

What's with the tiara?

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Grandma Nora btfoing everyone this season has been great

(2/3) meltdown scene continues

Attached: meltdown2.webm (640x480, 2.95M)

Damn it TLC! Keep the show running! I need my fix.

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there must always be a tranny king

Attached: meltdown3.webm (640x480, 3M)


Pot calling the kettle black

will ACK and grandpa get Corona'd?

Of course. Forgive my ignorace.

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I have sex nearly every day lol, im in a healthy lesbian polygamous relationship with my girlfriend

Thank you for starting the new thread, and for curating the massive archive of OC.

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Fuck you, Corona-kun! Holding up my jizz supply!

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I wonder what exactly it would take for Jeanette to actually admit this whole thing was a mistake

>no penis involved
lol retard

>what exactly it would take for Jeanette to actually admit this whole thing was a mistake
jazz becoming a neo-nazi trump supporter

Turns out, the real horror was the reality show we watched all along.

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user they're...probably not a real lesbian....

jazz killing her, and her apologizing right before.

we both have a penis...

Siccoring counts because clitorises are pseudo penises.

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Are they going to make a special for his suicide?

I admittedly haven't watched a single episode of this shit, but are they serious when they say Jazz has "struggled" as a person? Jazz comes off as extremely spoiled and privileged.

>I wonder what exactly it would take for Jeanette to actually admit this whole thing was a mistake
Jazz's hole healing shut, wasting $ 250 000.

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Upgraded the quality of some of my older webms. First episode was great but I think the last episode passed it slightly, although that might be recency bias talking.

Attached: It'sFullofScars.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

I'm sure it'll be tasteful.

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Fucking hell. That dialogue.

He's really coddled and receives tons of support, and is already personally rich from the show. I guess Jazz means he's struggled despite that somehow, similar to how he struggles with acknowledging basic reality. If he were walking in the shoes of the average tranny he wouldn't be with us still.

Attached: TheDickStrikesBack.webm (640x480, 2.85M)

Jazz is extremely spoiled, has had everything handed to him on a silver platter. But he is extremely volatile and has been on anti-depressants since he was 11.

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Jazz breaks down in tears if challenged on his world view. I don't think he knows fake hysteria from the real thing anymore.

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You know, I know these types of people are absolute masters of cognitive dissonance, but it still amazes me how she manages to acknowledge that Jazz is mentally fragile and it isn't even society or bullying that's the cause, it's pretty much Jazz itself.

But in the very end, she still goes along with the trans bullshit. Why? It's why these ideologies CAN'T hold up. Because deep down literally everyone knows that it's fucked up.

It probably doesn't help that people are complaining about her lips online.

what is teratoma?

Jazz is a mish mash of depression, hormone abuse, drugs, mutilation and severe mental illness. God knows where one ends and the next one begins.

What if the true teratoma was the friends we made along the way?

It's when your brother in law has teeth and hair growing out of the wound in his ass.

Jojo better get SRS next season. Can't keep the fans waiting.

Attached: jojo and noelle.jpg (845x475, 69.12K)

Attached: Mental Sanity Montage.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

The mutilation is a recent development, all of his problems existed prior to this. But I'm really betting on one of these future surgeries getting horrifically botched and we'll see an Oxycontin addiction emerge and that's what'll do Jazz in.

"Struggle" referring to his mental/emotional state, not gay material things.
He's literally be tortured by his parents with psyops, drugs and surgery his whole life. Hardly a privileged, I'd take being a poorfag over that.

Do you think Noelle will ever find happiness now that he cut his penis off and can no longer go back to being a man?

No. Noelle will be the first one on the show to join the 41%

Yeah, I'd rather be poor but keep my dick and baws. Masturbation is a big part of my life.

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Jazz will find a way to be at the center of Noelle's surgery.

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Will Jazz be at the center of his suicide note? These are big think questions now that need answers?


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Ari looks 30

Whatever you do, do NOT google it.

Whatever happens, it will not be because of the surgeries and hormones.

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Eat shit, where else can I discuss my favorite family-oriented body-horror drama?

Also Yas Forums is always right.

WTF is this shit? How can they justify airing this?

You would age badly too with jazz in the house.

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it's progressive

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Ari is like yo wtf why am i related to these niggas?

Excuse me, SIR. I am Jazz is an educational, inspirational tale of bravery in the face of bigotry.

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It's dull, soapy shite for women. You've got no genuine reason to follow it but then you're a pretty substandard man in general.

>spoilered image in a jazz thread

I'm a brave man but not that brave

I can't tell which one of them is wearing more makeup.

Remember the good times.

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>[jazz's cock speaking]
>i used to think my life was a tragedy, but now i realize... its a comedy

a teratoma's one of those weird tumors with hair and teeth

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It's the scariest show on Yas Forums

eat it for 5k?

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