what filters do you use, Yas Forums?
What filters do you use, Yas Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
any trip nigger
I don't use any, I just individually hide threads.
Dark crystal hmm threads. I legit have no idea why there’s a general on this board every day. Isn’t it just a Netflix show about puppets? Can one of the fans explain to me why you guys post about it every day?
Filtering is for pussies
I was thinking the same thing today.
I watched one ep. and its hilarious bad puppeteering, and the story is even worse.
Is it a kids show? Is this some nostalgia bs? If it is we should be making fun of these brony-esque faggots
>filtering on Yas Forums
Some people are just against Fun, innit.
It honestly baffles me that we have a daily general. I don’t know if they’re this board’s equivalent of furries, or essentially a containment thread for degenerates who don’t interact outside their general. But from what I can tell, there’s no distinguishable reason for their general to have such longevity as opposed to, say, a general for parks and rec or futurama or ozark or any other random Netflix show.
> 13 posters
I filter everything brie larson
I don't.
Have sex
Sneed. It's the ultimate waste of a post.
This but instead of hide I check top
Just things that people incessantly post because their self-worth is tied to receiving replies on this site.
None if I see a thread I don't like I shit it up until it gets deleted or I get banned
Genuinely good point, I will. Thank you for reminding me.
I don't filter or hide anything. I see something I like, i shitpost. Nothing you can do about it faggets
3 of the posters are other anons telling them to shut the fuck up
I didn’t even check that. So is it literally the same 10-ish people each time posting in the same general thread about the same shit about a show with one season that came out one year ago, every goddamn day? I don’t filter them or find them particularly annoying, but Jesus is it utterly bizarre without some explanation that they’re all furries.
i notice that supergayfaggot hasn't been around in weeks
most things, unfortunately.
>bad puppetering
So um, what’s good puppetering?
>utterly bizarre without some explanation
Generals have always been populated by lonely fags
No filters. I want to see the board for what it is. Reality is reality.
Not that user, and haven’t watched the show, but I disagree on that point- Henson’s work is a landmark in puppeteering.
Are you one of the fans who posts in the general? Can you explain to me why you guys make a new general every day? I don’t get the long-lasting appeal of the show, and from the looks of it there’s only a dozen of you posting in the general.
Usually trippers just get reported so much from sperging redditors who hate on trips to fit in that they just get banned repeatedly until the ban is permanent or the trip itself gets banned in the case of any evasion.
i still hang around Yas Forums sometimes late at night, porn threads need to go though, it’s rediculous
good. fuck him.
Hi I post there. Months ago we said we would keep the general going until we heard any kind of news on a second season but hey guess what we are still waiting.
So we just post random shit and tidbits of news every now and then.
Ginger snaps threads ever since the discord trannies started spamming it
Yas Forums is objectively the worst board on Yas Forums now. It's literally 80% porn, and it's not even good porn, just pictures of semi nude random girls. At least years ago it used to be like 50% porn. I used to browse like every day, now I go there like once a week to see if there's anything interesting, but usually not.
I have 25 filters atm
how does it even look after this?
/\/\utt,[email protected],Ti2ANNY,i2ETARD,/poI/
J@/\/ /\/ Y, lNCEI
on Yas Forums it filters 27 threads, and on Yas Forums it filters 96 threads.
Filtering is ultimate /weakmind/
That faggot that makes the ginger snaps thread everyday gets filtered
>not using 4chanx
/\/\utt,[email protected],Ti2ANNY,i2ETARD,/poI/
J@/\/ /\/ Y, lNCEI
Hi leddit
t. tripfag who got banned
Yeah that man was a menace.
Those you listed and ginger snaps
Sure, but why not just... not? It’s not like you’re being held liable to anyone, and a new season will come regardless of your control over the situation. Your answer also avoids my original question: WHY you guys care so much about a random Netflix show to keep the general alive. Like, there’s dozens of other shows like rick and morty, castlevania, or disenchanted etc that fans could keep reviving generals of in the off-season. Why dark crystal? What is it about the show that makes it so special, besides some user’s promise they’d keep the general going until season 2?
