So then he gets these things called dubs and the whole fucking thread goes crazy. You would love it, babe

>So then he gets these things called dubs and the whole fucking thread goes crazy. You would love it, babe.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (538x329, 88.63K)

whats dubs ?


dubs and all niggers die

this is dubs

Attached: reviewget.png (492x240, 262.48K)

dubs and thread gets deleted

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When your post ends in 2 repeating digits. "Trips" is 3 repeating digits, "quads" 4 repeating digits, and so on.

Here, I'll show you an example.

Let me show you how its done.

I really, really dont like this meme.

Is it still one guy spamming it?

Even the guy sitting in front of him is tired of hearing his shit

Check em you faggots!


Attached: 1410032593112.jpg (472x472, 23.65K)

She looks like she... you know what? I'm not even going to say it, because you already know.

Is it ever not? Look at the forced mask meme

I observed those.

just lose it aah aah aah aah aah

is this an illegal dubs thread?

Attached: 1516418394839.png (278x316, 223.17K)

Where can I find more pictures of her or more women like her?

>She looks like she...
enjoys Bane threads?

Is a nice woman?


If dubs, all kinos are delayed to next year.

How can i get a gf like this?

N word

early 2000's porn


check em boys

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You guys are pathetic.

If dubs we shut this thread down right fucking now

I don’t see what all the fuss is about, I have dubs right here

I could I be pathetic and get dubs at the same time?

let me show you how it's done.


Attached: 1527278301117.jpg (960x720, 39.64K)

Be black

These dubbels

Meh, pretty based, but here’s what I got


Attached: p27362_v_v8_aa.jpg (960x1440, 409.39K)

Says the guy who couldn't even get dubs, let alone match my previous trips and now quads

That's a big crab


It's mad how much more variety there is in porn these days. As someone who suffers acute jungle fever we've gone from really one decent black chick (Vanessa Blue) to about three dozen and from like two fake redheads to well over 10 legit.

Next post is dubs


rescuing the post

Well done.

Attached: 5da82b02911e22c73977d8b7ddfe4b41bf65c06e6d26e3097cb9f158f0b9b16d.jpg (1024x600, 51.87K)

They start them young now. Jew programming paying dividends.

What’s the appeal of this meme?

Dubs and everyone in this thread will never get a girlfriend

Blonde bimbo with huge tits.

Mass-reply chad btfo'ing the whole thread

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t. Paul Allen

Not a single dubberino post.
Shit thread.

Attached: FreshHelpfulAmericanalligator-size_restricted.gif (640x360, 3.54M)

Re-pea-ting di-gits

Get 'em, check 'em, stick 'em in a screencap

Attached: Sam_TTT_profile.png (825x795, 1.11M)

My numbers have grown the last time we met.

Nice doubledubs

close, bro

The gift that keeps giving