Who will be the first celebrity to die of Corona?

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Donald John Trump

The shadow is immortal.

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how if he tested negative?


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He's immune to the virus retard.

>if someone says he tested negative then it must be true

you misunderstood the news. His blood test was found to be negative... for blood. It was found to be mostly British sinus meds and dipping sauces.

What's with the Dumbo ears?

oh it's just b8 carry on

>He doesn't know
Guess who was the first celebrity who died of Corona?

he looks hydrodynamic

Kirk Hammett looks like that now?? The 90's were like 10 years ago

just a update for you guys its not an old people virus it kills young people just as well protect yourselves

Joe Biden. dubs confirms

the president cant get viruses, its part of being president duh

Paul Walker

And invest in TP

Rolling for Warwick Davis

One by one celbrities will start to "die" or mysteriously slip away from the limelight and into their arks and other shuttles.

he's too strong to be killed by some low quality chinese virus

anyone but bill

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>he doesn't know about the secret omni-vaccine

They're going to pump him full of so much antivirals, his test will show up negative within the hour.

I think it may have been Kirk Douglas.

times like this Cosby and Weinstein are glad to be in jail away from all the virus carriers

Weinstein isn't in jail.

Visitors and guards will bring the virus in. Jails a terrible place for them.

his chance of getting it is smaller than normal.

yeah jail is gonna be a disaster they might have to let all the criminals out free lol its gonna be madness

covid will tear through jails because of all the handjobs and blowjobs and buttsex

Apparently more and more people think he's a child molester

b-b-b-b-but.... hes the nicest guy in Hollywood! everyone sez so!!!! it must be true!!!!!!!!!! dont ruin muh tom hanks for me internet!!!

You motherfucker lmao

The shadow knows - Hanx

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Hes already dead

well this pandemic is huge so it makes sense

What do you get out of lying, user? Some sort of sad little rush of excitement?

One of the paedos on Donald's list, just throw a dart in Blockbusters I guess

Check em

Bernie Sanders

Roll for Clint Eastwood

I dread the day this man will die but he seems to be immune to death itself

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>who will be the first celebrity to die

None. You have to be a poorfag or an oldfag to die frim that shit.

>there are no old celebrities




what about fat celebs or celebs who smoke? are they more at risk

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If its not a nigger im gonna get on twitter and complain hollywood isnt being diverse enough!

if fat people are at danger RIP to most of Yas Forums

yeah im callin yall fat!

Now how'd he get the info? He knows what I'm talking about. The old bike, carded, Mister Rogers, Greywolf...

The fucker just can't stop. He's obsessed.

Trump isn't sliding it to him.

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Two of Italy's 1k+ dead were under 40, one had late stage cancer and the other was obese and diabetic. On the flip side, only two of their deaths at any age had no pre-existing conditions. Or: the average Yas Forums user is probably at higher risk than the rest of their age cohort.

It's been a meme for so long that I regularly have to check whether Christopher Lee is actually dead yet.

Dubs and it’s spielberg

This pedophile will fake his death.

If he survives the flu every year he can handle corona virus (milder flu)

>ok boomer becomes a worldwide meme by the end of 2019
>a virus that only kills 60+ y.o people appears at the beginning of 2020
Is this what they call meme magic?

Kek is strong with this one.

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None because they're not afraid of hospital bills.

no one below 80 is going to die from it

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is that Mason Verger?