Favourite racing movie

Which movie best captures the experience of race car driving?

And which racing movie is the best overall including story and characters?

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Grand Prix is up there

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I would say Rush
great cast
great score
and simple rivalry story

kino list

Based are you /relentless/ and if so how are managing to survive with the cancellation of the Australian gp because I’m close to jumping off a bridge without F1

i meant to get into f1 after seeing rush but couldnt be bothered to get up early for most ofthe grand prix's. started watching that netflix show drive to survive and that is kino and feeds that need...that need for speed

>which racing movie is the best overall
Hidalgo (2004)

>Which movie best captures the experience of race car driving
Who cares?

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racing can be very kino

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watch the f1 series in netflix, its pretty good

where can I find a good rip of grand prix?

this doesn't count but still rules

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Not a movie, but a Kino series about Pod Racing

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are the likes of grand prix and le mans actually interesting plot-wise or is it only worth watching for the footage of 60s cars in color?

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The love bug (the original) is classic racing kino

grand prix is fine plotwise but i heard le mans really has no plot at all which is based

mah nigga

Cannonball Run.

get in

Both desu

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I'm surviving with the knowledge that at least Hamilton isn't winning

not this year because the season is fucked for the time being, but i just use youtube tv and dvr races, watch them in the afternoon. You can also use f1tv even though it's dogshit. F1 is kino.
True, I wonder how pissed mercedes will be if they only get half a season



How do they keep getting away with it?


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Join us, fellow racists.

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Racing is not a sport.

Why? When did "sport" become something you have to do with full motion of your body in a running motion, while being chased by other people with legs?

Days of Thunder. The scene where Cruise and his rival rent two shitboxes and race them on the beach is hilarious.

Le Mans (1971) starting soon.

Le Mans (1971) starring Steve McQueen starting RIGHT NOW.

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Steve McQueen more like Steve McKINO

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

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I want to download this so fucking bad by piratebay is down.

Join us and watch it right now

I'm at work, brother. Wish I could. I'll watch Sand Pebbles after work.

sand pebbles is boat kino

Guys this film is really beautiful.

It’s a documentary about the Baja 1000. It really displays the massive amount of heart in the event. Follows the journey of a few teams closely and then has some side stories thrown in.

It’s comfy.
It’s raw.
It’s bursting with heart.
It’s got cojones.
I was in awe of the spirit of these lads pushing themselves through all this shit for something greater than money, maybe bragging rights or the experience or just to see what they could do.

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Join after work, we're going for the next 6 hours at least

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wow lucas usually rips a few visual things off but that is a downright copy

Rush (2013) starting soon.

Rush starting RIGHT NOW come join us

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Rush (2013) starting RIGHT NOW.

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Marlene > Suzy

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Got to agree broccolio.

>Niki everything >>>>>>>>>> James Hunt, the meme champion
Niki was a based racer, James was an alcoholic medium talent


Ty caped crusader


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It's good but it bothers me that doc paints Prost as some sort of villain

Hi there fren