Let's talk about the most underrated character in Ginger Snaps. I am of course talking about Jason McCardy...

Let's talk about the most underrated character in Ginger Snaps. I am of course talking about Jason McCardy, who's way out on the corner of FUCKED UP AND EVIL right now. I really wanna hear what you guys think about him. Before answering, consider the following:
>Ginger Fitzgerald literally rocked his world
>Killed his own dog for fun
>Had his red pen explode due to no fault of his own

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Why was he so interested in the Fitzgeralds? He seemed popular and could have gotten any other girl

based ginger snaps poster

for me its Sam

He wasn't interested in the dweeb though, just the one with the rack. The redhead.

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Did he not hit on B too? Or at least make lewd remarks at her

Had enough of film discussion? Yeah I kinda figured by looking at the catalog.

When he was in coomer werewolf mode maybe. Don't recall

He actually won in the end. Got to bang Ginger and got cured from the curse pre-2 retcon.

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Lets be real here, Ginger banged him. He didn't know what hit him

>learn how to bang a cute redhead and grow a tail out of your ass in two simple steps

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it's a good thing Ginge killed the janny. He knew too much. He had to die

Based. Also the monkshood retcon makes it possible for him to be the werewolf in 2 for some extra pottery.

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McCardy did nothing wrong because he wasn't aware of the situation. Just like Tyler was

John denied that, though. He said it was just some random werewolf from the Bailey Downs pack

There's nothing in the films themselves to contradict it, though. So unless there's another sequel that retcons it, it's a valid and logical interpretation.

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>Don't recall
A chick. Excellent

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Jason didn't get cured though. Monkshood is not a cure, remember?


We didn't know that at the time tho. That only got changed for the sequel. A sequel that's severely lacking in Ginger screentime.

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>the literal word of the director doesn't invalidate an idea
This zoomer postmodern death of the author bullshit really needs to stop

>A sequel that's severely lacking in Ginger screentime.
unequivocally based

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It obviously never came up during the making of the movie and he just mumbled out an answer for the Q&A on the spot. You fags keep taking throwaway comments as absolute canon when the only thing you should be looking at is what's actually in the movie.

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Based Gingerchads

Based 90s gothfu poster


That's 100% a retcon

Is the user who made this still around? Love your shoops, dude.

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This. Within the context of the first movie alone, monkshood not being a cure greatly cheapens the ending.

I love her wig so much. The first movie wouldn't be the same without it

Same, without her big floofy frazzly hairdo constantly blowing in her face in the first, GS1 Bee wouldn't be the same.

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In Ernest's book he quotes someone describing her signature hair as "a forest of split-ends gathered into a parka"

What an unironically absolute legend of a man.

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Katharine is going to be my wife.

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She's so fucking ugly

It's kino how the sisters transformed in accordance to their characters.
>The shy timid Brigitte who abhorred people turns into a deformed ugly monster
>The attention seeking sexuality flaunting Ginger turns into a seductress she-wolf

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based high res pics of Katharine poster

They need to lock this one faggot that wont stop talking about these mediocre movies in a fucking cage.

I post from my wagecage all the time tho.

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Unleashedbros... We got too cocky.

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>those dubs

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Let's see Ginger Snaps Back's score

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Yeah, about that...

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Literally too much Canadian fort dwelling kino for them to handle. The first hour and 10 minutes is largely kino and a pleb filter. When the last 15 minutes of schlock happens you knows who's who by those who go "okay" versus "I JUST WOKE UP AND THIS IS HELLA FREAKIN EPIC!!!!!"

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based elitist

>tfw got filtered by GS3
Maybe some day I'll convince myself it's actually good like some of you managed to. Not some day soon though.

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The movie really just shouldn't exist.

take that back

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This is what mental illness looks like.

Okay...? Thanks for demonstrating.

I'll show you what mental illness looks like when I rape you, bitch.

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The only cure for my condition is more Brigitte. Cure me of my mental illness, anons. I beg you.

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You've got a fever and the only prescription is more Brigitte.

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Just like the monkshood, our cure is only a temporary relief from the pain

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Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Ghost was the cutest?

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>Werewolf looming in the background
>Brigitte in-between two monsters
>Ghost cunt hogging up half the image
Yeah, kino shot.

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>>Ghost cunt

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obviiously. the brunette is fucking hideous. one of the ugliest women i've ever seen.

Yes. (only patricians will agree with this post)