Flat earth is a global thing

Flat earth is a global thing.

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If I were a Make-A-Wish kid I would spend the day with Eddie Bravo

>Fuck some people up with BJJ
>Smoke copious amounts of JRE approved weed
>Talk shit about jews and (non)conspiracy theories

flat earth is based, even though it's wrong.
it makes jews so nervous they waste their time and money debunking it and they always do a shitty job of it.

This. I don't believe the Earth is flat, but I am 100% sympathetic to the point they are making and will stand up and fight for them. People shouldn't accept things blindly

>ancient civilizations proved the earth is spherical thousands of years ago by putting a fucking stick in the ground
not believing everything you hear is fine, but being an intellectually lazy/dishonest contrarian faggot is not

>and they always do a shitty job of it
based fucking retards, a basic understanding of physics shows flat earth to be the retarded cult of brainlets that it is.

look at how easily they seethe

He’s the type of guy to lock his keys in his motorcycle.

>but being an intellectually lazy/dishonest contrarian faggot is not
where do you think you are

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Being a flat earther is a direct proof that you're retarded, and therefore, most likely an american

You think OMGILUVSCIENCE reddit and morty fans actually understand the physics behind what they parrot?

Yet still the debunking videos always spill their spaghetti and feel the need to resort to strawmans and ad homs, and ignoring many of the flat earth arguments.

almost as easy as it is to disprove your retard religion
>muh independent thinker
pound sand down the eye of your cock you mental amoeba

>>Fuck some people up with BJJ
damn, his tongue skills are that good?

>a basic understanding of physics shows flat earth to be the retarded cult of brainlets that it is
Go ahead and describe how. In your own words. You do understand all of the science behind it, right?

Holy shit you guys are mad and nervous
What's the deal? What are you scared of exactly?

it's not wrong though, Antarctica doesn't look like this for no reason

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>gravity acts in three dimensions
>systems tend toward minimum energy states
>the minimum energy state of a giant semi-solid mass of spinning rock is a sphere, not a fucking disk
Wow that was hard.
>inb4 "muh gravity"
you can literally prove the existence of gravity in a lab with sticks and rocks and shit, present an alternate model or fuck off.

>gravity acts in three dimensions
>>systems tend toward minimum energy states
>the minimum energy state of a giant semi-solid mass of spinning rock is a sphere, not a fucking disk
Prove all of these things.

Absolute seething fear of the flat chads lmao

>muh prove it
it's basic physics you stupid cunt, present an alternate model or fuck off, burden of proof is on you. I'm sorry you're not arguing with some rick and morty faggot from your compsci class who just says "muh NASA"

you niggers have to literally rely on made up dark gravity. gravity is a theory for a reason

>it's basic physics you stupid cunt
Sounds like you can't actually explain it yourself.

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Do you think all Christcucks have read the Bible?

*dark matter

>seething scientism follower can only parrot the conclusion he's fed by his priests

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wow so flat

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Present your alternate theory and demonstrate its value or fuck off back to facebook maybe you can sucker in another soccer mom or some shit
receive a basic physics education retard, I'm not going to walk you through every proof, burden of proof is on you

So if the Earth is flat I should be able to see Australia with a telescope right?

But believing in the flat earth needs you to blindly accept things too

it's just density, bro. heavier things weigh more

>receive a basic physics education retard
So, again, you can't actually explain this yourself, in your own words. All you can do is repeat what you were told is the case.

I'm surprised hollow earth theory didn't gain momentum at the same time

>he still hasn't presented an alternate model that holds up to any scrutiny at all
yes I'm sure everyone else is wrong and you're right little guy, real independent thinker, what a smart boy what a clever boy what a special boy

no vision is still a thing. you can't see everything forever. can you see the mountains on Mars?

>and (non)conspiracy theories
I hate everything about how people use that term

both are true, hollow earth leads to Hell

>muh repeating others
Read a godddamn book you fucking retarded cunt. Read a physics textbook preferably and show me how basic energy conservation is wrong? Stupid fucking mincing little faggot.

retarded post, disregarded.

