Cast it

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fucking phonehomo

This guy.

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Haha interesting read, thanks OP.

fuck china

who is that?

Chris Carter

Imagine being ch*nese lol, man that would suck.

>The answer is simple: We EAT our enemies!

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>Zhang Xun had long wanted to give the Yan morale a major blow, and the best way to do this would be to hurt or kill the Yan general Yin Ziqi. However, in an age before photography, the problem was that Zhang had no idea what Yin Ziqi looked like, not to mention he would be in a mix of soldiers. Zhang therefore turned to psychology. He ordered his troops to shoot weeds, instead of arrows, at a few enemy soldiers. When these soldiers noticed that they were being shot by weeds, hence were not killed, they were overjoyed. They promptly ran to Yin Ziqi to report that the Tang army had already run out of arrows. Zhang Xun noticed where the soldiers ran and ordered his best archers to shoot at Yin Ziqi. One such arrow hit Yin Ziqi in his left eye, throwing the Yan army instantly into chaos. The siege ended with the expected major blow to the Yan morale.


>be white
>chinks, poos and tacos steal my job
>Tyrone steals muh women
>"w-well at least I can still shitpost on 4channel, r-right my fellow Kekistani MAGApedes?"
The absolute state of wh*te cope

They run out of bats or something?

Seethe harder Chang. Even if white people completely disappeared you'd never matter

Chill out chang

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This. Chinks are so lame if they took over the world people would still laugh at them and their little wieners.

>economy destroyed
>can't even buy fucking toilet paper or drinking water
>outnumbered 5:1 by Chinks
>Jewllywood and Africa bows down to the Yellow Dragon
Keep seething frog boys.

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Tenga, this is just sad.

>outnumbered 5:1
And you STILL have never won a decisive victory in a war under those conditions. Sun Tzu must be so infinitely wrong that he has caused you to have so many military defeats it's embarassing.
>Jews and Africa bow down
Zuckerberg and his Jewish-Chinese lineage is the future for China once Jews decide to go there. And Africans are going to start moving to China in the future so you're going to get blacked hard. If you think white men fucking your women sucks wait until the niggers start. In fact there's already a decent amount of amateur porn stars online from China that fuck black guys when they travel which is pretty embarassing.

t. chinks

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>steal my job
It's not stealing when someone else is willing to do something that you aren't.

no u

Imagine working for 2c an hour and then being proud of it and trying to brag online about it. Asians are pretty sad.

>old men get priority over women

Lmfao the absolute state of vaginas

We'll just release Japan on your ass nad let them finish the job.

>old Chinese farts got to eat pussy
>in the literal sense of the word "eat"

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Jackie chan confirmed for the general.

how can you kill, and EAT that many innocents? WHAT THE FUCK

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typical chinese food, always end up hungry again an hour later.

The Japanese? Those sandal-wearing goldfish tenders? Ha ha! Bosh! Flimshaw!

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>Zhang Xun was able to repel many overwhelming Yan attacks, with less than 10,000 soldiers during each battle. Because of Zhang Xun's determination, the resource-laden southern China did not come under threat from the rebels for almost 2 years. With such a large Yan army held at bay, the Tang were able to use the resources to gather more troops for combat. This gave the Tang enough time to regroup and strike back at Yan.
Why didn't they just send more reinforcements? They had 2 entire years to rescue them. All the more so if they "had time to regroup".

Do you think the Chinese had invented gutter oil 3000 years ago?

Shouldn't be sharting yourself in some line in Wal*Mart while picking up your overpriced autism medicine, tranny?

How do you shoot weeds?

This was before modern communication and modern war, I'd imagine that getting a long term siege was the ultimate goal but what I don't understand what so ever is why the defenders would eat the civilians they are trying to protect rather than breaking out of the siege itself or I don't know, arming the populace and forcing a pitched battle.

eating your own population is beyond evil

>Shouldn't be sharting yourself in some line in Wal*Mart while picking up your overpriced autism medicine, tranny?
go to bed chink

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>black death started in China
>srars 2003 started in China
>COVD-19 started in China
fix your shithole country

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the chinese "great leap forward" also saw millions die on the level of hitler in WWII or stalin butchery
Cannibalism is a proud chink tradition

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>In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed
make this shit stop, humans are supposed to be better than this

>And you STILL have never won a decisive victory in a war under those conditions.
War isn't the only way to win, retardo. China is winning without firing single shot. The same could never be said for any Western country.

