Alright let's settle this once and for all.
Should we be worried?
Alright let's settle this once and for all.
Should we be worried?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yas Forums - Television & Film
We should be sneed
No. It's literally just the flu.
Only if youre a dumb boomer
Boomers BTFO
>Yas Forums - terrifying virus
no boomers are the only one who are severely affected
everyone is just panicking because it spreads fast
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Only if you're not white.
not for my life but I'm being cautious when going out because I don't want to infect my loved ones (especially the older)
>boomers swamp the hospitals
>shit driver hits you, some other accident happens or life just feels like being a dick
>ambulance is late, beds are taken and the doctors are overworked
gg no re
Your parents should be worried, and you should be worried about giving it to them. Unless you hate them. Good time to settle some old scores.
Not about the virus but the panic and overbearing measures like closing restaurants are worrisome. Also worry about the brown hoards overturning the west.
im worried but part of me thinks the media is blowing it out of portion to scare us i dunno something weird about the whole thing
It can render you sterile.
That's medical code for it will render you sterile. IF you survive, that is.
So it was engineered to sterilize the human race.
The time for worry is past. We should be seeking revenge.
das it heinz
Bait? Are people drying off after a shower with TP?
no, its literally fucking nothing.
I have 396 Steam friends, from all over the world not a single one of them has the virus.
I'm on 42 Discord Channels and not a single person has it.
I have 32 Xbox Live friends not one of them has the virus
I have 45 PSN friends not one of them has it
I dont know anyone IRL who has it, not friends,family co workers, not a single persson but Tom Hanks and other celebs have it. really activates my almonds
>Yas Forums - Random
Somewhat if you live in a crowded city. Not for the disease itself (unless you are 90 years old and have AIDS) but for overworked doctors not being able to give you the treatment you need.
You must have clean shits, even if i use as little as possible I use two a day. Any less and I just don't feel clean.
The Yas Forums shitposts have broken containment. Someone call the jannies to decontaminate.
you'll get your answer in a week's time
I thought everyone was already worried.
>I have 396 Steam friends, from all over the world not a single one of them has the virus.
>I'm on 42 Discord Channels and not a single person has it.
>I have 32 Xbox Live friends not one of them has the virus
>I have 45 PSN friends not one of them has it
All of which probably have very limited interaction with the outside world.
>I dont know anyone IRL
Could have stopped there
>I'm on 42 Discord Channels
please do the world a favour and kill yourself.
it's an inconvenience. you'll be fine.
80% have mild symptoms. Average age of the dead is 80. What do you think?
as long as you don’t go sucking off bats you will be fine
How much do you shit if you're using a roll a day?! I swear the more I learn about muttmericans the more I think they should be exterminated.
as a loser who lives with his parents still (dont judge!) im worried about getting it and spreading it to them. if i get any symptoms im renting a hotel or something to keep away
>I'm on 42 Discord Channels
based dicksword addict
Did Pooh Bear ever make a statement?
>mfw a post from a thread about a virus becomes a virus and spreads though all boards
almost kafkaesque
I’m fucked then
Not him but I shit 2 or 3 times usually
now it's epic style Yas Forums related for you le za Yas Forumseddit ideals
You people all just outted yourselves as government psyop by ignoring
I'll remember this.
Yes because 'the goverment' pays hundred of people to post around the clock and they all keep it a secret.
stop trying to dray attention to your stupid shitpost. It failed. Move on.
Some chink literally ate a bat that was probably lying dead on a dirty floor for a day and destroyed the whole fucking world. absolute state of china. what a fucking stupid apocalypse. why couldn't it have been something cool like a nuclear war
Only 30 people ITT.
It's literally just boomers dying of old age and making up a fake virus to explain it instead of admitting that they're old.
It's not over yet, it might end with nukes
Uh all movies and shows are getting shut down because of this, and yeah bros I’m worried in a few months there’ll be nothing to consooooooom and I’ll fall into even deeper depression
>You live in Europoor?
>you're Asian?
Worried about getting sick? No. Unless the flu could kill you.
Worried about everyone overreacting and shutting down the worlds economy? Yes
>Should you be worried about getting Covid-19?
