/who/ - Doctor Who General

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Norf FC type guys don't really like the BBC though.

>In Doctor Who Extra, Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi explain that they don't really understand Emoji. Thus they had some trouble understanding texts from Jenna Coleman, who used Emoji frequently in her texts to them.

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>Fookin' Clala, stop sending me this shite!

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Is she checking out Capaldi's ass?

>don't understand idiot-proof pictorial symbols
Are they retarded?

Why did he bring in so many fucking thirsty teens?

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Zagreus sits inside your head,
Zagreus lives among the dead,
Zagreus sees you in your bed,
And eats you when you're sleeping.

Zagreus at the end of days,
Zagreus lies all other ways,
Zagreus comes when time's a maze,
And all of history is weeping.

Zagreus taking time apart,
Zagreus fears the hero heart,
Zagreus seeks the final part,
The reward that he is reaping.

Zagreus sings when all is lost,
Zagreus takes all those he's crossed,
Zagreus wins and all it cost,
The hero's hearts he's keeping.

Zagreus seeks the hero's ship,
Zagreus needs the web to rip,
Zagreus sups time at a drip,
And life aside, he's sweeping.

Zagreus waits at the end of the world,
For Zagreus is the end of the world.
His time is the end of time,
And his moment time's undoing.

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Just boomers, as in actual boomers.

I thought Tennant did that?

Tennant brought them in. It's just that a lot of the online culture around places like Tumblr was really plateauing in around the time Smith came in. Those people got a lot louder because they suddenly had a megaphone.

>boomers don't know what smiles are

>Superwholock was a thing at some point
The fuck was that all about?

Does Yas Forums like the spin off Doctor Who shows (Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Class)? What about Big Finish productions?

>I've already told you Jenna, I don't have any aubergines to give you! Do you expect me to run to some sort of health good shop everytime you ask?

Just femcels creaming themselves to manic pixie dream boys. Don't worry about it.

Knock Knock

jenna always had an autistic thrist for him. but who could blame her? the capaldick has a near-mythical reputation.

the unresolved sexual tension probably gave birth to the pseudo-lovestory between the characters

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Based Zagreus poster, glad you reverted from Chibnall state

Torchwood is decent, but really dark. The revival on Showtime was shit, though.

>really dark
The later series (children of earth specifically) are really good, but the first series is fucking trash.
>This is the gas that makes you have sex with people.
>This is the Cyberwoman in a bikini.
>This is the weevil fight club where we fight weevils for money because apparently upon discovering aliens this is the first thing humanity would do.

this reeks of Chibnall

Come in

>Chibnall went from writing an episode about a Cyberman in bikini to being the biggest virtue signalling faggot around.
Where did it all go so wrong?

Has anyone seen this creature on YouTube?
>go to watch people’s opinions on season 12 Doctor Who
>find video by channel called “Council of Geeks”
>recognise the name and remember watching an episode a long while back, years ago
>find the host is now a crossdressing tranny who loves all the Jodie Whitaker stuff

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Yes. I clicked on a recomendation and was immediately confronted with a broad shouldered, deep voiced and course skin woman. Saw through what little illusion there was and clicked off it.

Yeah it's fucking weird right? Is there a certain "type" that become trannys or what?

>really dark
Lol no it's not. It's what a 12 year old thinks is mature: sex and swear words. Children of Earth is good though

>Sandifer also became a tranny during the few years I stopped paying attention to Doctor Who
What the fuck happened?

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was hoping for a "whose there" but sure, got any jelly babies?


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Torchwood's kind of charming in a campy way, but I really can't call it a good show, in any real regard.
Wasn't Chibnall pretty much head writer on those first two series?


Does he have legit dysphoria or is this some kind of attention grab?

Pearl Mackie is like 30

Batmanmarch is on HRT now. He's not actually transitioning though, yet.

Wait hang on I read ‘Steven Moffat’ as ‘Pearl Mackie’ somehow

A guy that /who/ used to fellate a few years back.

No fucking way.

Ugly monstrous trannies are usually autogynephiles - men aroused by the thought of themselves as women - they are motivated by fetishism and so derive sexual pleasure from forcing others to refer to them as women

>/who/ going into sexual shit again

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You're a fucking wanker.

He was never a masculine guy but I was still WTF.

lefty niggas be like:
>the BBC is LITERALLY complicit in the murder of PoC and the destruction of this n*tion because of their huge, evil pro right wing bias which saw the extremist tory party get elected
>abolish the licence fee? are you serious? the BBC produces quality entertainment and SEVERAL radio stations which are world class, so i'm told

>Is there a certain "type" that become trannys or what?
Pathological narcissists.

The News and politics are centre-right, everything else is far left. It's a neo-liberal's dream.

name a cuter couple

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"Legit" dysphoria is, and always was, an attention-grab.

Amy and Rory

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What even is "centre-right" at this point though? Boomers looking out for their own money?

He was young, skinny, and got to a lot of inoffensive "quirky" dialogue.

his voice is deeper now
what the fuck

I do think there actually are people who struggle with "gender identity" and all that shit. There's definitely blokes just doing it for attention though.

It was RTD who started it all, with his self-insertion as pic related.
Dr Who had been the most asexual show imaginable before then.

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Amy was a cheating bitch with Rory being nothing but loyal. Rory unironically deserved better.

That and drumming up war with whichever middle eastern shithole comes close to dragging itself out of the gutter, yes.

Didn't Jack first appear in a Moffat episode?

He looks more feminine in the first video, kind of like how you might mistake some dyke androgynous girl as a young boy, but can see through drag immediately.

yeah he did, he wrote that 2 parter in season 1


It's literally autism
>spend your life feeling you don't really fit
>lack social understanding
>some one sells you a snake oil
I don't know how people can't see this. Maybe you have to actually experience it on a certain level. If someone had sold me "gender dyphoria" and reassignment as a miracle cure when I was 13, I might have gone for it.

Yeah, it goes from "is that a tomboy" to "who sold this man that wig"

No, go away.

Actually couldn't have put it better myself.

>two thousand measly years guarding a box for your waifu
>four and a half billion years of personal hell, punching through a diamond wall and dying over and over for your waifu
it's debatable who's cuter but i gotta say 12 wins this round

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>Baby Pteed
>No face of Boe
Fucking how can who ever's decision this was be that retarded?

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A-Ha! But Rory was conscious and not continually forgetting his stuggle.