Chart thread

post charts
rec me some kino

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You fucked up, big time.

yeah thats the only anime i've actually ever liked

That's one too many.

lol, i can understand why you would think.
that to each their own i guess
i mainly like it cause of the gnostic/esoteric themes

holy fuk i think im havig a stroke

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holy shit what an awful chart

>those digits

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pleb detected

ok adult man who watches kids movies

You should watch Cache, great film

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based kidfucker

Have you seen all the Herzog/Kinski films? Those and Stroyzeck.
Too many Lynch and Kubrick

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A&tCm meet Frankenstein is also kino

Aguirre was disappointing for me personally

Why the adoration for William Castle? I respect him as an entertainer and the gimmicks are an interesting anomaly in the American cinema but I wouldn't consider the films of his that I've seen (The Tingler, House on Haunted Hill, Homicidal) good per se.

Lol glad to see someone else posting some charts here! If you haven't seen Spontaneous Combustion or Lilith I think you could dig those flicks. Also I wonder what you'd think of this AMV I made:

I could see you digging Panic in Needle Park.

Hello again! Did you ever get the chance to check out those recc's I gave you a while ago (Fandango and Greetings)?

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I've watched 3/4 of your chart and I can confirm these are great, will check out the others later. Thanks for sharing

cool thanks, got any recs?

holy based taste

more like shart lmao


Anyone has charts for chink/hong kong/east asian kinos?

>Toho monster kinos

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Godzilla Raids Again isn't even top 10

sure, my favorite film is Synecdoche New York, it kind of feelsy and artsy so I don't know if you would like it.
Also check out Magnolia, There Will be Blood and Boogie Nights if you haven't already.
I've seen Buster Scruggs recently and it's pretty good.
As an argie I feel obligated to recommend The Secret in Their Eyes (the original) too

It's the arthouse cinema of the monster flicks

Good taste. Would recommend the rest of Kitano's 90s filmography.
Would recommend this if you liked Freddy Got Fingered:

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I can barely take credit for finding these flicks tho. Just from my top 10, The Swimmer, Bobby Deerfield, and Lilith are all films that seemed to influence Vincent Gallo, Spontaneous Combusion was because Josiah Morgan convinced me to go through Tobe Hooper chronologically, and Home Sweet Home is because Broops convinced me that I should delve into DW Grifith's early stuff. I think pretty much every film in my grid would be a concrete canonized IMDB top 250 classic if people were privy to the greater context of their creation.

You ever see Rumble Fish? I could see you digging that.

If you ain't seen Abel Ferrera's stuff, particularly King of New York or Bad Lieutenant, you might find something cool there. Also I could see you digging Scarecrow.

Not on the chart but Gorath is also one of the most overlooked monster flicks that deserves more attention

Still waiting for a Blu-ray release

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>Dude the true villain is FRENCH COLONIALISM AND RACISM
Absolute garbage.

Had the wrong movie on it

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great seeing Quadrophenia user
excellent seeing specifically Hiroshima Mon Amour, Swimmer and Le Eclisse, very good taste. Couple odd movies here though, what did you enjoy about Speed Racer?
>Fires on the Plain
very good

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>Rumble Fish
never head of it, I'll check it out later

Baby of Macon has a really weird premise. I guess I'll see it anyways but it is a hard sell

Wtf I hate the mods now!?

I have to ask, what is it that you enjoy about To The Wonder? Of all of Malick's filmography.

Haneke is the biggest hack alive.

I remember thinking Speed Racer was this joyous, colorful, passionate ode to what it means to commit oneself to craft. Similar to the way I adored Shymalan's movies, I thought the Wachowskis were symbiotically working with the blockbuster machine to produce legitimately crafted, earnest works that were clear enough to draw a mass audience (which ideally is what all blockbusters to be). My tastes have been shifting lately so I'm not sure if I were to deep dive those same directors again I'd feel the same way, but I remember feeling so passionately for Speed Racer in particular that I thought I'd include it in my chart to include that aspect of my taste. Also you got some great chocies on your chart yourself! I think you'd get a ton out of The Rain People if you haven't seen it.

