Does she have blue pubes?

Does she have blue pubes?

Attached: marge_simpson_nude_2_by_wvs1777_d3c4v30-fullview.jpg (900x670, 47.05K)

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Technically yes, but she shaves

No, she's been grey as a mule since high school.

No, she dyes her hair there was a whole episode about it

>implying episodes are canon with each-other

>look up artist
>his deviantart page is chock-full of marge simpson porn

A man of excellent taste.

Does SNEEED have blue pubes?

>Didja do de burdowsah?
Bartic head
Wanna know more about it?

Pretty cringe

formerly sneedful

Simpson hentai is disgusting

depends where you look
coomers don't know how to get good art, they just open any garbage bin and fap fap fap at any titties in sight

this should have been the first post.

As much as she yes a yellow vagina

that reminds me

do you member the episode where the jew husband tells the ups guy to fuck his wife.
do you member when the jew whore is fucked by chef too?
i member

It's sneedmania this year.

No it isn't retard

according to this, she's practically bare

Attached: 1565430538745.jpg (640x480, 31.17K)


You sat there and typed this out.

Tupac fucked Stan Darsh's mom.

Marge with any other hair other than that ridiculous beehive is so fucking hot

Attached: thicc marge.jpg (900x1637, 72.87K)

is this from new South Park season? i stopped watching after they shilled for Hillary. Seems like they are pretty desperate with just legit straight porn in the episodes

wow you are one retarded person

>my hentai is superior to yours
You weebs are all disgusting and probably pedos

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lol, marge looks like an art hoe in that pic

whos cum is it?

I've a thing for art hoes

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Best marge

Attached: marge halloween costume.jpg (640x480, 50.77K)

Janny deleted a thread about outdoors films and left this up lol

She should wax

Janny seems based if you ask me

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never noticed the see-through purse. Nice touch

based coomer

For me, it's group incest scenes involving entire families

In order to wax you have to let the hair grow long so its only for special occassions

Carpet DOES match the drapes

if treehouse of horror is anything to go by then yes, blue body hair

Attached: marge_fur.jpg (413x333, 67.6K)

>group incest scenes involving 3 generations so you can simultaneously fuck your mother, sister and daughter

Attached: ayy lmao good job.jpg (960x960, 97.25K)

>mods call this loli pornography

Marge is hot.

W-what was it?

Patty and Selma have this body. Marge is slimmer.

Loli porn

They should've done a nude spread too

Does Sneed have blue pubes?

>Patty and Selma have this body.

These two aunties make me fucking diamonds. Why are they so underappreciated? Usually they are treated as repulsive in the show to all the men around them, but those of us with eyes to see, like Matt, know better.

Attached: Matt.jpg (820x600, 87.4K)

At what point did Marge stop being a caricature of middle-aged blue-dyed white trash women and become semi-glamourous/aspirational? I'm assuming it happened early.

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>the only simpsons thread that hasn't been overtaken by sneedposters or the antibrony bot is about sex


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How has no one aged in Simpsons in 30 years yet technology has in the show?

For me, it's Lucille Botzcowski

Attached: Ms._Botz.jpg (510x383, 37.83K)

How the fuck did that picture break any rules? She was literally clothed and there was nothing sexual about the photo

Jannies are being such faggots today

On model Marge Simpson porn shouldn't be as rare as it is.

Are those tomacco hats?

Fuck jannies
based thread

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