ITT: your dads favourite movie

ITT: your dads favourite movie

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Austin Powers Goldmember

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shit is maximum comfy

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dunno never met him haha

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Mean Girls

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I never knew my dad.

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Rate my father

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Get off my board stupid fucking nigger

Hey that's my mom's favorite, great flick. Although weirdly there are a lot of shots of men's feet, was the director a gay footfag?

Nice. Same here

Used to watch this with the old man and younger brother,

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unironically. we both watched it in the cinema since he was a fan of the first one.

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>Every Allied force except America involved
>Literally invent Americans to put in the film
>Have one of them wear fucking chinos
Steve Mcqueen ruined that film. All the parts without him are Kino.

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O Brother Where Art Thou or Apocalypse Now.
It usually changes every 6 months or so.

The ultimate dad movie

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O brother where art thou

lmao imagine having a dad haha lmao faggot

The Dirty Dozen. Fist hour is actually Kino. The rest is shit.

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That Seagal flick with Erika Eleniak tits

Fargo and The Big Lebowski

My dad would fall asleep within 5 minutes of starting any movie. I dont think hes ever watches a single film

Under Siege is absolute kino.

Under Siege is a classic for crazy busey, Tommy lee jones as a bad guy and of course those big ol titties. classic desu

Seriously he’s a neo nazi and posts Yas Forums memes on his Facebook all day

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yeap, that's exactly it.

Top Gun
Dirty Dancing

essential dadcore

Never met my dad.

Cringe if true. Not even memeing.

Black people browse Yas Forums?

It's either this or Ben Hur, not really sure

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die hard
dirty harry

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Ben Hur, is also a favorite of my dad's

>Cringe if true. Not even memeing.
Found the judenfaggen


Ok Nazi, I'm just telling you it's cringe.

>t. nigger

Wrong board nigger

>Zulus, fousands of em

Where my Doctor Zhivago dads at?

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I'll take dadcore over Yas Forumscore any day.

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Absolutely and utterly based

This. Yas Forumscore is basically contrarian picks and capeshit

based and dadpilled

Embarssingly cringy and tryimg too hard.

Is Paul Newman dadkino?

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I hope someone here can help me out. I forgot the name of the movie but its about a reporter or something that finds a woman locked in a house that doesnt know how to speak. I think her name was Elle? The movie came out around the late 90s / early 2000s. The last thing I remember about it was, its based off of a real story. Can someone help me out here


pic or Home Alone.

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bros I watched this movie with my dad years ago while being really sick with fever and I can't remember much

>bunch of soldiers marching in this stone road
>americans were just shooting at them as they went along
>they were maybe brittish