First poster for Jurassic World: Domination. Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum to return.
First poster for Jurassic World: Domination. Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum to return
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Damn, no one cares?
Where's my Bryce Dallas Howard?
going back to red/black/yellow?
It's just going to be more woke bullshit that will further denigrate this brand. Those of us over 30 are over it.
New Zealand
What's this one going to be about?
They will postpone the shooting anyway. Which means that the release date will change.
>wraps up a 27 year franchise with one final movie
What could possibly go wrong? It's not as if there's been a precedent set for that type of franchise topper is there?
It wasn't episodic until 2015.
Bruh I didn’t even know a second World came out. Nobody I know has seen it
>poster is completely black
here we go again
Every Jurassic Park film other than the first is shit
Theyre riding the nostalgia train.
It was like yesterday when Trevorrow said that he really doesn't want to do that. It even sounded as if he was throwing some shade on Bayona in a civil way.
Yeah, until fallen kingdom bombed and he got desperate. This movie will probably even have a recreation of the t-rex car scene. Watch.
That's what happened in Fallen Kingdom. At least the chase scene and the objects in mirror part. And that's the scene that Trevorrow mentioned.
Also Fallen Kingdom made over 1.3 billion somehow.
Fallen Kingdom was extremely toned-down and kiddified from World, so I'm not getting my hopes up here. I'm guessing it'll mostly just be a nostalgia trip handled more competently than the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
>throwing some shade
stop using nigger lingo.
Fallen Kingdom was one of the best directed movies in the entire series.. If you ever watch it again, just check out some of the shots, the lighting, the framework.. JA Bayona can maneuver a fucking scene.
It was the script that was the problem..Trevorrow can't write worth shit and his writing partner is one of the worst writers in all of Hollywood.
lmao what the fuck is this post? Surprised that American dominate on the internet?
star wars destroyed, terminator destroyed, alien destroyed, predator destroyed, and jurassic park, yes, destroyed. nobody gives a shit
The first one was perfect for what it was. It didn't need a sequel, or a 3rd, let alone another cash cow threequel series. It's gonna suck, OBVIOUSLY. It's already 5 films deep into whogivesafuckville. The only people who will see this are bored people, people who don't give a fuck and just want to watch a big name film, and parents with their kids.
i think my brand loyalty ran out of fuel at this point
sorry jews
>Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum to return
No they wont. Not all of them at least. Coronavirus is in Hollywood and these people are old enough to be at risk.
Its gonna tie into corona and introduce a virus that turns people into dinosaurs
You think that saying things will make it true? That's pretty New Age.
Believe it or not Jurassic Park is the only one of these franchise that hasn't completely folded to WOKE politics.. The movies might be underwhelming but the protagonist is still a white male Chad saving the day and getting the girl.
Trevorrow is terrible at writing but he made sure to give Jurassic World a white hero.
Being a bad movie and being a bad movie because of political statements are 2 different things.. Star Wars, Terminator, and Predator sucked because of propaganda.. Jurassic Park sucks because the scripts are bad.
you're using nigger/tranny lingo and it makes you look like a zoomer. got it, jamal?
Laura Dern is in her 50s.
>Alan Grant gets humiliated and killed so a yasss queen can take his place
Calling it now. That's how all these sequels to beloved classics with male leads turn out.
>Laura Dern
Get ready for white men bad women strong
FK had two stupid but very brief political references. JW was fine, FK was bad I love dinosaurs and I'm glad people still love dinosaurs but I'm shocked this is a billion dollar franchise and the hype is real and we're getting two tv shows it's not like any of the new movies reached at least the level of The Lost World. But the series is very much alive.
We don't even have a poster for Godzilla 3.
I hope this series goes full Flinstone and has humans and dinosaurs living together. And not just "oh there's some dinos walking around in the wilderness", but dinosaur pets, dinosaur riding, attack dinos for police/military etc
I just noticed that OP titled the movie wrong. To his credit though Domination sounds was cooler than whatever the fuck Dominion is supposed to mean.
Don't know what the fuck is this all about but let's make a thread about this as you seem like one of those insufferable useless cunts who waste too much time discussing unimportant details about other people.
Didnt that happen in Jurassic Park 3?
>Im a clone and so are the dinosaurs so lets let them out into the general population
Yes. Lets indeed make a thread about this.
let me explain in a way your retarded nigger brain can easily comprehend it: you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Guy's got a point
So Trevorrow will get to film a 3rd part of a new trilogy of movies that serves as a soft reboot of an older trilogy (that had a great, good and a divisive installment), and bring back the original trio of characters from the original movie, which he couldn't do the last time he had a similar chance due to a variety of factors. It's like poetry, it rhymes.
You're in other threads as well calling randos jews and nigs? It hurt you so much let's talk about it.
Kek, you must be VERY new, friend.
Just what kind of psychological disorder you have that you assume so much and pick up fights with strangers over nothing?
It can't be worse than Fallen Kingdom, can it?
You assume the same person is in every thread and that its not a hive mind mentality. You have to go back.
Is Dr. Wuu back with his mad science experiments?
yes, every thread. every post. i will be there, nigger.
The sooner you start discussing your problems the sooner you will find someone who can help you with your problems.
Why keep they doing this
>was extremely toned-down and kiddified from World
Well it can since FK was the best Jurassic Park sequel
> Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum
Another Elderly House cash grab. Into the trash it goes.
sitting in my face
>sequels and remakes
When will it fucking end
>bringing back the old JP logo after trying to rebrand the whole franchise with that ugly fucking blue and silver color scheme
I feel like this one is going to feel rushed like Rise of Skywalker.
> ugly fucking blue and silver color scheme
They even made the whole movie with that filter.
Laura Dern became an uber feminist cat lady and Goldblum is a progressive wanker now, at least Sam Neill is still great.
>new poster for movie
>its just the name of the movie on a black background
>Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum to return
An adventure
65 million years
Jurassic World: Cuminion
Fallen Kingdom was great, it went full schlock