Holy shit. That was fucking brutal!

Holy shit. That was fucking brutal!

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Alright I keep seeing this poster, this isn’t a real film is it?

Le kids movie is actually full of violence and rape meme!!!

Stale meme.

Lol when the dog hit the button with his paw that launched the fucking missile from the helicopter I almost died laughing. Nigga just murdered a bunch of people and didn't even care.

I didn't like the part where the dog was torturing all those prisoners, making them lie naked on top of each other, and shocking them with electricity to keep them from sleeping

What's up with all the family friendly low budget dog movies? Is this what Republican kids watch?

What was the effects budget on this shit?? The scene where the spetznas operator got his face degloved was impressive.

I prefer this poster

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dog tag lol

Born to Chase Cats

this is my stick
there are many like it but this one is mine

You haven't seen the true horrors of war yet.

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I liked the part where Air Bud deliberately spreads the coronavirus anally

>...Good boys follow orders Private Connor.

I know, this scene of army dog really shocked me

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>When I go home people will ask me, 'Hey Fido, why do you do it dog? What, you some kinda war junkie?'
>You know what I'll say? I won't say a goddamn word.
>Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the dogs next to you, and that's it. That's all it is.

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>Private Connor! You're out of line! These are people!
>...No. They're not.

god damn

>am i a bad boy? I did every trick they told me to...

For a "Family approved" movie, the opening scene of the suicide bombing of the dog shelter was pretty disturbing.

This movie would have been a lot easier to watch if those fucking HORRIBLE effects every time Pvt Connor "spoke" didn't take me right out of it


>that scene where they used a bulldozer to bury all the corpses that were blown to shreds in an artillery strike into a mass grave

A bit grim for a children's movie tbqh

No you misunderstood that scene, the white women were forcing him to have sex with them, he didn't have a choice

The scene where the hostages burned alive was where I had to turn it off.

>mfw the impaling scene

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Democrats only watch expensive high budget cgi dog movies like Call of the Wild where there’s no real dog actor to ensure no animal abuse during the making of the film

Yes. You can already tell how soulless it is by the cover.

when was the last time you were happy

She's so fucking hot

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I liked it when he blew up those chinks.

i like to think i'm an desensitized dude from browing rekt /gif/ threads, but the rape scene was hard to stomach.

Which scene? There's literally a dozen where he blows up chinks

The kitten scene with the folding chair

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I think the rape scene in da nang should've been cut. It doesn't add to de tet offensive plot and just drags on too long.

>the scene where lieutenant cally orders army dog to throw some willy pete in a hooch full of mamasans and kids

Jesus Christ

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“Looks like out war hero is back, guys! How was it, Connor? I bet it was... Ruff! Hah, geddi-“
>I killed them all, John. I hosed them down with napalm and I didn’t blink. All I could think of was the roasted pork I had the night before.
Jesus Christ

> that scene where he drunkingly starts a lynching mob to hang that one black kid.

That was intense.

Surprised it wasn't rated X for violence. Man, when Army Dog starts eating the dead Vietnamese...shit was intense.

Not as intense as when he ate the little live ones

>air bud entertainment

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>that scene where Cpl. Barksalot is coughing up blood and asks Connor if he was a good boy before he finally finds peace
Still haunts me to this day

Based Starship Troopers spiritual sequel.

>when they bring those black hookers out for the enema party
Wasn’t expecting that

If you didn't watch this when you were a kid then you had a terrible childhood.

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i liked it when rover accidentally fired a flechette rocket at the preschool and killed all those dink kids. based and redpilled

>hahahaha omg le funny family friendly movie about le doggerino is actually about war and killing!!!!!
fucking cringe board

Pretending to be retarded isn’t being an epic trole

>Fucking gooks. They'll eat me in a heartbeat, that's why I bit their face off.
Was this necessary? I know that the part where he's station in Korea is important but it didn't need to be so racist.


>You will never be an aesthetic looking Husky and get to ruin white girl pussy with your steaming red rocket and then get head pets and chin scritches after.


>that one scene where there's a party in the academy dorms with underage kids drinking alcohol then suddenly the police bust in and shut it all down
>one of the german shepards the police have tackled and starts mauling a kid to death
I was suspecting many things from this film but this wasn't one of them.

The irony is that he ate them before they could eat him user. It’s like poetry

>That scene where Bud joins a rogue group of soldiers and kidnaps villagers related to members of an enemy unit in the area only to realize every daughter of every family is threatened by the soldiers with rape by Bud unless they disclose intel
>that 20 minute torture scene where the US soldiers "give the gooks a taste of their own medicine" and make soup out of POWs limbs and feed them to Bud while forcing the prisoners to watch
>that baseball scene near the end where Bud watches a bunch of soldiers from his former unit play a game while he reflects on what he's been through and reveals through a montage that he killed and ate his entire rogue unit in a frenzy of regret
>That kino ending shot of Bud howling in despair at the trees while soldiers look on in confusion

>"When I left the kennel I was no more than a pup, just a little pup trying to find a bone in this big wide world. I didn't know we were going to fight, and die, for the corporate American military machine. My best friend, Beethoven 2nd, he took a bullet to the head 3 weeks into our deployment. I'd never seen a friend die before. It wouldn't be the last time... I can't sleep anymore. I drink whiskey from the bowl. It doesn't stop the pain, but it numbs the mind, and makes this old boy forget about Beethoven for a moment. Not that I want to forget. The relationships we forged over there are more meaningful than any relationship you can have back with the civvies. Canines just walking around on their leashes for their stupid middle class owners. My owners werent little kids and soccer moms. I was owned by the Israeli puppets. I was just a pawn to them, and now I'm just a three legged dog to you. Sitting here, writing out this letter, with the noose prepared and anchored to my kennel. I won't have to disappoint you anymore. I can never be a good boy again, not in this life. Old dogs can't learn new tricks. Don't pray for me. Not all dogs go to heaven."

I want to see this movie


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It’s more real than you could ever imagine, user.

Save yourself. You can’t unsee the things that happen in this godforsaken movie.

>that scene where he was told to retrieve the staff sergeant and the only thing he brings back is his arm