>Dude humans are the actual evil monsters! The literal monsters are misunderstood good bois who didn't do nuffin!!
Is there a bigger SJW than Miyazaki
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this was before every goddamn thing had to be about idpol to you people, you're reaching.
>unironically using "sjw" in 2020
This was a thing decades earlier.
that's true though. Human invented evil and animals literally do nothing wrong.
humans invented morality*
I don't mean to be rude, but that makes it look like I'm revising my post when your comment actually adds nothing.
>insects are monsters
I agree with you OP. The anime adaption was a piece of shit that completely ruined the core themes and narrative of the manga.
Just because it is true doesn't mean it is interesting or worth mentioning. The anime is barely saying anything with that kind of a statement and you may as well compare Nausicaa to Jesus for how they present the story.
One needs not be a SocJus droid to be high on asinine, sappy and puerile ideas.
It is unfortunate that is not already assumed.
But they didnt. Basic moral code is evident in most non-solitary animals. You are an edgelord.
>Correctly recognizing that humans are damaging the environment is being an "SJW"
I remain unconvinced terraforming and damaging are synonymous.
When Japs do it, it's ok.
They don't do it to hate, they do it to entertain.
Case in point, genderswapped Arthur also the perfect waifu.
>fuck off and don't disturb our community
she was /our girl/
Damage is being done - you can call it "terraforming" if you want. But it's not too late, user.
are these from the manga?
the seven days of fire didn't happen but also it was justified and should happen again
That's what the manga considers it, user-kun.
The first time took seven days, the second time took several seconds. Did you not read the manga?
merely dabbling in themes that the porn book drastically improves upon, with better art as well.
I know I'm the odd one out here but I didn't like the manga. I stopped reading after like the first volume. And Miyazaki is my favorite director ever. This was years ago though. Maybe I should try reading it again...
is Miyazaki actually a feminist like westerners say? I always suspected he is just attracted to strong anime girls
>Muh princess! We're so fucking dumb it's a miracle we figured out how to breathe on our own! Gosh we're so lucky to have you princess ^_^
Literally every character in Nauseous of the Valley of the Farts
He's a man trying really hard to write strong female characters. It's not exactly high level feminism, especially in hindsight.
You're comparing a mortal mans work to the work of a God user, that is hardly fair.
If you're not doing anything else, why not? Yas Forums just recently wrapped on a full high def scan of the manga. The archive has the mega.
No, not in the western sense. He loves women and girls. So he puts them in everything.
ACKSHULLY the jungle was indeed toxic at its edges and anywhere that hadn't been fully cleaned. People spent all their time at the edge and never learned that air in the deep jungle is breathable.
>Why yes, I fuck the monster.
this. theres no bigger mary sue than nausea of the braps
But both the manga and anime were created by Miyazaki
Being a gay environmentalist isn't being a SJW. If he were to blame only white men for environmental destruction...THEN he would be a SJW.
Learn the difference, it could save your life.
True, but Miyazaki decided to adapt the manga long before it was finished. He didn't have to release a lesser work but he did anyway. Many years later the manga was finished and was far superior to the anime. So it goes.
>t. SjW
>marxists didn't exist before 2010s
Huh, so you're telling me "princess=popular"?
Actually he gave you an out but you're retarded to notice. His statement is far more correct than yours. You know animals rape and cannabalize each other right? Kill their children? Compete violently for mates? Torture? All things that existed in the animal kingdom before mankind.
If he's such a sjw how come dark souls and bloodborne is so dark?
2/10, see me after class
>they do it to entertain
Miyazaki is very political and all of his movies are propaganda
>In 2013, several Studio Ghibli staff members, including Miyazaki, criticized Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe's policies, and the proposed Constitutional amendment that would allow Abe to revise the clause which outlaws war as a means to settle international disputes.[t] Miyazaki felt that Abe wished to "leave his name in history as a great man who revised the Constitution and its interpretation", describing it as "despicable".[162][u] Miyazaki has expressed his disapproval of Abe's denial of Japan's military aggression, stating that Japan "should clearly say that [they] inflicted enormous damage on China and express deep remorse over it".[162] He also felt that the country's government should give a "proper apology" to Korean comfort women who serviced the Japanese army during World War II, suggesting that the Senkaku Islands should be "split in half" or controlled by both Japan and China. After the release of The Wind Rises in 2013, some online critics labeled Miyazaki a "traitor" and "anti-Japanese", describing the film as overly "left-wing".[86]
He is, but not in a western sense
>Miyazaki refused to attend the 75th Academy Awards in Hollywood, Los Angeles in 2003, in protest of the United States' involvement in the Iraq War, later stating that he "didn't want to visit a country that was bombing Iraq".[164] He did not publicly express this opinion at the request of his producer until 2009, when he lifted his boycott and attended San Diego Comic Con International as a favor to his friend John Lasseter.[164] Miyazaki also expressed his opinion about the terrorist attack at the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, criticizing the magazine's decision to publish the content cited as the catalyst for the incident.[165][v] In November 2016, Miyazaki stated that he believed "many of the people who voted for Brexit and Trump" were affected by the increase in unemployment due to companies "building cars in Mexico because of low wages and [selling] them in the US". He did not think that Donald Trump would be elected president, calling it "a terrible thing", and said that Trump's political opponent Hillary Clinton was "terrible as well".[166]
so your sense of good and evil is comparable to something an orangutan or chimpanzee or giant insect would understand?
He doesn't sound overtly left wing. Just senile and contrarian.
Hazkzaki continuing to trigger people I see. What a guy.
>and said that Trump's political opponent Hillary Clinton was "terrible as well".[166]
absolute wokester him
totally right too
>If he were to blame only white men for environmental destruction...THEN he would be a SJW
White men did start the Industrial Revolution
those things aren't evil, evil is a moral term.
>damage to the environment is just change, conservabros!
That is one of the central points of the manga, yes.
>He did not think that Donald Trump would be elected president, calling it "a terrible thing", and said that Trump's political opponent Hillary Clinton was "terrible as well".[166]
Miyazaki sounds like based Berniebro.
This term gets thrown around so much its losing meaning. If Nausicaa was a Mary Sue she would have stopped the rampaging ohm without getting killed
He might actually be a mongoloid insect which is why the distinction isn't so clear to him
And you're taking the manga as a manual for real life, I assume? or are you just an Yas Forums guy making an off topic point?
Neither is "terraforming" or destroying the environment since morality is a human concept you insufferable pedant.
You're surprised i'm talking about the manga in a thread about the anime? If you want a thread about real life go to /an/ or something.
The original Mary Sue, the character literally named Mary Sue that originated the concept of Mary Suedom, dies at the end of her story.
His brand of social justice is much more palatable than the shit churned out by SJWs in the west.
reading comprehension level: 0
I completely forgot she turns into Jesus in the anime. Lmao what a shit adaption.