Coronavirus pandemic?

>Coronavirus pandemic?
>We gotcha. This one's made up folks :)

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Ive spent most of the past week on Yas Forums in the coronachan generals and have since prepped ammo, food, and meds. Theyve convinced me the end is nigh. Either way I’m prepared


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>was it possible that over 6 million perished in our story?
>and if so, how could so many ovens operate to meet demand?
>does this tale have any bearing? or are we just...blowing smoke?

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Not gonna make it.

no one is forcing you to stockpile stuff and use sanitizer. you can inhale the coof-air in your local bus/tram for free

I don't get it. Why are you worried? You catch, the virus, and then what? It won't kill you. What are you afraid of?

People actually leave their houses user, not that I expect you to understand haha

I work at a retirement home, and I still have to continue to work. I get why the old people are afraid of it, but why everyone else?

Because everyone has a relative or a friend that is in a risk group and you don't know how have it for several days

Because of how easily it's transmitted. Use your critical thinking for once in your life. I don't want to catch it because of how easy it could kill someone who can't fight off the virus.


I dont know why, but this always makes me giggle

>OP's sex life?
>You've been fooled. Total fabrication. All of it.

People I care about might be affected by the virus, so I'm gonna go panic and buy a bunch of toilet paper and hand sanitizer

k, you do that

...Yeah? More toilet paper means that's one less reason to leave the house in the coming weeks.
>Why do people not affected by it care about it?
>Because relatives
>*snide remark*
wtf did you mean by this?


>prepped ammo
based retard

>the end is nigh
>virus where most people have zero to mild symptoms
>mortality rate for healthy people is likely less than 1%

The old peoplerinos

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

use water, retard.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
no. you're just wrong

i used to be fucking obsessed with this show when i was growing up, something about it was so fucking stupid but so comfy

No ventilator? Oh u done goofed

Got the Flu today , told by bong 101 meds to self mecicate on a ltr Scots Whiskey now . Chink chink !
I an old Boomer, old as the wind ,

That’s a nodachi

>when anti-gunners get robbed of their toilet paper loot and start beginning for guns but its too late

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Which is a type of katana, you pedantic faggot.

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No, it isn't. Nodachi are just longer tachi, which were the sword style that predated the katana.

>Nodachi are just longer tachi, which were the sword style that predated the katana.
> are just longer , which were the style that predated the .

A virus that only kills boomers, minorities, poors, handicaps, and fat fucks.
Seems like a dream and I can't believe I'm living in it.

>A virus that only kills boomers, minorities, poors, handicaps, and fat fucks.
>the young, healthy people it killed? those are just exceptions and they were probably sick anyway. i will definitely survive because nothing bad ever happens

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>being a weak genetic simp

post height

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ok faggot

I'm 5'10" but lets see you talk shit to me face to face champ

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What young healthy people? If the virus killed them then they weren't very healthy now were they? You stupid fuck

>it can't kill healthy people because once they get the virus they're not healthy anymore!
High level NPC cope

The virus doesn't do anything but cause a 1 day fever in healthy people you mong.

Wrong, retard. Why go and spout this complete bullshit when the facts are available for you?

>or are we just...blowing smoke?

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>teeny tiny wrists
lmao female to male?

>start beginning for guns

>Manlet with 4” wrists

The facts say it doesn't do shit to healthy people and children. Made sure to get enough toilet paper, my automaton friend? It'll make for nice tinder when your sex dolls catches on fire

If you're not leaving the house, then why do you have to keep your ass clean?

no young healthy people were killed you fucking idiot

So what are the governments up too during the two week blackout? Makes you think.

>The facts say it doesn't do shit to healthy people and children
The "facts" you heard from fellow dumbfucks on twitter? Because the actual facts say it causes severe pneumonia which requires intensive care in at least 10% of cases and Italian doctors are freaking the fuck out because their medical system can't handle the workload.
Factually incorrect. Maybe you should have been following this for the last three months like the rest of us.

I thought Yas Forums has come full circle and started denying anything's wrong at all

>3 months
now who's the liar?

And what facts? My buddy tested positive after being exposed to the virus at a clinic and he's been sitting at home for 3 weeks and jerking off while on his PC. I'm in the state hit the worst and all the dumb fucks are staying indoors while I'm hooning on the freeways on the weekdays and going to stores with no wait.

>atmospheric data over China shows evidence of mass burnings
>video of hundreds of bodybags outside Chinese crematoriums
>Iran digging mass graves
>Riker's Island inmates ordered to start digging graves
>"its nothing bro lmfao"
Looking forward to all you dumb faggots dying.

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This has been going on in China for more than 3 months you ignorant motherfucker

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t. tourist

There was no coverage of this before christmas you absolute fucking mong, don't move the goalposts just because you can't stand mis-speaking.

>i didn't hear about it on CNN so it didn't exist!!!!

>can't stand being called a retard
>doubles down on being a retard
user you're the curator of your own misery.

Most retarded show ever aired. He never explains the background of the stories

Its always just ''This story is made up(probably by the writers), this story really happened(no evidence) Well see ya next week''

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>i'll say some pseudointellectual "poetic" bullshit, that'll sure make me look like the smart one... heh... dumb jerk thinks there's news accessible outside of normalnigger mainstream news? what a dumbfuck...

>he's still going
you did not see coverage of this back in early december, what the fuck is there even worth lying about you retarded board tourist?

>you did not see coverage of this back in early december
Except I did.
>board tourist
Nigger do you actually not browse more than one board?

No, it's fact. A similar event happened to a young man in the pacific north west, about 20 years ago.

Post a link then moron

Yeah man sure, I make it a habit to archive every link I've clicked from the past three months

Your cancer's going to spread if you keep lying like that.

it turns your cum rotten

I’d fuck you up, faggot

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The facts I hear and experience from living in the state with most infections, and the majority of people who died were above the age of 50 and in senior living centers. Italy is packed to the brim with old fucks and 3rd worlders, you're not disproving my words.

>facts such as my personal experiences two weeks into the pandemic hitting my area when the virus has a two week minimum incubation period
Wow, you convinced me! I guess I'll just ignore the areas that have been dealing with it longer and are living in a hellscape!