Are you fucking retarded? We can see Mars from here and you're telling me I can't see The Eiffel Tower or China from here? If the Earth is flat then NOTHING would block my view, just need to aim the telescope and that's it. Time to back pedal and make excuses now boy.

The Earth doesn’t exist

>Read a physics textbook preferably and show me how basic energy conservation is wrong?
Show me how it's right, without appealing to authority. You don't understand any of this yourself. You don't test any of this yourself. You only repeat what authorities tell you is so.

with a telescope yeah

The whole "dude you're just repeating what scientists say" retarded hilarious argument kind of falls apart pretty quicklt doesn't it? What if you're talking to an astronaut who's been up there? Are you going to take the "DUDE YOU'RE LYING, EVERYONE'S LYING, I'M A FREE THINKER" route? Embarrassing

if you think you could see across the ocean if the world was flat you have an IQ of about 3

I'm a physicist and I understand this. What now?

How do you feel about the holohoax?


I don't believe something just because I read it and the person claiming it also claims to be an authority, unlike you. So I'm going to need some proof. And I'm still waiting on you to prove those previous claims.

>if you think you could see across the ocean if the world was flat you have an IQ of about 3
With a telescope you can. You're not very bright are you?

You still couldn't, dipshit.

I can prove that with my chemistry classes standard supplies and about 15 minutes user. Just because you’re a brainlet doesn’t mean everyone else is


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So do you believe humans existed before you were born?

He's a a troll and a fellow Mason, I've seen him at the lodge, good guy.


Is this supposed to make your "earth is flat" argument stronger?

I do, but I accept the possibility that it may not be the case. I believe, I don't claim it as an absolute fact.

Maybe because you need a faster rotation in order for the sphere to become a disk? Hence that would be a higher energy state

The proofs that establish the laws and the application of those laws to other observable phenomena is what "shows you that it's right" you reductionist cunt, you're just a retarded child asking "why why why why" because you can't understand the explanations that do already exist. I'm sorry you flunked highschool physics but that's really not my problem.

>muh appeal to authority
The authority in this case being my basic logical understanding of the world? Everything from an electron movement in an LED to your slut mother's panties hitting the floor tends towards lower energy states, it just makes sense, if things tended towards higher energy states the universe would burn up or some shit.


Here's a video of the Cavendish experiment at work.

Is there any way to pull down JRE? Like for using drugs online or something?
This nigger and his pals is starting to get dangerous in a sense that his retardation spills over.

>The proofs that establish the laws and the application of those laws to other observable phenomena is what "shows you that it's right"
>it's right because the authorities said so already!

>my basic logical understanding of the world? Everything from an electron movement in an LED to your slut mother's panties hitting the floor tends towards lower energy states, it just makes sense, if things tended towards higher energy states the universe would burn up or some shit.

So you basically doubt absolutely everything and think ANY idiotic theory should be considered. And you think that's a sensible take. If I said tomorrow that humans are made of bananas and scientists called me an idiot you would still go "I mean, it might be true"

I know you don't have a very long attention span or reading comphrehension skills or anything approaching human intelligence but if you'd direct yourself one penis-length down my post
>>muh appeal to authority
>The authority in this case being my basic logical understanding of the world? Everything from an electron movement in an LED to your slut mother's panties hitting the floor tends towards lower energy states, it just makes sense, if things tended towards higher energy states the universe would burn up or some shit.

don't even know what you're trying to say here, take your meds

>So you basically doubt absolutely everything and think ANY idiotic theory should be considered.
I accept that anything I haven't seen proof of with my own eyes could be incorrect.

i'm a skeptic. i believe that molecules interacting with molecules result in molecules. nothing more. nothing less.

>it just makes sense, if things tended towards higher energy states the universe would burn up or some shit.
According to who?

>he honestly believes that his Jew boogeyman is getting nervous about a comically stupid "movement" of retards who think the earth is flat

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>proof of with my own eyes
So you think Superman is real? There's footage of him flying and doing awesome shit. How do you know it's a movie?

no one wants to be proven right or wrong
they just want to argue

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I haven't seen Superman with my own eyes, only on edited video footage.

friendly reminder that everything he said is true

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