Predator 2 > Predator 1

Predator 2 > Predator 1

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Predator > The Predator > Predator 2 > Predators

Predator = Great

Predator 2 = Great

Predators = Slightly Lesser Great (only because of rehashing the jungle and not doing enough with eric being a serial killer)

AVP = Good

AVPR = Decent (would be full on good if the lighting was better)



>Predator 2 > Predator 1

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you have really low standards

>AVPR = Decent (would be full on good if the lighting was better)

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Bait, right? The predator is the worst shit

No fucking way.
Predator > Predator 2 > Predators >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Predator

Predator > Predators > Predator 2 > The Predator

I like the concept of Predator 2 the most of all of them, though. I don't find Arnold and his fellow goons all that compelling.

i agree

i don't really like the first predator but the sequel's reasonably enjoyable, could do with being slightly shorter though

Objectively wrong and subjectively gay.

you forgot 'the predator'. which sucked.
autism being next stage evolution and iron man pred-suit. fuck that noise.

Both are great and endless quotable
Big wille will see you now

you don't know how to manage expectations

Danny Glover is no Arnie. This opinion of yours, it's terrible.

yes the plot is really dumb but you forgot about how the main cast lacked charisma, the action lacked excitement/tension.

>Predator 2 > Predator 1

>all these seething fags
Predator 2 is a good movie you cucks

Don't make me brap on you

It is. But not better than Predator 1. Stop misunderstanding things on purpose you annoying fag.

this. It demonstrated the savagery of the nigger when placed in a city and that the best course of action is to hunt them down like animals

>implying we hate 2 because we prefer 1
you must be 18 to post here

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people like you only add shit to the world

at least we contribute something you narrow minded troglodyte

youre just shit

Predator 2 is just Predator for gingers.


All you do is talk shit and you can't even do that right. Stop posting

>releasing one of the sweatiest, sun-baked, humid, warm, hot, summer films ever at Christmas...

you fucking donkey

> One of the most badass Predators of the series.
> Sewer battle & final battle are solid.
> Sheriff is likable.
> The actress from 24 is a decent Ripley ripoff, better then the bitch from Covenant
> Great Predalien design and effects.

> Most of the rest of the cast has minimal likability.
> WAY too darkly lit.
> The Alien suits aren't the best.
> Meh/Weak-ish ending.
> Small town setting is meh.
> The prego slaughter is almost too mean spirited.

>you forgot 'the predator'. which sucked.
Haven't seen it.

>you forgot 'the predator'
i've been trying to

I agree with this scale.
Predator=Great original sci fi film
Predator 2=not as good, more generic action schlock, but still worth watching, excellent urban setting
Predators=good continuation. Well made and acted. Understood what made the original good.
The Predator=shitty with shitty "how do we make it topical and modernized?" mannerisms, imported all the worst parts of modern sci fi fantasy. only saving grace being the excellent practical effects predator when they're even present. It's probably the only entry that really tarnished the franchise, especially financially.

The first AVP isn't that bad. I remember it had a pretty extensive marketing campaign, and its posters were fucking excellent.
AVPR is trash, but enjoyable trash.

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>Both are great and endless quotable

I can't remember a single quote for Predator 2. The first has Knock knock, get to the chopper, i'll be back, etc

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Predator 2 is really enjoyable but it’s not as good as first one
Then again not being as good as one of the best action films of all time doesn’t mean it’s bad

I agree with this. AVPR was always meant to serve as fanservice and as an homage to the series it did it well. One of the last movies to use practical effects to great effect. Once someone realizes what the movie was intended to be and how it pulls it off you can finally begin to see what the film does great. AVPR never wanted to be compete to with the core Predator/Alien films but more a celebration of them instead.

Predator 2 > Terminator 2

name a more kino moment in the entire series. protip: you can't

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>Want some candy
>Danny boy
>King Willie will see you now

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This is contrarianism on levels i never knew possible.

2 is a fine movie, certainly underrated. But better than Predator? Get the fuck out of here nigger.

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^this is the only correct take

alienfags will disagree, but their series degenerated into pretentious trash while predator movies have been consistently entertaining so what do they know

>Predator 2 > Predator 1
It would have been if it had a better director. Whoever they had was okay, but it could have been a lot more.

This is the correct ranking.

>mfw reading this thread

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Predator > Predators > AVP > Predator 2 > The Predator > AVPR

We need a Predator movie set in the past. Suburbs and generic alien planets aren't working.

No. But Predator 2 is very good and underrated. It's the second best Predator movie.

Predator vs The Evil Dead

>It's the second best Predator movie.

I mean that's not exactly saying much is it.

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meant for

It took me a few minutes to find it but I posted this a couple of yeas ago in a pitching thread (around the time The Predator was released), I still think something like this would be cool to see.

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Compared to the other Predator movies it's not saying much. But 1 & 2 are legitimately good.

To be fair I would rank the Alien series...

Alien = Amazing

Aliens = Great

Alien 3 = Good

Alien Resurrection = Weak to Ok/Meh

Prometheus = Very Good

Covenant = Haven't seen.

>Predator: The New World

Rough pitch idea. No apologies for historical inaccuracies:
>Starts with group of Aztec-affiliated slavers about to raid a village. Cut to the village elder, telling a story about the demon who comes every third generation to hunt the warriors of the tribe. Village elder holds up a piece of Pred blade wrapped in leather. Slavers attack. Warriors and women enslaved, forced to march out into jungle. Village elder tells slave captain they will be cursed and the demon will come for them. Captain orders his men to kill elder, torch village. Camouflaged Pred watches them march away from up in the trees.
>Meanwhile, a group of conquistadors wants to sack the city the slaves are being taken to, but city is too well-defended. They see the slavers and decide to gamble with freeing them and getting their help attack the city. Some conquistadors killed, but one manages to free one of the warriors. Other conquistadors routed. The two flee into jungle. Pred watches.
>In the Aztec city, slaver captain receives payment and is immediately killed by predator. Pred goes to where warriors are being held, kills all the guards, then picks up the guards' weapons and throws them in front of the warriors, then leaves.
>Conquistador and warrior buddies make their way through the Aztec city to the ruler. Meanwhile, Pred is having fun killing Aztec soldiers, leaving city less defended.
>Other conquistadors arrive, Pred switches to them. Fun chase scene through streets of unfamiliar Aztec city at night.
>Finally pred confronts MC warrior. Pred tosses warrior the broken piece of Pred blade from the village at the beginning. FINAL FIGHT! Warrior just about to lose when conquistador MC shoots pred, wounding him so warrior can get the kill before pred finishes typing self-destruct. Warrior leaves. Conquistador accidentally nukes city.
Ends with rebuilt village hut while new elder is telling story and holds up pred's mask.

You missed all the best ones.





Couple more ideas I had

>Predator 1944 (US and Japanese troops in southeast Asia)

>Predators vs. Cowboys (old west Arizona)

Alien > Aliens > Covenant > Alien3 > Prometheus > Resurrection

Plus the first one has the greatest meme template of all time whereas the second one has nothing.

Those are both pretty fun. Could even do a Skull Island and set it in the Vietnam-era.

Spartans could be fun as well but probably way too corny for live-action - maybe just a throwaway reference with a spear in the ship or something.

I want to see a predator with no humans. Something about their civil/clan wars

Just from the numbers I've rewatched each of these, I have to agree.

Here is the comics story of the Predator 2 pirate pistol.

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It blows my mind that people here actually like Predators. But then I remember that there are also people here who think Only God Forgives is a masterpiece.

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"Predator 2 > 1" is going to become the new "Die Hard is a Christmas movie" meme. Mark my words.

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