Columbine shooting

21 years and no one have made an accurate big budget adaptation of this? It's a dramatic story and a well known event.

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>exploitation for profit
I hope you get raped OP

They should make one where somebody stops them from inside the school to show that an armed populace is a good thing.

just watch the news...
fucking ypipo

what are you, 13?

it would be too contreversal because their points about the jocks ( chads ) being evil and controlling everyone is too true for anyone to handle. It would basically be a film glorifying Yas Forums if done accurately

What is Zero Day?


the real footage is so insightful, plenty and kino that a movie wouldn't do it justice

The v-tech shooting would be much better. A nice character-driven psychological thriller that concludes with a big gory finale. A Japanese director and scriptwriter could probably do it justice. Nobody in the western hemisphere has any interest in dramatic portrayals of the misanthrope's world.

they should make a movie about it, where the shooting happens within the first 5 minutes and the next 3 hours explores the effects it had on various families and our country. jake gyllenhaal should be a survivor.

Kino scene:

yes and show the two perpetrators get slowly raped by a big hero

No media or studio will touch it because they got into a lot of heat for sensationalizing it. It’s now a textbook example of psychos getting the attention they want.

You look at every mass shopping anf most cases the killer idolized Columbine and wanted that kind of attention

are edgelords like OP still a thing?

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They should do an American Crime Story type season of it. Problem is there is no trial

yeah fuck all those mass shoppers

No parent would let their child be an extra in a film like that

I just noticed my typo

Less than 20 years after WWII and all the millions of deaths and suffering caused they were making movies out of it. We have had numerous Holocaust inspired movies. Tragic events which cost human lives have never been 'off-limits'.

What made this so memorable compared to other school shootings?

I dont like Gus Van Sant, but Elephant is pretty much an adaption of what happened. Good Kino.

This one.

>mass shopping
Yeah I hate them too.

Jesus you guys forget fast. It’s already been done through the majesty of dance.

>the shooters open the door
>on the other side the entire school has amassed, all pointing guns at them
>"Hey assholes" yells black trans School LGBTQIA+ Diversity and Inclusion representative from xer wheelchair, pumping a rainbow painted 12 gauge
>"Fuck you, you intolerant pieces of shit! Die you cishet white male scum!"
>Entire school opens fire on them, riddling them with bulletholes, they literally get blown to pieces
>School erupts with cheers, everyone hugs each other

Two friends. They dressed up. Kino security footage

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>oh no they're airbenders

Two killers, almost unheard of, rich suburban area, bored 24/7 news needing something to fill time Pre-internet so more people watched said news channels

Cringe unfunny spic

There's been a bunch of Columbine-based films, but I don't think there's ever been one directly based on it.

Andrew Cunan died before he was apprehended and they made a good season about that.

there weren't that many school shootings before

kill yourself zoomutt

some quentin tarantino disciple will make a OUATIH-esque kino about it in 30 years

What other real world events should they make movies about?

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there will be a movie at some point that does to school shootings what "Psycho" did to serial killers

I want a version where they use the machine gun to mow down fleeing students

a character study of manipulative jock sociopath Eric preying on depressed beta Dylan would be kino

>an accurate big budget adaptation of a dramatic story
You mean glorifying the violence?


Why not get a korean director
they are so edgy and popular now

There was that one about Rachel Scott but I heard it sucked

Bataclan maybe.

fucking lame

Didn't they parody this in the first season of American Horror Story?

If they actually made this movie, conservatives would get mad at the part where Klebold and Harris get into Nazism

reminder the coroner confirmed the were found in a gay position in the library

Because they are schmaltzy and require happy endings. The japs make movies about deranged murderers with convoluted ideologie

theres an actual pic of it youll have to try harder

american horror story somewhat did

>1 minute later

WTF are you idiots talking about?

Forget about these two faggots when is elliot kino be made to fulfill the prophecy??

there is a character in a season of American Horror Story who shoots up his school

You are now aware that if the pipe bombs they set up didn't malfunction, they could easily end up with over 200 kills.

pic was taken after they got moved by the swat team when they searched the bodies for booby traps afaik

what Japanese director did you have in mind?

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In no way was that a direct reference to columbine.

what gay position?

>big budget

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you have to go back

Gooks aren’t interesting

Zero Hour was a great documentary, if you want a Columbine film just watch that, but i agree its fucking amazing material and im surprised that there hasnt been hundreds of Columbine films

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it was traumatic

Then why did it take place in the library instead of a random classroom?

dicks in each other's mouths

if the propane bombs they put in the cafeteria worked there would have been over 2000 dead