Watch "Contagion" thinking it will ease my COVID 19 anxiety

Watch "Contagion" thinking it will ease my COVID 19 anxiety


It... it cant get that bad... r... right guys??

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Have you read a single piece of literature on Covid-19?

Did you know it's literally a cold virus?

Did you know the death rate is literally several times lower than the flu?

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>Did you know the death rate is literally several times lower than the flu?
Literally the opposite is true.

as of now the death rate is over 30 times more than the flu

No, it won't because that particular chink nightmare bat stew virus had a 25%+ mortality rate, no shown recoveries, and killed within a couple days without medical intervention

>Did you know the death rate is literally several times lower than the flu?
even some normalslime know this isnt true by now. embarrassing tbqh

If you're 60+ with advanced athsma sure.

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Flu Mortality: .01% for most people
Covid-19 Mortality: .2% for people under 40, and 20% for people over 80.

It is way, way more deadly than the flu. If you young and healthy you still have a 1/500 chance of dying from it. You have better odds with most cancers.

no you fucking retarded frogposter, even in young people the % is higher, yet very low in general, 0,2% at the lowest for anyone up until 50 and 15% at the highest for anyone 80+

In young adults. Children will have minor to no symptoms

The future is going to be the young skinny and healthy fucking like bunnies and instituting communism while the old world and the old people in charge crumbles

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supply chains are already failing everywhere bro, it's over

>Did you know the death rate is literally several times lower than the flu?
Wrong faggot

it can but it won't, Contagion's fictional virus was far more virulent and seemed to kill anyone regardless of preexisting health conditions or age.

It's. Just. The. Flu.

oh ok, thanks for putting my mind at ease anonymous stranger from Yas Forums's television and film board.

In the same way that a fender bender and a head on collision are both car crashes

I remember when Contagion first came out people's main criticism was that such an event was impossible.

It's less deadly than the flu even

layman criticism probably, H1N1 was only a pandemic 2 years prior and bird flu 7 years prior.

>It... it cant get that bad... r... right guys??
the MEV-1 was way more lethal than COVID-19. that being said, that movie has been watched way more recently for a reason


This is bad

Won't be that bad... It'll be worse, unironically.

And I've never in my entire life known anyone to die of the flu or flu-related illness.

much worse

You gonna keep spouting this when your mom dies?

What happened with those again? Fucking nothing?


Terrorism, recession and radiation didn't kill me in the past 20 years, I'm not panicking over the latest scarebait supercrisis, if it gets me then fuck it

death rate is from confirmed cases, that is 5k from 150k-ish. If they tested everyone in the continent, the death rate would drop under 1% worldwide.


Who said that? People have been saying that such a pandemic has been possible for decades.

deaths are doubling every 2-3 days. steady exponential growth. it will be a million by mid april in italy at this rate. pic related.

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corona sneedrus

While COVID 19 is pretty serious, the people who are panicking like it's the apocalypse are fucking retarded and irresponsible and are just going to make things worse than they need to be. This mass hysteria is fucking pathetic. Just take the proper precautions and stop spreading paranoia.

>a million
there are already more than 70000 recovery cases. But I can agree if those million are boomers only.

formerly 29 times more than the flu

Who else here /hoping this turns into a full blown hundreds-of-thousands-dead situation because women don’t want to fuck us (even after the “dude just lower your standards lmao” meme) and coworkers + management all treat us like shit/ here

Just smee

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This might affect the management issue since the disease is deadliest for older people but it would do little to solve any issues you have with coworkers or women, assuming you weren't trying to fuck grannies.

As long as the normalfaggots suffer, I’m golden.

reported to fbi

Healthy normies are the least likely to suffer and if you work with others you're just as likely to catch it as anyone else.

jewish media psychoses. Even this board can't escape from their tricks. I mean, just look at this thread.

>waaaaahhhhhhh mister FBI agent, this stranger online said he hopes people die from the viiiiiiiiiruuuuuuus!!!!
That’s even more pathetic than my post dude

Their parents and grandparents will die from it and that’s what counts

reported because you sound like typical school/office/public area-shooters.

It’s against the rules to announce a report, concernsoi. Enjoy your ban!

I've been pretty chill but now my mental health is rapidly tumbling down.
I'm more terrified of people than the stupid virus itself

Pathetic incel

*nods respectfully toward you*
You better file a report to the FBI just for safe measure

Can anyone tell my why the

CEO of Linkedin
CEO of Salesforce
CEO of Disney
CEO of Mastercard

all stepped down either on February 25 or within a month prior?

Unless COVID suddenly mutates to 5% mortality rate, it shouldn't get that bad. We should still try to limit exposure to it, but it's not a Hollywood level virus yet.

Seething normalfaggot, the virus doesn’t differentiate between faggots like you and incels and that’s what scares you. And you need to be scared, you deserve it :^)

>go to grocery store
>completely out of soap, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, medicine, rice, beans, milk, eggs

>check on amazon
>same thing
>can't even buy a thermometer to see if I'm dying

it's all ogre

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Uh because the shareholders lost confidence in their abilities to manage the companies amid the pandemic? I'm assuming these are all publicly owned.

H1N1 ended up killing far more people than even the highest COVID-19 estimates predict and it became a seasonal flu that is still around to this day. That's what people are trying to prevent, the actual virus is hardly dangerous, but the first year is always the worst since the spread isn't slowed by antibodies or a vaccine

all I'm hoping for is that it kills a lot of niggers and kikes. npcs are irrelevant also

But it’s just the flu dude lmao :^)
Reported to the FBI for scaring my delicate feelings

China money dried up

Stop getting your information from Trump, user lol

.2% does not mean everyone rolls a 500 sided die and hopes for the best. That is a deliberate misrepresentation of the data. Retard.

>prentending you don't have any friends or family who are 60+

>But it’s just the flu dude lmao :^)
This but unironically

Why are you announcing your condition user? Nobody asked

What does it matter if you can get reinfected

No it isn't. But the Spanish Flu was. It killed 17-100 million people.

Literally what do Jews have to benefit from telling people to be cautious in the wake of a real risk? You're mentally ill

My throat has been burning for the last few days. Do I have it?

This is the most embarassing thing I have ever read. Kill yourself before you further kill my faith in the human race lmao

"The first wave of the 1918 pandemic occurred in the spring and was generally mild. The sick, who experienced such typical flu symptoms as chills, fever and fatigue, usually recovered after several days, and the number of reported deaths was low.

However, a second, highly contagious wave of influenza appeared with a vengeance in the fall of that same year. Victims died within hours or days of developing symptoms, their skin turning blue and their lungs filling with fluid that caused them to suffocate. In just one year, 1918, the average life expectancy in America plummeted by a dozen years."

Is this possible with corona?


It matters because you know recovery is highly possible if they are infected again. And the recovery rate is hiking much faster than the mortality.

that's the normal reaction to taking an oral creampie

>Is this possible with corona?
it's already occurred, there's two strains, one much deadlier than the other. S and L respectively, I think the more deadly strain ended up in Iran and possibly Italy.

It's just a fancy flu. Who gives a shit

>telling people to be cautious
>do it in intimidative waves of news all day long. Amplifying fear rather than calm.
They want chaos and population control.

This is literally why people are being told to be cautious. Its already been shown to come back in patients who were already cured and if it mutates it would be a fucking shit show.
Anyone who doesn't understand this and laughs it off without taking the proper steps is a retard and a danger to the rest of us who use our minds

I hear tommaco cures corona

Everyone who isn't a dipshit who thinks they're too cool for school lmao

Haha cool man, I trust 1918 medical science and aid over 2020 any day!