What films feel like a D&D campainge?

What films feel like a D&D campainge?

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Jewish elves?

Bone Tomahawk, unironically.

show yer tits jodelle

Jewish goblins?

pirates of the carribean

Elf Jodelle vs 10 Orcs

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the media from this company for example
you're welcome user
no, I am not affiliated with Arrowstorm Entertainment

Did she finally lose weight or is it an old photo?

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Conan The Destroyer
great choice

In all seriousness the 5 movie series Mythica by Arrow Storm Entertainment, after pirating I was gonna buy the $70 set but i found it at wall mart for $20. The apprentice mage even says "We need a thief for the party"

Also called Dudes and Dragons

Septum peircings are the ugliest fucking thing

That was also called "Dude and Dragons"

have sex

agreed, especially on huge jewish noses.

Your Highness


unironically suicide squad
shitty dm gets random characters together they fuck around for a bit and at the end win

say what?

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I like nerdy jewey looking chick and having big noses mash my ball sack but piercing are degenerate

>tfw the new Amazon LOTR missed out on the best Elf

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My 65 second time shifted twin

Very Recent

>DM continously puts us in empty arenas to fight "boss" monsters that takes hours because our "Time Knight" has autism and needs to constantly overthink every encounter

It really sucks having a DM just learning the game.

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I'm pleasantly surprised, might even spill seed to her tonight

why don't you become the DM then you little bitch

Harmon Quest

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Then you DM asshole. The amount of work that one side has to put in just to be criticized by lazy pricks who NEVER rise to the occasion is truly the worst part of TT


It looks good when the curve is going upward, like for a sow

Bulbous nose. Likely Jewish.

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True Grit, Good Bad and Ugly. a lot of westerns fee this way.

she looks like Vera, from the Alfie comic

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I really wish people would stop bastardizing elves. Look at this hook nosed flabby lipped niggress.

And the 80's post apoc movie ware they need fighters to defend a village well form raiders and they go to town and hire a six gun gunfighter and other fighters including a black guy in a purple spandex body suit and a chain mail coif who throws sharpened hub caps

I'm a first time DM, and even though the rules of 5e are pretty easy to wrap your head around, the sheer amount of things the players can do is intimidating. How do I be a good DM?

That looks more like an orc than an elf.

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where do i find a geek gamer girl like her?

that fucking septum piercing, that is such a basic bitch accessory.

its a halfling


Patrician choice with Adam Ant as the villain


CtD was my pic. From the diverse cast to the shitty quips and eye rolling erp attempts, it’s the best choice.

Most accurate one so far.

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Yellow fever fags must realize she's 0% east asian. I swear faggots who say; "AHHHHHHHHHHH SHE'S HAPA! SHE'S HAPA" about every attractive white woman with big eyes needs to die. Hapas are ugly as fuck. Eastern european women MAKE MY PEE PEE FUCKING LARGEEEEEEE

Stop spazzing out, you fucking retarded schizo. No one here has called her a hapa.

I saw a thread in the archive and some retard kept blurting: DUDE SHE'S HAPA! SHE'S HAPA JUST LIKE JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT!

I swear, it's ugly asian femcels on Yas Forums trying to post hapa propoganda. Thing is hapas are ugly and look like they have down syndrome so they have to post eastern european women who happen to have black hair and claim they're hapa

God she looks gross with that septum ring.

The Last Unicorn
Flight of Dragons

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Very nice. Post her new body.

Tenda you do realize that if a blind girl looked at you she would still mock your tiny asian penis

underrated. Didn't care for harmon, but honestly enjoyed having a bunch of improv people do D&D

new body?

The 2nd D&D film does

how the fuck I am the first person to green text this?

Thor Ragnarok

>You're a hapa if you hate hapas!
Eurasiantiger, please. Are you scared that people will finally realize how disgusting hapas look and won't want to racemix anymore? Looks like all those chinks on your subreddit won't be able to get a white gf anymore LOL. AMWF...WMAF-doesn't matter. Hapas are ugly and genetic dead ends no matter what

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you really have to hit that sweet spot between nazi and mommy welfare state. Also read a fucking book and get interesting plot ideas

slimmer body