It's up

It's up

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Other urls found in this thread:

have sneed

my girl

cringe (formerly based)

Shes got that porn girl phenotype. Though she's not as attractive as her, I could easily see this chick being like Aria Alexander if she did porn.

She needs to get analed

why can't you incel creeps leave women alone

Someone the other day said she looks like the kind of thot that randomly turns up in a facialabuse production and then never does something like this again

Still laff when i think of that comment

fuck you, ninja.

She needs a forehead licking

alright which one of you is this

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You guys are attracted to this? I can't get through a minute of it.

Stop posting your shit here

If you want advertising go pay gookmoot

just posting ITT to say that Angela Anaconda is great and so are most of the shows featured on Kablam! and it sucks that they'll never be discussed thanks to her.

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Oh god.. Imagine having to roleplay sex with her and she'd opt to be Angela with that high pitched voice.

Also congrats to the autist who posted about judeo-bolshevism. I'm sure that impressed her.

what kind of autism is this?

Women cant be autistic, she has some issues and takes it out in the form of an extensive LARP

Despite the fact that there are a billion human beings the fact that someone like her exists is baffling to me. Like fuck this show wasn't even good

>video gets posted to Yas Forums
>immediately gets flooded with comments by no self awareness meme loving fucks who belong in a bigger cringe compilation than whoever they are mocking
why am I even surprised at this point

It's a story we've seen play out time and again on the internet

And so the cycle continues

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Remember that girl from /lit/ when these spergs did the same shit?

she will close her channel by the end of the week unless shes not as autistic as we think

no longer relevant
katie is a fucking whore now, that literally posts nudes on her socials.

Lol I bet those faggots took that well

There is no possible way this big-titted sperg is a virgin
take a look for yourself

If I start hitting the gym now, what are the chances I can get a girl a decade younger than me? My brother does martial arts, and he was able to do it.

I remember this being the show I had to watch because it was always before the shit I wanted to watch.

She literally says so in the cringe video you posted

How old are you? Girls dating guys older than them is pretty common. It's not really that weird unless you're like 30 dating an 18 year old.

It's a song parody ya dip, not a confession. There is no fucking way she hasn't at least jerked a guy off.

>It's not really that weird unless you're like 30 dating an 18 year old.
then its based

Go ask your brother

Why does she hate /our girl/ Gina Lash so much?

She was sexually abused, no normal person could like Angela Anaconda

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She does mention how she was bullied a lot in school and that's why she connected with the show.

She wrote it herself.

no way shes bullied for sounding like a 40 year old woman

She’s a good singer but why is she singing this at Thanksgiving? I didn’t believe women could be autistic till I saw this girl

>tfw you worked on some obscure dumbass show decades ago and a hyperautistic fan of it tracks you down and forces you to talk about it

jesus christ chad cool it or she's gonna leave

>Believing women

So... are you implying that Anaconda girl will also post nudes if we keep this up?

she's a dyke cunt
of course she will
but she will stay it's not nudes it's "art"

What a whore. Nice tits though

Y’know I’m convinced that if I lived near her and got in contact with her, I could win her over. I’m handsome, go on dates and put up with a lot of autism from Yas Forums. I’d probably get sick of her like that guy who wrote an email explaining what was wrong with her, but hey, worth a shot.

She’s said she has had boyfriends. She claims to be “queer” but that encompasses bisexual too

Daily reminder that she has cute feet

she's in big denial. she's a dyke.

what email are you talking about?

Imma need more nudes. Her insta is privated..

God i hate myself, please call me a cunt

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Actually impressive

She once said she went on a date with a guy who later sent her a long email explaining what is wrong with her.

>spam this silly autistic jewgirls videos for weeks
>still has fewer than 2k subs
it's never going to become a meme. You lads have failed.

any images of the email?

what the fuck

>stares directly into camera
>genuine* laughter
*not genuine

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her shoulders are wider than mine

I can smell her from here.

honestly she looks like she smells like shit
probably eats matzo balls and all the other weird flavorless jewish "food"

No shit

She's probably the one who make this thread
I mean look at her view count