Bring gf to theaters to watch once upon a time in hollywood

>bring gf to theaters to watch once upon a time in hollywood
>see margot robbie at playboy mansion
>wearing midriff
>look over at gf
>she is absolutely seething mad
>like I’m used to her glaring down skinny women in public but I’ve never seen her this furious at a screen
>later, ask her how the movie has
>”user, that was the worst movie that I have ever seen.”
>”wow. Okay, tell me why you didn’t like it.”
>”I don’t want to talk about it, just take me home.”
>break up with her a week later

Did I do the right thing lmaoo

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Yeah she sounds insane

Tarantino's hairline confuses me

Modern womxn

just look in the mirror in a couple of years, it will confuse you to

Nah she sounds fat. Good job OP, dont need someone raiding your food supplies in a time like this

Brad Pitt is still unfairly handsome I see.

Dated a girl like that, any nudity and she would think the movie was shit. You made the right call

she needed a few good belly punches to get her toned up guys

Yeah she’s fat lol. And honest to god I didn’t really mind but like once it gets to the point where I can’t even watch movies I like without pissing her off I gotta jump ship

Damn right you did the right thing. How was the movie?

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She sounds ugly and/or fat, you should be embarrassed for dating her to begin with.

>I caught my gf being insecure, so instead of comforting her like a human being would, I dumped her fat ass
people like you don't deserve love

6' taking this picture vs 5'11s in it

Really good. I’m in self quarantine watching it on 4K bluray right now, hence the old memories loool

Sorry user but I’m not obligated to date someone incapable of dealing with an actress on a movie screen. She needs a therapist. Eat shit

She's here. Say hi.

Margot didn't even look that good in that movie

hit the wall already

>inb4 elbows too pointy

Did Cliff do it or was it an unfortunate accident?

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>tfw no gf to to theater with

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she shouldnt of got Birds to old and skinny

Dont feelz bad they are hateful at the kinoplex , playing on phone , asking inane questions ,

Yes. Yes you did.

Patrice was a legend. Saw him live like 3 times.

He did it. And while relevant to his character, it was irrelevant to his friendship with Leo. I think what Q.T. was going for was in classic hollywood (and even today) there were lots of murderers and rapist, but at least they were loyal to their rich pals.

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there's insecurity and then there's acting like a fucking child. she needs professional help not a spineless boyfriend

what happened to your sense of compassion?

sounds fun but it's really not

cope landwhale

He doesnt owe her anything, other than "maybe you should seek help" on his way out. And shes so obviously self centered and insane she wont. Smart people cut ties with crazy people the second it presents it self as that deep and insane.

>people like you don't deserve love
people like you can't get love.

Yeah I'm thinking based. Why break up though?

Perfect example of the mind of a female. When we see Brad in this movie we feel inspired, we want to look as good a Brad does. We’re happy for a guy who made it and still looks great even at his age. When a female see’s Margot she just feels anger and jealously.

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Kek. At least a 99% chance of landwhale guilting the sane men itt.

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then it's working

nice beef curtain comment. let me guess want someday?

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user I made this thread Yas Forums related because that was the tipping point, but do you really think this sort of behavior existed in a vacuum?

She’d go through my phone and delete contacts that she thought were girls, she’d get furious if she thought a cashier was flirting with me, was rude as hell to my female cousins, etc. No matter how much I told her I loved her as she is, etc. I could just keep going on and on but nevermind that just know that I was as gentle as I could be about it but it was clear that she wasn’t in the right headspace for a relationship

A fucking men. I know my face/ beard/ hair will never be as kino as Brad-chan. But i can actually aspire and try to have half the amount of abs he has.

You did the right thing

EXACTLY. Brad Pitt in this movie makes me go to the fucking gym

Fixing broken fatties isn't OP's job. There are plenty of normal people out there. I wish everyone would learn this because it might force the shitty people to seek help.

seems legit

Nothing happened to my compassion. I simply do not respect anyone insecure with their body who takes no initiative to change themselves or learns to realisticly and maturely handle their own issues. If anyone and I mean ANYONE at an adult age throws a pouty temper tantrum over their own issues instead of recognizing and fixing them they are best left alone. But that's just me and I'm not mentally ill for thinking this way.

You fucked up bro, she was one of the last remaining women out there that can put her phone down long enough to watch a movie

Why's he talking about himself in the 3rd person?

Did she react to the jailbait Cliff picked up?

Yeah you did the right thing

I feel bad for only detailing her negative qualities in this thread but yeah I was dating her for a reason. She could sit through anything on the Criterion Channel like nothing. She was really into Paul Schrader, I watched Light Sleeper and Taxi Driver with her and we got baked and saw First Reformed lol

The reason I couldn’t take it anymore was that her neurotic obsession with other women had finally encroached on the main reason we started dating

huh, my morbidly obese ex wanted to fuck skinny women so i dumped her thinkjng she would go ham on some chicken legs but she killed herself?

Monkey's paw strikes again

I dated a lefty

She literally got mad at me for calling her “Clever girl” as in Jurassic Park because she thought I was condescending her

Green haired chicks. Good Crazy in bed, bad crazy everywhere else

Gotcha nigga

Patrice was a shit stand up. I have no idea how you zoomers think he was of any quality.

Is this squintmaxxing?

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unless your dating some mid 2000s avril lavigne punk rock chick whose some ex con ex 5150 cinephile hot psycho with an amazing sense of humor....women are literally about as interesting as a rock.

You know how i know you never had a relationship with a woman?

>Green haired chicks
Any dyed hair is a sign of crazy

This, chick from The Leftovers was insanely hot, though, even with unshaved pits. Also, Tarantino went way overboard with footfag shit in this one.


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>all women need to do be attractive is to not eat like a disgusting pig
>it's still too much for them

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Legit this. Referred to a mate's gf as a fangirl and she went mental thinking I was some misogynist.

Dumped her and she's probably killed herself over Brexit or something.

My Husband & I loved this film & went to watch it at the kinoplex twice.
Second time, man in front of us covered his wife's eyes up when Brad took his top off on the roof.
Anyway, I know my husband is checking out Margot, that gives me the right to look at the guys. It's all fair.

ill take things that didn't happen for 600 please

It’s crazy that like 9 years ago I would have been one of the 15 year olds on here totally clowning my OP post lmao. Time is a flat circle anons

The other thing is I’m fucking 23. I fucked a 19 year old girl last week who’s cute and all but literally the second she opens her mouth to talk about anything I want to stick a gun in my mouth and end it all. Every girl my own age is thicc, which I don’t mind—but they also have some horrible personality disorder from either their hoe days or their weight gain.

>wearing midrif