Before checking out Macon I'd really recommend watching some earlier Greenaway first. His 90's period overall is really esoteric and sometimes hard to parse, so starting with some like Draughtsman's Contract or The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover would be a better way to get yourself situated.

I remember reading this article that I haven't been able to locate since that was able to trace a bunch of the film's imagery to this girlfriend Malick once had that died, and, although I had loved a great deal of the film on first watch, rewatching the film with that in mind it all clicked together. It's an embarrassingly earnest ode to a dead chick and that's cool as hell with me. I think to be totally honest Knight of Cups might be the more personally resonant Malick for me, but I appreciate the fact that To the Wonder exists more.

What are some classics to redpill you that Ari Aster is a pseudo-intellectual hack

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I've seen King of New York and thought it was decent. Bad Lieutenant is on my list. Scarecrow looks very interesting.
I'm interested in seeing the Shinya Tsukamoto remake at some point. Feels like the kind of story he'd do a great job retelling.
Going off your taste in war movies, I'd recommend The Red and White, Paisan, and Grand Illusion.

Went ahead and revised my list since The Bad Sleep Well actually came out in the 60s and is my favorite of the two movies where Mifune plays a businessman.

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How anyone can watch Strange Thing About the Johnsons and not come to that conclusion on their own is beyond me. In interviews he always talks about how much he loves classic intense drama and horror films, but its clear he has no idea that they can articulate anything beyond a quick emotional shock.

Some solid as hell choices! I saw this film the other night called Some Call It Loving that I think would be right up your alley, and I also think you'd get a great deal out of Lilith.

Hey I remember you! You ever check out Lifeforce?

Scarecrow's so so so good man, there's no movie like that one. Also if those first two Ferrera's don't strike a particular chord with you I'd just advise not to write him off completely, to me films like Dangerous Game and New Rose Hotel seem like some very singular works. I've been trying to work my way through his filmography chronologically but keep putting it off because I don't feel like I'm ready lol.

I've been making a list of films to watch later. Currently it has 466 films, and it probably grow thanks to this thread. I'm starting to worry that I'll die before finishing it

Haven't seen it
Oh shit it's by O'Bannon and Hooper

>I'm starting to worry that I'll die before finishing it
I have about 3000 films in my watchlist and know that this is already inevitable

Has any user ever told you that they love you? Nice job user. And perhaps I'll give some of Malick's loose script/improvisational films another try.

Yea yea man it's a crazy as hell film. Speaking of Hooper-O'Bannon collabs, I also enjoy Invaders from Mars in a hokier way. Best thing about that film too was it made me check out the original which is fantastic.

Lol thx man. Yeah Malick's late period stuff's really interesting to me, for a director to be making films that undeniably modern (I'd say Knight of Cups is one of the defining works of the 2010's) at such a late stage is crazy. I can totally understand not digging them tho as they operate on a totally different sensibility from his earlier stuff. If you want more stuff like early Malick, Schatzberg's early stuff (Panic in Needle Park, Scarecrow) and Clu Gulager's short A Day with the Boys are on that sorta wavelength. Also weirdly enough I rewatched Bonnie and Clyde recently and was blown away by how beautiful and freewheeling the film still feels, it's a great little flipside of Badlands in a lotta ways.

I never understood speedracer as a kid. Should I go for a rewatch?

hmmm... what do these films all have in common

If you know what you're getting into, have an open mind, and just sort of approach it as a wild passion project I think you could have a great time with it. The last time I saw it I remember being absolutely floored by the big race at the end, and you know I think back to it and still think that's a phenomenal climax.

Also I feel compelled to share another AMV on this last post before I head to bed because this has been a nice thread. This is a Neil Young music video that I call Pirouette and can be seen here:

>Don't Deliver Us From Evil


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I could shuffle the order around all day.

>The Steel Helmet
Never got the praise. It's so corny.

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I'd consider it to be transgressive for the time, but I know what you mean. I feel like Sam Fuller's sentimentality is borne out of deeply held convictions which came from his own personal experiences rather than a desire to sugarcoat things. It's why his work feels so distinct from everything else from that era, and even what came out in Hollywood afterwards.

what u guys thik of my tastes?

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It's just a renamed critic's choice list, right?

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