Was his chad level ever surpassed by a later person in GOTverse or did he stay absolute?

Was his chad level ever surpassed by a later person in GOTverse or did he stay absolute?

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ignores his badass, loyal, madly in love with him, tomboy sister in favor of a cheating whore with nice tits that is dumb enough to not only get herself but also her bloody dragon killed by sandniggers.
Literally only succeeds because of the fantasy equivalent of nuclear weapons
His heir is almost immediately usurped and replaced by a guy nicknamed the cruel
sets up the complete failure that is house targaryen

He is an even bigger retarded and failure than show tyrion

t. Beta

Why couldn't Maegor have kids? Was he sterile or did the maesters poison the wives?

if he was surpassed only another Targ couldve done it

he clearly was sterile, but the question is if the maesters had something to do with it.

If Dany is successful, in the books, will she be able to surpass him?

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I would be even more shocked if the fat fuck finishes the books, much less her making it to the end alive.

she wont be successful in the books
her crazy was foreshadowed from the start
much more cleverly done than the show

His seed was cursed

>If Dany is successful, in the books, will she be able to surpass him?
that is a moot question because we'll never know, as that fat neckbearded cap'n'suspenders-wearing cunt will die of a massive heart attack, leaving the books unfinished

Daenerys snapped in her last chapter of Dance. There's no way the Khal she saw is actually real and is just a figment of her imagination.

his chad sister concurred the iron isles literally by herself so maybe she's the only one who can surpass him

It’s crazy to reread the books and see all the foreshadowing of her madness staring us in the face, but nobody talked about it.

She can barely get through a single chapter without having intensely violent waking visions.


Westeros.org only started talking about it after Dragons came out shortly before the HBO show started airing.


He never deserved Visenya anyway.

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Visenya and Rhaenys are both married to me.

Robert was the biggest chad, not 3ven close

>fatso was killed by a random boar while hunting
>a boar

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Poor guy, no wonder he was so cruel. He just wanted kids

He was poisoned

Boars are scary

>forcing your sisters to marry you because you're scared they might use their dragons in a way you don't like

Cersei drugged him, he was drinking wine all the fucking time prior to the encounter and then there's a giant fucking boar.

I want to know what hurt Balerion when he fled with Aerea.

the sows are much worse, at least when they think they have to protect their young. fuck females, seriously.

Parasites, probably

The koreans?


>not even a medium size house in Valyria
>everyone dies
>win by default
Not even kidding. They just got lucky and proceeded to fuck Westeros up with incest and an ill-thought kingdom that locked the place technologically. I'm glad the masters are killing magic.

Bran was Boar

>mopes over Lyanna Stark for 20 years
>master cucked by Cersei
>didnt even give a shit about Slynt stealing from him

not chad

How they do it?




Yes, because dragons are for faggots.

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How could it be a hoax if there's one case?

didnt Jon Connington have it

>6.6 ft of beast wielding a warhammer
>super bro with legendary Starks of Winterfell
>fucks, eats and drinks everything
>got eye of some nice aristocratic prime magic winter pussy
>about to get it
>gets cockblocked by a faggot prince with delusions of grandeur
>incites a fucking rebellion when the crazy king call dibs
>gets a throne
>gets power
>gets prime lioness pussy juice
>still wants to become a sellsword king

If that's not a hyper chad chain of events circling a single man's life, I don't what it is

Aegon the Unworthy was the ultimate chad. Robert was a cuck.

Blackafyre nr 1 infa100%

do you guys think call Drogo licked her pussy or he was too stupid to enjoy it

Every time I think about ASOIAF as a whole, I realize how dumb it is a little more. It's embarrassing to me that I used to be so much into this shit, when it's just a fat american man's sexual fantasies.

>Aegon was the bestest you guys, he conquered a continent and he was great, you have no idea
>His entire dynasty managed to build one city, one cathedral and one road, spent the rest of their time being cartoony inbred retards because that's how Jorge Martini envisions late medieval european dynasties

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>>fucks, eats and drinks everything
Into an early grave, and becoming a joke of a man

>>gets prime lioness pussy juice
Who cuckolds him. For that matter, how often or many times did he and Cersei have sex?

Robert became pathetic and later almost pitiful upon taking the throne.

Boars are fucking crazy. They'll rip you apart faster than a lion and they'll survive a shotgun blast to the skull.


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>how often or many times did he and Cersei have sex?
In the beginning? Many times, but then he starts fucking around and in a certain night he fucks Cersei and says "Lyana..." during or after, anyway, Cersei gets mad and goes full Jaime.

He is such a shit character. I hope he gets comically killed by Balon Swann.

I don't think it was mentioned in the books but since he took her from behind the first time they had sex I think he was stupid enough to miss out on the opportunity

Why Targs have the best aesthetics anons?

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This nigga got neck problems and a hernia

>>a boar
Boars are actually dangerous.

Targ fucking shits get out

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moping over a vag for 20 years revokes any and all Chadness.
There can be no Chad discussion after that embarassment.

I thought it was the first night he said Lyanna? After that she rarely shared his bed, often just getting him drunk (or he was already drunk) and "fishing him off" in other ways (presumably giving him a handjob).

Isn’t there like a fucking island full of people who have it? Or am I thinking of something else. In the show when Tyrion and Jorah are in the boat and they come out of the water, isn’t that the same thing?

Is Jaime willing to protect Cersei enough to suck dick in her place?

I know how you feel, the more GRRM is revealing of the backstory the more his war of the roses ripp off is exposed as the shallow fuck that he is and worst of all I still haven't learned of anyones tax policy. The best he comes up with in his books is
>puts someone at least semi competent in charge of finance, instead of the usual inbred retard or scheming backstaber
>A long and successful reign

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>Or am I thinking of something else
No, you are right. It's called The Sorrows.

based retard

Tomboys are for closet faggots. Aegon did nothing wrong.

you don't need practicallity when you fly a dragon and they never adapted past that.

hack if Rhaegar used proper steel instead of gems he might have kept his brain inside of his skull for a little longer when facing off against Bobby B

>Euron Greyjoy
>Tywin Lannister
>Robert Baratheon
>Damon Blackfyre
>Dalton Greyjoy

All bigger chads

She can't be a true Chad while pining so much for Daario's dick


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>waifu would rather fuck prissy dragon prince
>wife would rather fuck brother

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imagine having such a fragile heterosexuality that the simple thought of a woman in armor might turn you gay.

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Who /ss/ here?

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And when the semi competent is in charge, it's never explained or shown how he makes the reign long and successful. It's always one man that seems to just fix everything and make everything run smooth on his own. That even seeped into the storyline with
>One man can fix everything
>So I have to kill every man who can do it to keep the story going
Fucking crusader kings players have a better grasp of the european feudal system than George does.

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For me? It's House Baratheon of Dragonstone!

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Jason Mallister is the biggest chad south of Castle Black

No one knows that he is in Westeros

Corona-chan will get GRRM, not his fat.

Reminder Jon survived the stabbing by using the necklace to switch with someone and that someone was Dolorus Eddd, his nightmare about being Lord Commander was foreshadowing this event and they used the necklace before to trick people at the start of the book with Rattleshirt.

Barristan deserves to be on the list just for telling Joffrey to go fuck himself in front of everyone

My top five houses: Dayne, Greyjoy, Dondarrion, Baratheon, and Hightower. Hightower haven't officially been seen yet but they've made their presence known and I love how obsessed with the occult they are. Winds is going to be awesome if it ever gets released.

Dragons and incest are cool

Was he Alexander or just a fraud?

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