Any Italian kino?
Any Italian kino?
She should really take the filters off. Makes her look alien.
giv milkies
Why are women like this?
She kinda looks like my sister in this pic. Just more attractive.
We're also italian. Go figure.
Any films where the main actress doesn’t have Crohn’s disease?
you ever jacked off to your sis?
Had her
Nice to look at but very shallow and boring
Italians look like lizardpeople
their women that don't have those hideous Jew-like noses are beautiful
Goodbye Uncle Tom
it would reveal her nigger features and dark italian skin
reminder that this bitch has crohns disease and is probably wearing a colostomy bag in that photo at that very moment and the slightest agitation will cause her to uncontrollably shit and fart until her colon is cleared
thanks for the reminder
>you become as hot as pic related
>but you have incurable crohns for all time
Would you accept?
so if a chick has crohns with a colostomy does that mean her anus is clean?
she looks like a q.t mouse.
Breast too big.
>ywn trapped in quarantine with her
wow faggot
nice, crohn's means she'll never get fat
ayy lmao
You can tell her face is very average without the warpaint and tits are probably pushed together by military grade push-up bra
I can tell u jelly
Some people can control it with diet.
Why is she so smug
>baps hanging out
>le gamer chair
get in the bin
>thirsting for a woman who literally shits herself on a daily basis
Simp ass niggas ITT
Not necessarily true, I know an absolute hamplanet that has Crohn's. She ain't getting slim any time soon, she's fucking huge.
i thought this was Kaya Scodelario with massive tits :(
when u have chrons dont you just not eat wheat ? idk why people dont think you can get fat without wheat lmao
>my friend hooks up with pure bred italian girl
>she is hot as fuck
>like 11/10
>we all hate him for it
>he is a chad, but a bro
>they eventually break up because she was a mental nutcase
>but the stories he told about her
>litteral nympho
>fucked like a pornstar
>chad told us he had to push her of sometimes because he lost feeling in his dick.
But i guess good sex can only take you so far when your girlfriend destroys all your shit everytime she has a brain meltdown.
Yo I heard this bitch can't control her bowels and drops steamy loads in her pants all the fucken time.
That true, dudes?
bro let me fuck your sister
Is she wearing contacts?
Imagine her giving you a titfuck while her mouth is sucking of your dickhead and she looks up at you with her doe eyes full of happiness for serving her man.
And her i am, a coomer who had a tinder date last week with a 35 year old landwhale who asked me how many kids i wanted in the first date.
Imagine her giving birth and suddenly her Crohns kicks in and she just starts sharting everywhere, poopticles flying in every direction, all over the doctors, and the baby gets glazed with wet shits. Wouldn't that be weird.
I’m an ugly dude with crohns so I guess I’d take that deal
what are the symptoms?
For me it’s taking a liquid shit every 90 min
she might get coroner virus.... but i already got the coomer virus!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah help im gonna coooooooooom
ahh ok, ive been having shits that are messier than usual.. Half solid, half sticky and less solid. It's fucking annoying. I used to have pure solid shits and barely have to wipe.
But then that was when i was active and not a neet who eats shit and never exercises.
Ay uh Gabba goo
lol this guy is wacky
dude what, she is still hot
I'm sorry user, that sounds like it'd be frustrating
still kinda alien looking
She doesn't have a colonoscopy bag, i don't think.
Lads.....Who is she?
Are you fucking serious? And it will be like this for the rest of your life? So you can just never go outside basically
how do you cope?
Please, you'd date her in a heartbeat if she asked.
She looks like Marzia, but attractive.
a misty memory
Dumpy McStinky Shitpants
There is no cure but there are some medications that you can take that make everything normal. Remicade, humira, some others. I have to go to a doctor every six weeks and get Remicade thru an IV for 2 hours. If those medications don’t work then surgically removing your colon is what some people do, tho that is a better option for ulcerative colitis rather than crohns
haha yeah for sure
Meanwhile in Eeeeh-taly..
that guy is bonkers, on god.
for every hot girl there is a guy who is sick of her shit
of course
she also has a fucked up belly button due to a massive amount of belly surgeries iirc
not really, it's not that uncommon for the woman to piss and shit all oer the place when giving birth
a little more caca wouldn't change that much
I don't get it
That better not be a child, user.
>Jew-like noses
Mama mia, it's a roman nose!
Guys, she's pretty ugly and fat (not in a good way). But the OP pic kinda reminds me of her. Just similar relative position of the facial features. But my sister isn't as attractive.