What some nature kino?

What some nature kino?

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Wtf are the sentinalese people's problem? We're trying to bring you technology and modern medicine stop throwing poorly made spears at us you subhumans

>hasn’t had contact with modern civilizations
>still end up fitting into the stereotype of a modern nigger

>governments think you deserve to be murdered by them because you deserve it for trying to change their way of life
>Won't let you indiscriminately kill moslims

I respect them in a way. They don't know how easily they could get absolutely obliterated, but they keep on bringing the fight to whoever tries to fuck with them.


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Outsiders brought deadly disease to them

Fuck you.
Leave them alone.
You zoomers try to force you ideas on every one.
Leave them in peace,there is no need for them to know who billy eillies is.

Into the wild

Shame most people don't "get it"

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god i want to go and conquer these people SO BAD it hurts bros..

Type that again but post an anime pic,pls.

I really wish we could see what daily life is like for these people? I assume they mostly just fish and pick fruit all day. Are there any land animals they could eat in the island?

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Yeah just accept Jesus Christ Our Lord And Saviour and holy capitalism what is their deal, it's so easy

They live far more fulfilling lives than ours, I'm sure

They have every right to defend themselves from foreign invaders, and they likely already knew what a menace hapas are. They did literally nothing wrong.

It's pretty brave from their point of view to be instantly aggro at a helicopter when they've never seen one. I'd probably lose my mind

I just want to send them shipments of Halloween decorations. The good stuff, already set up on the boat, like a Spirit Halloween display

This man has never done this but I wish he would try it

Africa Addio
Empire of Dust
The Redemption of General Butt Naked

What are you going to do about it? I bet my draw is quicker than yours.

They must see planes flying overhead and boats out in the distance, no?

>hey look its an impervious metal flying machine God
>lets throw sticks at it
Oh so brave wow, I wish they would give my daughter the BBC

Imagine posting this now, that we have an example if a pandemic under our eyes.

Mayne they have some goofy squirrel like fellas.
Perhaps they won a war and now momma squirrel has to give one child to the crazies as food.
Some crazy islanders do not lime this plan.
Write a sequel user!

I think you're just racist so it deludes your point of view

It's a troll my dear newfriend
I don't think you get used to that, if you have stone age tech


I fucking love they shuck and jive as they try to kill people. Nigs will always nig

>tfw they’ll probably be the last people to walk the earth

Brotato, op pic is Asia

>muh pandemic
Its literally a mutated version of SARS, its a nothingburger that only kills octogenarians and little kids.

If this were an island full of tribal white people you retards would be in awe and demand their preservation at all costs.

actually it's almost not effecting kids at all. it's literally only old fucks and AIDS carriers that are dying.

Shows how uninformed you are. Basically 0 deaths in children victims. If you get it you can get severe lung issues unless you get the right equipment hooked up to you. If all hospitals are over capacity you might be left to wither with the boomers

Found the antivaxxer flat earth retard

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here come the cia niggers

Where did you get that picture of me haha?

Actually, OP asked for nature kino. Sorry about your eyes, dude.

>If this were an island full of tribal white people you retards would be in awe and demand their preservation at all costs.
Yes, because white people are well known for their tribalism.

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Whats this body type?

Stop trying to destabilize the global economy and have sex

not an argument, kys

not an argument either, also kys

There's no such thing as tribal white people. We moved beyond tribes a long long time ago. Even dumbass rednecks can do stuff like rebuild motors and make aluminum boats from scrap.

Niggers on the other hand...

>tribal whites have never existed

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Their lives seem comfy

This niga eatin beans

>who am I quoting though?

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>Within a minute the entire island could be burned to ash by carpet bombing
>it would have no difference on the world. Nobody would care.
>they must think so highly of themselves when they kill some unarmed and nonviolent tresspassers stumble upon their island

Like I don't want them to be killed off. I just want a tank deployed on their island to show them a little humility

>Tribal whites in the 21st century exist
>An island of tribal whites wouldn't have made a boat by now

They're spaghettio's you fucking retarded NIGGER!

You say it as if white anons give a shit about other races. Hell they only care about a specific brand of whites, not all of them.

They think they are beast. There’s an a tribe that hasn’t had contact with modern civilizations in Brazil that worships a plane that crashed in their territory.

They think they are beast. There’s an a tribe that hasn’t had contact with modern civilizations in Brazil that worships a plane that crashed in their territory.

most likely wypypo brought the disease to their islands once that wiped half of the population, and now they're doing the right thing and not eating up the globalist bullshit

t. American wanting everyone to serve Israel


someone should land a drone in one of the trees and monitor them like the ayys are probably doing with us. could be a great tv show

No, you posted blacks, not shit about tigers or sequoias. Your intentions were clear.

i unironcally stocked up on spaghettios ahead of the panic buying

I'm glad you bathed in the infinite wisdom of the universe. You'd make a great adviser for all these retard governments.

I sometimes have fantasies about finding primitive people and teaching them English and tell them the wonders of civilization in the most vague and mystical way possible. I'd reshape their society into something less primitive, but I'd tell them they couldn't share the technological secrets in any way unless I was there. They have to burn a bit of their food every meal to keep the gods happy and if they didn't scream before going to bed they'd have bad dreams. Nightmares are real too. Ban all art unless it depicts a battle. I'd probably convince them they need a war every ten years and it could be about anything as long as they could argue about it, and if they couldn't find something to fight about the world would burn or the sun would die or whatever. Eventually I'd leave them with my many bastards, promising to return with my fingers crossed. Just completely ruin their culture.

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I'd like to drift by shore with a crossbow and poke a bunch of holes in them.

Someone should make it their life's work to reduce their population to zero some day. These negroes are violent.

They probably reek like shit too