well this was pretty cringe.
her tits were prime tho
The hunt
Other urls found in this thread:
How many "fuck white people" jokes were there?
the one in the trailer.
Did she show them?
>A movie made my rich business magnates about rich business magnates hunting down the proletarian and murdering them for the crime of "wrongthink".
The fact that people on both sides of the political spectrum aren't completely up and arms and outraged by this blows my mind. This is one scenario where outrage mobs would actually be warranted, but naturally they are conspicuously silent because everything is backwards.
God I wanna fuck Betty so bad bros
Those are some impressive bobbins.
>INB4 "it's just a movie bro".
It's not. It's an expensive and well-financed machine of political propaganda. It makes a moral equivalent between being a Trump supporter and being a fucking sociopathic murderer. The Trump supporters and elitist murderers are portrayed as "equally bad". The only woman who survives, it turns out, isn't even a Trump supporter and is a lover of illegal immigrants. Also "strong female" feminist archetype. OK. This movie is fucking twisted. It's basically just pushing the narrative that it's OK to murder Trump supporters.
INB4 "ur just butthurt" or some stupid bullshit. I'm not even a Trump supporter, and I fully support voting for socialism to tax the fuck out of these rich sociopathic fucks that made this movie (that's the only way to actually get back at them) but people should absolutely be outraged by this. Instead they're not. Says a lot about just how fucking cucked our human society has gotten to the ruling classes and the sociopath Jewish pedophiles in the movie industry.
sure man
too big. they look trashy. Was she a stripper before she became an actress?
Hmmm, yes.
i saw the movie and i think your taking this hollywood jew claptrap too seriously cus thats all this movie is i dont see anyone starting a revolution over it
Glad to see Zimmerman is protecting her.
Bread and circuses with pandemic panic are in full effect, user.
pls gif autismfu
God. What a woman
Why is she so perfect bros?
she's a BRICK
She looks like the kind of woman that would be in my class and I would be fascinated by and whenever I'd say something to her, like "Hi", she'd just give me this look and walk off.
You mean she looks like any woman.
Are you retarded or just have a short memory? There was massive buttpain on both sides of the aisle, there's why they pulled the movie until now
her flaws make her hotter
Everyone seems fine with it now. That's the issue. Complacency always grows over time. I'm not trying to be partisan about this at all. I'm really not a Trump supporter in the least bit. But what is at the heart of this movie is something frighteningly dark.
A body literally made to fuck
She's not, her eyes are too far apart.
The reviews are saying the movie is nothing like the trailer makes it out to be. Is this true?
way too big
I try to tell my wife this all the time. I don't like Trump, and a lot of his supporters bug me, but this whole "punch a nazi" thing has gone way too far and if the people saying these things would look in a mirror they'd see themselves frothing at the mouth for violence.
Agree 100%. There's no excuse for some of the worst elements of the left's behavior. And there's absolutely no excuse for the left, even the supposedly libertarian left, abandoning the principle of free speech (which is defacto what they're doing with the "punch a nazi" thing). Also open borders is a really stupid idea IMO. So you know, Trump is fucking awful, but the problem is that the left is dropping the ball so bad that they're making him seem like a viable alternative. That's my take on it, anyhow.
>Agree 100%. There's no excuse for some of the worst elements of the left's behavior. And there's absolutely no excuse for the left, even the supposedly libertarian left, abandoning the principle of free speech (which is defacto what they're doing with the "punch a nazi" thing). Also open borders is a really stupid idea IMO. So you know, Trump is fucking awful, but the problem is that the left is dropping the ball so bad that they're making him seem like a viable alternative. That's my take on it, anyhow.
But just to be clear, IMO you still should not vote for him because he is a fucking awful cancer upon this planet.
w-what was it?
>Emma Roberts as Yoga Pants
The role she was born to play.
>I fully support voting for socialism
And you were doing so well...
And his clone.
I DO fully support voting for socialism. Lol. I am a massive lefty. Just because I'm upset about this movie, doesn't mean I'm not a lefty.
The movie is a dark comedy satirizing extreme political polarization in America. But that's pretty much what I gathered from the trailer in the first place
Theres a thread on Yas Forums right now full of triggered poltards crying about this movie
But liberals are the bad guys in the movie
Why are you purposefully twisting the message of the movie? God I cant stand you disingenuous polnigger faggots. Just stop telling blatant lies for one fucking second
God Pence is so based
this thread got really gay once the nudes were deleted
>look up height
why is everyone around her so short. thought she was 5'11'' or something
She's gonna play Ann Coulter in the American Crime Story: Impeachment Boogaloo show. Never thought there'd be a time someone could say, "I want to titfuck Ann Coulter".
>arguing his position=twisting the message
>disingenuous polnigger
>just stop telling blatant lies for one fucking second
ahahahahah simmer down bernout. What's the matter? did your boy fuck you over again? Sorry no refunds. bernie needs more summer vacation homes cuck boy cough up that 3$ you have in your bank account and maybe we'll do a "recount" LMAO.
Pedo scum
I want to suck on her titties
I really don't blame them. A bunch of rich fucking Jews literally made this movie in order to normalize murdering them and paint their lives as being at-least-as-worthless as sociopathic murdering scum.
IRL everyone should be mad. I mean, Trump supporters are citizens, normal people, with families and lives of their own. They are conscious beings who feel pain. It's not OK to hunt them down and murder them, and it's not OK to normalize that, esp in this political climate with all of the violence that has come from the left over the recent years.
Meaningless. Overly-simplistic views. As I outlined already in the comment chain you're replying to, the movie paints Trump supporters are being on equal morally pugnacious footing with the sociopathic liberals who hunt them for sport. Basically "being a Trump supporter is as bad as being a murderer, and so therefore it's OK to enjoy watching them get murdered". We all know the psychological mechanism this movie works off of is fear-porn, torture-porn, murder-porn. People are getting their thrills off of watching the bad guys kill the victims. Just like in Friday the 13th, Jason Vorhees is really the "hero" of the movie, despite him being "the bad guy" who always gets murdered himself in the end. And the innocent kids who get murdered at the actual "bad guys", who DESERVE what they got because of some perceived moral slight or impurity (such as having sex, for example).
Don't gaslight me and argue stupid shit. I mean, if you're like 12 years old, whatever, you get a pass, but I swear to fuck if you're a grown adult and you're trying to play this gaslighting bullshit OR you just genuinely don't know how the world works yet it's really fucking sad.
S M H. I hope this is satire. Mike Pence is NOT based, he is a delusional psychopath who governs in the name of his imaginary sky-friend.
That big-titted blonde mongo got face-mogged hard by Brie.