Kino about guys getting bored of women way out of their league?

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Leagues don't exist, only betas think they do.

What do guys find attractive in women?

In order of attraction


he's tired of that shit okay? too fat for him

Dress semi-modestly and not be fat and you're good.

>excuse me Chad, i'm an a l p h a m a l e , why dont you go grab yourself a beer while i talk to your pretty lady friend here? i've got some DHV stories to tell her

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damnit user how did you have all these clips ready already? lol

Warm personalities, having hobbies and cool fashion sense.


confidence, good grooming, and good body language . so many femcels out there would be getting dates easily if they just worked on these 3 things.

yfw the guy playing the new spierman and that fat indian probably wanked off to this


Femcels don't exist.

Can we please not do this again

of course they dont im making fun of fake blue pill advice people give to male incels

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Femcels do not exist

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Depends on what your mother is like, user.

Take care of yourself and don't be a whore. That's literally it.

What about that russian girl, you know the one

I wish I wasn't a femcel but I'm happy that if I die from corona that I will die a virgin

Warmth and attraction to me are what do it.

She got married

She got married. I don't have the picture though.
Genuinely happy for her, despite how much I hate women.

We are talking about the incredibly ugly one with the dating site profile that said they didn't have to show themselves together in public, right?


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That's her, she looked very beautiful on her wedding day

She did

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Here's the wedding photo

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giant tits

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Wow, nice for her

Would bang.

Ok beta

>Even a 2/10 girl can find love
Females truly have it too easy.

Post face

Women are such cringelords holy frijoles.

You can find love right here on 4channel

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What's funny is the pic that inspired this one was actually a fake, the real profile said something like "I shoplifted candy"; though it inspired some guy to make an ACTUAL pedochad account. Results were basically the same.

For me it's the one with the nazi tattoo


Dat bitch barely even brown

>you want to know what he really likes in a woman?
>his dick!

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This movie is so fucking bleak and depressing. Most underrated Lumet movie by far.

Paradise awaits.

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you eventually get bored with any woman. luckily you won't ever get to have this particular problem, your shitposting is safe


I have adblocker on but on the rare times it crashes I wish would get ads like this instead YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THESE CELEBRITIES LOOK LIKE NOW and LOSE WEIGHT IN 2 WEEKS

be cute
laugh at his jokes
be slightly dumber than him
find his opinions interesting

it can't be


easy mode

member that school shooting and that user gave Eggman's photo to the press?

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is eggman dead?

Youth & fertility


big tits, long legs, nice feet, long hair, motherliness



Nah he's still alive. Makes music.