I just watched Infinity Chamber on Prime. pretty solid movie if you liked 'Moon' and 'I am Mother'...

I just watched Infinity Chamber on Prime. pretty solid movie if you liked 'Moon' and 'I am Mother'. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars. Polished and Artistic but ultimately unoriginal in a sense.

pic unrelated AF

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Both fucking suck. Rgular pepperoni pizza (additional toppings if you like) is the only option if you're not a poofer.

>not eating your pizza with pepperoni and fresh hatch green chiles


chicago pizza is incredible and i do not own prime so not sure what youre saying here

Someone was red hot seething making this

>drawing faces on the pizza

I hate women and simps so much

both styles of pizza are dogshit

most local places in cities can make better pizza than stupid NYC kike pizza with 0 sauce or toppings and retarded wet pizza from Chicago you have to eat with a fork

for me it's the classic 'za

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The only pizza worth eating is the super cheesy ones from Dominos

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They both look like shit.
God amerimutts are pathetic.

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Mestre da pizza :)

I hate that we actually have to call it "Detroit Pizza" now, but it is infinitely better than NY or Chicago pizza (I've had them all).

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it's sicilian pizza

That's literally a bruschetta

I thought you were a schizo that sees faces everywhere, but upon inspection the pizzas do have faces. That's so obnoxious.

That’s Little Caesar’s dog

I can tell you're from some cornfield state like iowa or some shit because you've obiously never had pizza from nyc

inb4 "hurr durr i've actually had it" no you didn't now get back to shoveling shit from your barn

nice guess you faggot lmao
I'm from the West coast
I've even been to Italy

NYC niggers are some of the worst faggots in existence, NYC pizza is shit (yes I've been there and had it), literally .0005 oz of sauce and dry as fuck cheese because its been sitting in some shitskins cart for the last 3 hours

fucking nyc niggers are so annoying, arrogant for no reason. everyone fucking hates you faggots

someone post it.

why are New Yorkers so full of themselves?
I've never met people more annoying and boastful



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Chicago Pizza is based, and not some floppy piece of shit.

What you need is a cauliflower crust pizza with pepperoni on it. It tastes just like regular pizza, but the crust is made out of a vegetable instead of bread, so it's better for you and won't make you a fat fuck nearly as easily, plus it also has tomato sauce, cheese and meat. Lots of protein and some veggies with fewer shitty carbs.

never once in my entire life have i heard it referenced as "detroit pizza"


Little Caesar had a dog?

chicago pizza is kino

NY pizza>>>traditional Italian pizza=any other thincrust style>most deep-dish>>>sicilian>>>>>>>>>chicago deepdish (tomato on top)

stay on topic faglords

Your thread sucks fag

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>NY pizza>>>traditional Italian pizza

>folding the slice
who in the actual fuck?


yank atrocity vs yank atrocity

THIS is what a real Chicago pizza looks like. Thin crispy crust, cut into squares. 99.9% of Chicagoans eat this type of pizza when they're ordering pizza. Deep D*sh pizza is literally a tourist only meme.

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For me, it's Lou Malnati's 'go 'za, the best fast food pizza.

>80% of the pizza is some square slice with no crust

literal retard stuff. fuck chicago and fuck the midwest.

those are the best slices tho, FUCK CRUSTFAGS

Why do New Yorkers think they’re so clever for “slam dunking” on Chicago pizza when they just repeat the same decade old Jon Stewart clip?

There's probably no such thing as bad pizza tbqhwy. If I had my choice I'd take a traditional margherita pizza, but even things like Ellios, 7-11 pizza etc aren't bad.

>no crust
what's the problem here?

one bite everybody knows the rules

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I give it a 7.6

Only pizza worth a damn is Sam's Club and Costcos. Sad really

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That is St. Louis style.

detroit style is made with cheddar cheese.

That's midwestern-style, you moron. If they serve it in Chicago (aka the capital of the midwest) then they'll serve it in St. Louis.

>the capital of anything
chug dick nigger

fuck this thread now i want pizza but i don't trust takeout.. my can of chef boyarde is gonna be shit now

>Little Caesar’s
>which is headquartered in Michigan
>Detroit is located in Michigan too

ey, you can't beat a 'go 'za


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learning to make pizza was probably the best thing i have ever done. its cheap as fuck and takes like 10 minutes of prep time.
also dominos, jets, and i think hungry howies or something but michigan is pizza capital of the world.

there are literally no Italians in Illinois, so how the fuck do they claim a pizza?

Why does actual pizza trigger amerifats?

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I want to make a grilled cheese but my microwave is broken, what do Yas Forums?

How would you go about creating a new style of pizza? Different pan? Different type of dough?

Get a toaster, toast the bread, put cheese in between bread when done, then lay flat on top of toaster and let it run

>quad city pizza is actually on this list
Honestly I like it t. Iowafag

I'm American and I mentioned margherita pizza before you did. Good stuff btw

Pizza, is not inherently Italian.

Imagine being this buttblasted over pizza. Never had deep dish and I'll eat whatever style of pizza you want me to eat.

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I don't travel much but there was a brief period in my life where I got the opportunity for a few years to bop around the country and a few places around the world. I have tried both New York and Chicago pizza and while I don't have an opinion much on NY za the one place I tried Chicago pizza at had the worst pizza I have ever eaten. The bread was hard as a rock. Maybe it was the restaurant I was at or something but I couldn't even bite into the damn thing.

>not Cincinnati

self-loathing dipshit roastie detected

dont post an image more interesting than the thread

Chicago pizza is the only style that qualifies as a pie, but only gets called a pie in the tristate.

Americans need like a half inch layer of melted shitty processed cheese

As an unbiased australian with no chicago city or new york city preference i have to say that chicago deep dish pizza is objectively the superior pizza.

Just noticed that, you can barely see them so why even bother with le epib random reaction face shit?

you may be unbiased but you're also unqualified to make that assessment