>Should you be worried about others getting Covid-19?
>Should you be worried that this is the start of a cascading event that will plunge modern society into a dark age unlike anything we've ever experienced?
>Should you do anything about it?
Absolutely not, cause there's nothing you can do. Here are the facts that we know about Covid-19
1) it can live on indefinitely (suspected, only time will confirm ) in your gut flora.
2) it will irreversibly damage your lung capacity (20-30% weaker than prior), your liver, your kidneys, and your testicles, with potential to do long term irreversible damage to other organs and internals like your heart, nervous system, lymph-nodes
3) It's confirmed to reemerge in patients that it's already run the course through, and mutates to a much more deadly (yet less transmittable) strain.
Combine that and what do you have? A virus that will reemerge every year or so, that lives on indefinitely in your gut flora, will never have a cure because it targets ACE2 receptors, comes back 10x stronger once it's run it's course and goes for different vital systems/organs than the first time, does permanent damage to multiple internal organs, drastically reduces the % of sperm count to a point where a 2 digit, non-0% of men will be sterile after getting the virus, has a 28 day incubation period before potential symptoms can occur, has a 15 day post-incubation cycle where you're still able to spread it after it's completely run it's course. Every year this comes back it will be worse and humanity will be weaker.
We are, quite literally, looking at the beginning of the end of mankind. Never has humanity seen such a threat, and never has humanity reacted the way that it did. If this truly was "just the flu bro" there's absolutely 0 chance that major places like China, Italy, Iran, etc etc are shutting down /everything/. We're fucked.
>Worried about everyone overreacting and shutting down the worlds economy? Yes
The weird thing is it's the media propagating it.
Why would the cause panic intentionally unless they're just dumb
sadly, that is not an option for me.
So I don't expect Coronavirus to end the world but I do expect for WIFI and even cabel to shut down for a couple months
do you think this media shut down can bring a cultural change to people ?
why are you so fucking stupid
It's an excuse for lazy fucking zoomers to stay at home from work and obligations and cry for """paid sick leave""" which will be used to even further exploit the system
Ratings. All the scared boomers quarantining themselves are now sitting at home watching the news all day.
What if we make a vaccine? why isn't that a possibility?
They cause autism. Have you been living under a rock?
>he doesnt have enough supplies to last the outbreak
>he's not prepared for anything
Why doesn't chickenpox kill us then
Take your meds
It's a more infectious and more dangerous flu.
If your young and healthy it won't do shit.
They've always run on fear and not giving a damn about the consequences
>1 roll per day
but I'm 64 what will happen to me
This will just be ignored because 4channel is all psyop spooks now but it's true. We are being culled.
This is the only intelligent post here. The virus is practically a bioweapon, not because of the virus itself, but because it's perfect to make health care systems collapse. It's the equivalent of giving your country aids.
Don't be worried, but do be careful and sensible.
look at his cute little batt weenie
At least I dont cake my anus with so much shit from a terrible diet that I need an entire roll of toilet paper to clean it like you do you disgusting mutt.
>the first people who got it in china are getting reinfected
yes, worry. also buy all the toilet paper, i can't explain why but you'll understand.
Picture it like this.
Our body is a house. Covid-19 is a nigger trying to break in. ACE2 receptors are the doorhandle on your front door. All the nigger needs to do is /touch/ the doorhandle and he's in.
The only problem is, instead of having 1, 2, maybe 3 door handles that he can touch to get in, your house has hundreds of thousands of door handles, and all he needs to do is touch one.
It's a man-made chimera-virus. There's no vaccine. They've figured out how this thing works down to the atomic and molecular level, and have figured that out in astonishingly record time.
Normally something like this would take 6 months-18 months, they cracked it in less than a month. Why do you think that is?
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
i dont know, just make a vaccine lmao
Because it's a completely and totally different class and family of virus?
it's a bait pasta that you replied to. you are a retard not realizing that, believing everything you read on Yas Forums about americans, and for getting so upset. embarrassing
This individual works for the government to murder the civilians with his lies.
Stop with this stupid meme.
>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Do Americans really shit that much?