Was it kino?
Was it kino?
Other urls found in this thread:
hershlag at her sexiest
>Léo N
Happy Birthdayyyy
watching it now
hour in and pretty kino
wahts Leo in?
was cringe
14 should be perfectly legal and accepted
isn't she 14?
I personally prefer Nikita. Reno's role was cooler and the french language gives the movie a "je ne sais quoi".
cunny kino
can’t make it through it without busting one out
sucks that Natalie aged so poorly
all women age poorly
I used to watch this film loads as a kid. Loved it then loved it now
it was okay
i don't get what the big deal is
the fifth element is way better
some stay small and keep there nice voices
are you a cunny
I think so
>the fifth element is way better
wtf i'm just trying to keep a based thread alive
it was a cute and funny movie
more movies with this aesthetic?
Saw a lgf at the bookstore today
She was very twitchy
She was wearing socks and sandals and i could see her toes twitching
She turned around and her butt twitched once
She was playing minecraft on her phone
is Anna out yet?
cunny kino!
She was 12
what's that about?
okay 12 should be legal then
she seemed at least 13 and mature for that
what is lgf suppoded to stand for? pretty sure it doesn't stand for cun
little gf :3
I think it may be loli gf as well
tfw no 145cm gf
how do i get a lgf now
i love little girls
That scene where he bursts in the room and shoots those guys in a second and scoops her up is the most kino in the whole movie.
fucking pedo
You good Yas Forums
absolutely based soundtrack in this film too
>Shape of my Heart
don't forget that venus as a boy scene
They make me feel so
i swear ive seen these clothes in anime
It was pretty cool, but Gary Oldman's character sucked. Not that Oldman did a bad job as far as I know, I just couldn't take it serious.
faye valentine
hebe is okay
pedo is not
you are disgusting and should kys
if you would fuck someone under 12
cowboy bebop is shit
I just need to find my Koneko gf
anyone else realized if they wanted the perfect wife they needed to hook when when they where around 14?
i fucked it all up by going to a shit school with no decent girls and now it's too fucking late
10 and up is fine
Then reduced to 7
maybe 20 years ago but now 10 year olds and even 15 year olds are literal retards that act like 5 year olds
the girl in the ops movie acts like a 17 year old now
does anyone remember years ago that egirl that looked like anne frank that was like 15 and was in a relationship with a 20 year old neckbeard and the internet found out and shamed them and got her bf arrested so she killed herself? i can't find her since i don't remember the name
it's like it's been covered up or something
No, it was degenerate pedoshit
she is more mature than most 20 year olds today you retard kill yourself
i have about 20 minutes left of the kino
gonna get depressed if one of them dies
based hebechad