Movies about love?
Movies about love?
no i want to coom in her pusy and then do it again 15 minutes later and then shitpost on 4channel (formerly Yas Forums) until I fall asleep
Coomer (2019)
/whg/ - Women Hate general #4582
>Men on social media show what they can offer
>Women on social media complain about what they aren’t getting
Extremely based first posts, excited to see where this thread goes
>we want to be looked at
no shit
>taking the same picture but with a slightly different face angle
I bet she thinks that’s artsy
This whole site is men complaining about what they aren't getting.
>cum in her pussy
>not on her feet
Before Sunset is the perfect idealization of love. Unfortunately, love is a luxury for some of us.
>Not including the “with Chad/Tyrone” so simps think they have a chance
>Social media
It’s different venting to a bunch of nobodies then posting something with your name on it
all women are demons
I've seen edits of this so many times, I don't even know what the original thing she's disgusted about it.
Black twitter occasionally produces some absolute gems
do you know how i know you have never lived with a woman aside from your fat old mom before?
What’s the doujin under the candy girl doujin?
Don’t reply to me roastie
its a fact that women take the same photo 50 times. how is he wrong?
Nobody knows who anyone else is. I’m not going to post “I’m so lonely and horny” on my Instagram story because it’s cringe and I actually have to interact with the people who saw it.
If he calls someone an incel 50 times he gets a sex coupon, it's all part of the grind
Sauce on the left?
dumb pedophile
>trying to tell a communist 20 something latina with fake tits what men want
What makes him think that she would see anyone as an actual person and not some flesh robot?
God, I hate women so fucking much.
Girls, on the other hand...
It was just a single tweet.
I think it's due to /lit/s theory of midwits. The low-wit and the high-wit both arrive at the truth, although through different means. Midwits are too susceptible to becoming NPCs
That is the original.
men want to start familys and have children? shocking stuff m8
go back and kys
he's right you know.
I can already tell that text is photoshopped
The only time it's acceptable to raise another man's kid.
They should have either used the same font that tinder uses or replaced all the text with the font they have available
too obvious otherwise
no shit, but it happens
Even me?
it depends... how haggard are you?
confessional through anonimity.
I've got the sniffles, but I don't think it's corona
do you look like pic related, or are you older?
exactly, and that incel seemed to imply she only took two photos to get something 'artsy'
when infact it was probably 100+ and she chose those two.
>watching the remake
It's Coomer (1949) for me.
Stuber was a great film about love. The film Stuber also helped to move mankind out of the onion age and into 2020 by helping men shake off parasitic women, and make room for women who are looking for something real like the nuclear family unit.
If your age starts with 2 or more, yes.
I used to look like that when I was a tomboy
I'm sensing some glow-in-the-dark activity here.
She’s complaining men only want sex. Spoiler alert it’s pretty much true, blow me trad fags
>we wunt mummy
Speak for yourself sperg
too old