>Zuckerberg and his Jewish-Chinese lineage is the future for China once Jews decide to go there. And Africans are going to start moving to China in the future so you're going to get blacked hard. If you think white men fucking your women sucks wait until the niggers start. In fact there's already a decent amount of amateur porn stars online from China that fuck black guys when they travel which is pretty embarassing.
This right here is some serious wishful thinking HOLY FUCK LOL

>A female militia leader ate 6 human livers in total, and cut the genitals of 5 men and soaked them in alcohol which she would drink later, claiming that these organs were beneficial to her health.

Tang didn't make his troops eat their enemies. They ate each other while watching the siege engines starve. It was a sacrifice, but it crippled Yan.

bros I can't read anymore of this shit, I think I'm gonna vomit

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>thinking it was going to be some ancient shit
Jesus Christ

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>ate all the w*men first
Dangerously based.

>that excerpt where a prostitute is the first to be beheaded for food

Not gonna lie. That was extremely based.


Roll it in a blunt first.

Yes, Chinese people in the last 50 years were literally eating one another as a form of class warfare. And now they pretend they're civilised.

what the fuck is wrong with insectoids

>asshurt white boy and his pet negro thread
Don't you closet queers have MRA/MGTOW online meetings to attend?

>>asshurt white boy and his pet negro thread
>Don't you closet queers have MRA/MGTOW online meetings to attend?

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>In another case of 1968, "a geography instructor named Wu Shufang (吴树芳) was beaten to death by students at Wuxuan Middle School. The body was carried to the flat stones of the Qian river where another teacher was forced at gunpoint to rip out the heart and liver. Back at the school the pupils barbecued and consumed the organs."[6]
>In 2016, Agence France-Presse (AFP) interviewed a local man named Luo who responded, "Cannibalism? I was here then, I went through it. But Wuxuan has developed rapidly in recent years and now. That history 'has no meaning'."[6][14]
What in the absolute god damn.

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Too busy taking over the world.

Isn't it funny that China produces medicine for the US? The medical care you need to fight the virus will come from the very country that virus originated from.

Is this the reason you fags are mad as fuck right now?

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>And this is the reason that if you deny us antibiotics we will literally genocide your entire insectoid race. You guys are on thin ice even here. If the virus gets any worse you guys are getting lynched for sure. Maybe we'll boil you alive like how you do to animals you barbaric, sociopathic insect.
>I honestly can't wait to enlist and kill your women and children while we make you watch. You aren't people so it isn't even immoral. Just soulless automatons without any human heart or moral compass.
>Your people are a joke kek.

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Herro what goin on in dis dread, arr you-

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>collapses on itself because one lab idiot mishandled bioweapon
>>but muh bat soup
ok yellow locust, I believe you
>collapses because local its people eat soup made out of fucking bat
>all that "civilized" reputation being built for decades, crumbles, nobody will take china seriously anymore
>everybody racist to chinese again, and will be for decades
decisive Ching strategic victory
do I need to remind you what happens when you consider yourself the smartest? look at picture, Fifth Pest

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>That history 'has no meaning'

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>The Chinese government eventually resorted to importing 250,000 sparrows from the Soviet Union to replenish their population.
these are criminal levels of self-cucking

Is China really winning when they whore out the common man for backbreaking, cheap labor? Is it not hypocritical for those same laborers to give their undying support to communist leaders when they're being used to give resources to other countries, especially that have been painted as "evil Western devils"?

Ah man, how embarrassing that I got my acetaminophen from some East Asian bootlickers for twenty cents cheaper than I would've in the States -- all cleared by the FDA and on-demand just about anywhere that can stock the stuff. I'll be sure to think about how much of a superpower they are when factory worker Lou Xiang and his poor family are eating rice millet while I'm popping Tylenol and gorging on whatever succulent Chinese meal I feel like.

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is corona really a mishandled bioweapon or are you memeing?

what would war between us and the chinks even look like?