Does anyone else find it kind of strange that if you wanted to you could browse an extremely sanitized Yas Forums with no racial slurs, no cursing, nothing you disagree with, and no mainstream hugbox websites have anything close to that capability?
I used Yas Forums X too but how can I use this to bump some threads to the top automatically like said?
Unless it’s a ginger snaps thread, then it’s based
He moved to Yas Forums. He mostly gets ignored.
>le 'Yas Forums Enhancement Suite'
fuck off
You should go back with him
You do know Yas Forums filters itself right? you can't even say T B H
>All those opening phrases from the old pedobot
Marketing firms trying to manufacture hype. They've probably contracted some Indian firm to do shit like this for them. Having 10 Indians at a time shitposting 24/7 probably runs them less than $500 per day, which is nothing in terms of marketing budgets.
That's not really true. You can filter spam threads but there's always going to be arguments and spam within the on topic ones.
pastebin those filters.
I probably will stop posting there soon, it's getting beyond a joke now.
As to why, we just really fucking love the show. It's like my Star Trek, it really clicked with me and I got super into the lore. I'm also a big practical effects guy so the show was a dream come true for me. The thought of there not being a second season really sucks.
I guess the general ending feels like admitting defeat.
upload all of ur filters to pastebin plz
>no fun allowed
What's your major malfunction?
What does it mean?
Star Wars
Iron Man
Captain America
See, I don’t believe this. In terms of daily users, Yas Forums is ranked incredibly low, and most of that traffic is probably for b and pol. I think anons’ perception of shilling on this board comes from the fact that most people who use Yas Forums check it rather frequently. But really, an astroturfed advertisement on here might get only 100 views before the thread dies, whereas an equivalent post on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram would get tens of thousands. It simply isn’t worth corporations’ time to start grassroots movements on this board.
If anyone has *concrete* evidence to the contrary, I’d love to see it. I just have a hard time believing billion dollar media giants like Netflix and Disney are spending money to create reylo threads on Yas Forums
you just said it
All these
I don't post there but I don't mind autists having their generals. What's wrong with tv fandom on Yas Forums? Better than a twitter pol screencap thread.
10 indians shitposting 24/7 for a day would be about $5. they run captcha farms in india you can get like 1000 solves for 99 cents
fug desu
I just filter the tranny jazz shill threads,StarWars and that one tripfag
Holy based
Suuuuuuuuuuuuh neeeeeeeeeed!
Well alright, I can understand that angle. Thanks for genuinely answering me. It does suck for a show to end, when I was twelve the last episode of Avatar The Last Airbender left a hole in my heart.
Well, bump filters are still useful, I use
to bump fairy threads on /x/ and
on /g/ for some old laptops I like
I'm not a zoomer or a faggot so I don't filter anyone. I'm capable of scrolling past threads I have no interest in.
he cringe.
>Un Iron calls
>pat rice cyan
>what yes
Other than that seems pretty good
It's pure bullshit. There should be some kind of variant of Hanlon's Razor for Yas Forums that goes "never attribute to shilling that which can be adequately explained by autism"
This. The people who sperg out about generals are the people who make those low effort bait threads that shit up the board.
You can tell what a shill thread is based on how it gets to stay up when something thats the exact same thing, but for something else is deleted
for example right now
How do I filter a single letter without it blocking any word or sentence with that letter? Like if the post was just "P" it would get filtered but "Poop" would still show up.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, what’s more likely— that Disney is paying someone to create Reylo General #3482 at 4 in the morning on a Sunday, or that one of the billions of people on earth happens to be devotionally obsessed to a twilightesque romance in the largest fandom of all time? Again, I don’t doubt that guerrilla marketing exists, just not on Yas Forums.
For /trek/ and /who/ the autism is real, specially for the former.
It's not uncommon to see two or three /trek/ threads at once on the catalog.
shills run this board now, board culture is kill on site, reddit garbage is ignored for hours