Atomic Blonde

What did you think of it?

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Good fight scenes, good sex scenes, cool film overall

Women are not tough.

i wont watch this shit lol

The long take was nice.
Rest of the movie was really nothing special.


well made 7/10 action thriller

it's ok, nothing special at all

t. sad, angry and impotent poltard
try some subtlety

It was desaturated capeshit, pure and simple.

Cool but ultimately forgettable

>I think Charlize Theron should stop acting and stick to what she's good at, adopting third world niglets and forcing them to become women against their will.

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Fucking loved it. Looking forward to the sequel.


Korean War prequel when?

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I was blonde away by it


pure action kino

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Action movie for people with ADHD, pop song every five minutes and the action scenes are all self-consciously "cool", none flow naturally.
Also has this lame "badass girl power" attitude but still leers at the female stars in lingerie which just makes it feel like a soulless crowd pleaser.

What did he mean by this

she cute

>directed by David Leitch
seems like pretty good flick, gonna watch it tonight

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Attached: Charlize Theron Atomic Blonde 1.webm (1920x800, 3M)

Attached: Charlize Theron Atomic Blonde 2.webm (1920x800, 2.87M)

Attached: Charlize Theron Atomic Blonde 3.webm (1920x800, 3M)

I like it very much.

Attached: Charlize Theron Sofia Boutella Atomic Blonde 1.webm (1920x800, 2.98M)

Attached: Charlize Theron Sofia Boutella Atomic Blonde 2.webm (1920x800, 3M)

The ending ruined it.
Until that, it was pretty great. But goddamn the ending so stupid that it's actually insulting and makes you feel stupid for investing so much time into the film.
It should've ended shortly after *that* fight.

Attached: Charlize Theron Sofia Boutella Atomic Blonde 3.webm (1920x800, 2.96M)

Attached: Charlize Theron Sofia Boutella Atomic Blonde 4.webm (1920x800, 2.82M)

the action scenes were Avengers tier, what the fuck is wrong with zoomers

Attached: Sofia Boutella Atomic Blonde.webm (1280x533, 3M)

It was fun. I like one man Army movies, and despite being a woman, Theron sold it pretty well. Not a fan of the ending. I also hated the dyke angle, and the “muh revenge for the mutt lesbo I just met” motivation....seemed lazy and unnecessary. 7/10

>and the “muh revenge for the mutt lesbo I just met” motivation
Wasn't it about "you killed innocent girl"?

why are her thighs so sweaty bros?

Because she's a wamen

She wasn’t innocent, she was some kind of spy too. It was literally the Daniel Craig Bond “you killed my girlfriend, imma smoke you niggas” trope. I wish they didn’t even bother.


Charlize's character a couple of times referes to franchie as a gilr, she also said that she shoud become a photograhper instead of spy. So for Charlize Boutella was just a stupid innocent girl.

Zay it vit a cherman accent

I like the movie overall and even this is true
Can't deny there was some kino fight scenes (the stairwell fight stuck out to me) and the music was still great.

Ok but a bit generic.
Good fight scenes.

>Atomic Blonde
>Atomic by Blondie isn't the theme song
one job

They didn't play Atomic by Blonde in the movie, what a missed opportunity

Stop it boner.

>sweaty thighs
>sweat dripping to ankles

I don't watch any flick where there is a spy/agent lady beating up men twice their size

>Atomic blonde

Have not seen any of these flicks and never will

>"badass girl power" attitude but still leers at the female stars in lingerie
Nothing wrong with that. Both genders get what they want.

it's a guilty pleasure

that faux one shot was kino and one of the best fight scenes ever. If you disagree you are literally a gay.

it was good till the ending asspull

Good movie except for the action sequences.

Action scenes are a little bit more real and visceral than average.
Overall a little bit drawn out and pointless from time to time.
Was a nice watch, but I won't watch it again, probably.
And nobody drinks voka on ice. You either put in in a fridge and drink it cold, or drink it like it is. Diluting it with ice makes it even worse than it is. t. russian.

Surprisingly good. I think she should have gotten the shit kicked out of her in fights a little more than she did, but I don't mind her eventually winning them.

I'll watch the sequel. If the Bourne movies were still going strong I wouldn't bother, they're better in every way.

plot was kinda dogshit, with that one final twist before the credits, but the action sequences were good and theron definitely delivered a good performance in it

She was covered in her own blood at the end, I got hard watching her get beat up

you do realise this is the pathetic equivalent of upvotes/downvotes and you actually have nothing of substance to fucking say here?
(((you))) need to go back
do us all a favor

wow you're so strongwilled user
and possibly gay

Loved it overall, cool cold war story and great action, and a hot lesbian sex scene. Only issue I have with it is the entry level 80s pop hits soundtrack

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It didn't need 3 ending scenes

The multiple twists felt like they were ripping off Salt pretty hard

Frenchie was a young spy as well, just gathering info not a killer like the rest of them. Also the scene with the two of them plays out more like two people connecting together in a world of lies than two dykes going at it.

She was incompetent, not innocent

I think the ending was based on the graphic novel’s ending.

Nah she was pretty innocent, a young girl looking for adventure but got way in over her head. Funny how the French secret service wasn’t keeping tabs on their own agent.

>Poltards screeching about women doing anything ever in a movie

More like Steven Crowder bitching about sjws

I got bored of it halfway through. Is it worth finishing?