>I gotta fight this invincible alien god
>faster that light itself
>with lazer eyes and x-ray vision
>better do more pullups
Other urls found in this thread:
>trains to hit a tire with a hammer
>doesn't take that hammer into battle
Not very "functional" training after all.
It made him move faster in his robobat suit you thick lump.
>Gota fight my gender dysphoria
>Mentally I will never understand my gender but maybe if I
>Cuts off dick
>Noo still too confused about social constructs like gender due to my biology
>Takes physiologically debilitating and sterilizing hormones
>Ahh noooo
>Attempts suicide
>Maybe if I can get other normal men to call me a wooMMAAAAAN
>i'm just going to kill him with a spear instead of kryptonite bullets, despite having successfully shot him multiple times
why are Yas Forumsturds so obsessed with 00.01% population?
Because I can lose my job for calling it a man
mental illness, ironic isn't it?
If we are going to legitimize threads that try to poke holes in a fantasy sci fi film on such a child like level I think real people's plot holes are much more important
strong body, strong mind.
more like
>I have to wear a suit of armor so I better get stronger so I can move in it better
you dense fuck
But you can poke him multiple times which would left big wounds that won't heal
dude jesuslol
Maybe kryptonite is not suitable to make bullets.
>all the money in the world to build the most advanced gym possible
>instead flips big tyres and dumb shit like its a Rocky montage
>Man are brave
you are a woman.
Ever see rocky 4? simple stuff creates champions.
>fatties don't know those are the best exercises for building functional combat strength
Tire flips use almost every muscle in the body, and more important uses them together at the same time, which is incredibly important for neural training.
Bros who use isolation machines like bodybuilders do will get rocked every time by people who do compound movements
>implying the training scene isn't kino
it was a different time, even the celebs don't want to visit the shithole zoomer reddit board that Yas Forums is in 2020.
And whaddaya know, he had him at his mercy.
Batman can take down the entire Justice League like it's nothing.
Fucking polturds amirite?
>comparing real life logic with spript logic
found the brainlet
>most advanced gym possible
In other words a female gym.
he was just managing his anger
Yeah, I'm thinking it's the big cope
I was in that thread, remember it was from some livestream he did to a convention hall or whatever.
Reminds me of Chris Redfield doing roids so as to fight Albert Wesker; who at this stage was capable of running near the speed of sound and putting fists through rib cages.
>Is a demihuman
And people wonder why Batfleck gets clowned on. Battinson will save the batkino Bale once gave us
I will always prefer Affleck’s Batman with his full range of comic book abilities over a “grounded in reality” Batman. Bale wasn’t much fun to watch in hindsight.
What was Snyder thinking?
about kino, and it worked
the roids were also partially because he couldn't lift up his fat italian comrade to save him from a sinking ship.
But honestly the roids helped. when you manage to get the drop on Weaker you get some good shots in. plus punching off the heads of africans is pretty difficult, especially if theyre infected with something
Fucking trannies
>Getting ready to fight a literal super-human-tier alien who can kill you with ease
>Not preparing yourself in every faculty (physicality, mentality, equipment) to give yourself the highest odds of survival
I see you're a fucking retarded goyboy who has never had a warrior's mindset and fought for victory. Even if the odds are stacked against you you have to do whatever it takes to prepare and give yourself best odds of survival.
And he beat him too.
it looks cool and that's all that matters
It won't be that few before you know it, son. The gender fluid propaganda is being pushed in from every direction. Young, prepubescent children are even explicitly targeted to "create the new non-bigot generation". This will have a major impact on society, look up the increased number of kids with "gender dysphoria". It's not gonna stop growing any time soon, trust that nigga 100% smdh water drop emoji.
50% of transgender youth attempt suicide, half way there boys!
>trust that nigga 100% smdh water drop emoji.
You’re worse than any tranny desu.
>Chris Terrio
how do you go from winning an Oscar to writing BvS, Justice League and Rise of Skywalker?
He hasn't made any kinos outside of 300. Period.
I was in that thread, they found that screenshot from some skype livestream he did,
Those kryptonite gas bullets seemed to do the trick
Yeah this scene had my eyes rolling lmao
Why did Batman do crossfit?
>Alfred, fetch my tire and hammer, I need to gets swole
>reading someone else's reply and reposting it almost verbatim
For what purpose?
>T. "CrossFit" faggot who doesn't know basic barbell compounds
Dude, they are called grenades.
>superman lasers his mouth from up in the air
Not a very practical suit.
He knew that Superman doesn't kill people so he had some minutes to use the kryptonite grenades and then kill him with the spear. He liked the spear because it was more personal and brutal and Batman was angry and dark in that movie.
he was putting on weight and strength to control the heavy suit you fucking mong
t. some fatty Boyega wide hips manchild who never exercised in his entire life.
working out physically not only steels your body, but also clears up your mind and makes you think sharp. it is a synergy effect.
Lmao the one everyone thinks is a joke is twinkman retard. Batfleck pushed supermans shit in and had one of the best fight scenes in all of capeshit. Try again?
300 was shit you retard
Only one who ever came close to BatGod
No training is functional because real world actions don't involve perfectly balanced barbells.
Gas just weakened Superman, and Batman only made a spear after seeing how similar to a blade the kryptonite was after taking pieces to make the grandes.
Also like this user said maybe the kryptonite can't be reduce after a certain point without it crumbling or turning into gas, making kryptonite bullets impossible to make.
Chunky nigga.
You don't know that. You're making shit up for the sake of your own headcanon. And even if we accept that as true, why not build the kryptonite into his gloves? It's clearly durable enough for melee weapons, and he spent half the fight punching anyway.