>great movie
>terrible ending
What comes to mind?
Great movie
edge of tomorrow
no country for old men
The Dark Knight Rises
I am Legend
Planet of the Apes (Wahlberg edition)
porn in general. facials where the dude finishes himself off are a mistake
The Night of the Hunter is amazing but has a weak ending. It's not bad, but for some reason I felt like the last 15-20 minutes was weak and it just seemed to drag on.
Literally the perfect ending. What's wrong with you?
Southland tales
War for planet of the apes had a bad ending
I hate tarantino and genuinely thought hateful 8 was a really great movie until it turned into a retarded blood bath.
No. Creampies are the worst endings.
The ending itself was okay but the ending fight was lame, yes.
First Tarantino movie?
I always thought the ending to Das Boot was the worst thing about it.
>he filters facials over creampies
Law abiding citizen
what it just kind of ends and the bad guy gets away?
Law abiding citizen is the greatest offender
Idk why they didn’t just go with him blowing up the judges and then have Jaimie fox shoot him in his cell thereby what the spy said earlier in the film comes to pass
>watching porn with dicks
you're all faggots
Fucking based, a man of culture like me.
the whole thing was bad, it was just a fucking concentration camp with evil man
solo and lesbian is the way, anything else is cuckshit
Under the silver lake
Came here to post this
Ending was complete bullshit that completely broke the laws of physics
There Will Be Blood
florida project
falling down
Cloverfield 10 lane
Everybody knows homophobes like to jerk off to BBC porn
Contact with Jodie Foster
I made contact with Jodie Foster once, in 2003. You're right the ending was shit, she basically called the authorities on me and I spent one night in jail.
Interstellar, even though it was obvious in the first 15 minutes I was still hoping throughout that something else would happen.
The Lost City of Z
Not a movie but Prison SChool
The Notebook
also Titanic
There was nothing wrong with the 3rd act.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Elephant, it could have been a masterpiece but it turned into a b movie for it's last minute
What Lies Beneath
old people suck
What were you expecting? A happy (or bittersweet) ending where the bad guy dies and all is well would've been about as fitting as Blade Runner's theatrical ending.
>inb4 the mist
Downfall, aka Der Untergang. I really liked the main character and was hoping for a happier ending.
that schlock doesnt fit the "great movie" quota
I know, right?
Why did they have to shoot Fegelein like a dog? Like seriously, for "going AWOL"? Fucking pansies.
Das Boot