Seeing this shit mentioned all the time annoyed the fuck out of me until an user posted a collage of a bunch of weird...

Seeing this shit mentioned all the time annoyed the fuck out of me until an user posted a collage of a bunch of weird stuff from the manga and I thought it was funny. Decided to start watching it, and now I'm 4 episodes in and enjoying so far.

Honestly though, what the fuck is this? Every season is a different protagonist with a variation of the JoJo nickname in a different time period? Is Dio the antagonist throughout the different series? Is everyone gay? Seems the first series has a bit of a different tone than the rest because it hasn't yet become quite as "bizarre" as the later shit I've seen, though its still pretty weird.

Is this actually kino or is it just popular as a meme because it eventually becomes strange as fuck? Its good so far but not for the reasons I expected, or not yet anyway. At this point its mostly common vampire/strong dude badassery and the usual anime ridiculousness. At what point do people start turning into fetuses and dinosaurs and using their assess to battle eachother and other bullshit?

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pure kino

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Just watch it all and u will see

its terrible trash that is trying to camouflage its glaring flaws with lol-so-random-and-weird bullshit
and enemy of the week garbage is never kino anyway

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You either like jojo or you don't so i suggest that if you like what you see so far just keep going until you think you've had enough

There are entire scenes taken from movies throughout the manga.

I've seen some mentions of Mickey Mouse and other pop culture that seemed weirdly out of place. Is it just wacky for the hell of it or does this stuff tie into the plot in a way that makes sense?

You're only on Part 1 which is thankfully the shortest part. The bizarreness and flamboyance increases consistently with each part. By part 5 you'll see men pointing their guns at spilled soup. Don't take it too serious and ignore the fan base or you'll end up like this faggot. Jojo is just good fun.

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Why are you posting this on Yas Forums?

I'm looking for opinions from people who aren't wearing Naruto headbands and aren't going to weeb out over it by default

You passively accept the wackiness as normal, only when you zoom out and remove context does it seem strange to you. Most of the time.

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Good for you.
Its still off-topic.

He does it for free

Eh, I guess. Still TV so I don't think it's a sin worthy of a seat in hell

Just ignore the fanbase and enjoy the madness

they're just references and jokes the mangaka likes to make.

i fucking hate anime but i love jojo's for some reason. i'm glad you enjoy part 1 user, a lot of people arent fans of it but i personally liked it. each part gets progressively more absurd and strange. theres a charm to its cheesey-ness

It's a melodrama.
Not just a regular melodrama though.
It's super hyper mega melodrama deluxe.
It follows its own kind of logic though, and the creator drops the vampire hunting with magic, for spirit fighting.
But don't get caught up in the weirdness, if you can accept the premise(and then the second premise), it's really fun to watch, because of how overly melodramatic it is.
You should be rolling your eyes so hard and so often, that everything becomes endearing and funny.
Avoid the fanbase though, it's a cesspool, like all fanbases.

I'm looking forward to shit becoming more off the rails as I get through it. Which season would you say is the best? Seems they're each pretty unique

Thats what I've found charming about the first few episodes. Over-the-top anime one liners and monologues that seem a little more tongue in cheek than most

part 4 (season 3) is probably my favorite, and you're definitely right that each is unique. despite having the same 'formula' (monster of the week) the writing, atmosphere and characters make each part special.

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Part 2 is and will always be my favorite.
The second you see the pillar men, the show goes from Man vs vampire to absolute batshit.
plus the pillar men have the best god damn theme music around.

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I feel like the series got slightly lazy when they got Stands

They were really creative with Hamon fights.

>Is Dio the antagonist throughout the different series?
Some, not all.
>Is everyone gay?
No, despite all appearances to the contrary almost none of the characters are gay and the characters who are gay are almost entirely villains.
>At what point do people start turning into fetuses and dinosaurs and using their assess to battle eachother and other bullshit?
Season 3 is where shit starts to go off the rails.

First season is grounded well. Its over the top but in a love letter kinda way. The second season doubles down on this.

Season 3 is when shit starts going off the rails, plot becomes villian of the week but each villian gets more and more ridiculous. The joy of JoJo comes from how straight its all played out and nobody really acknowledges how retarted everything is

Part 4 used stands the best so far in the anime

Most gays die horrible deaths in the series. Some are cut to pieces then put in glass boxes with formaldehyde. Some get get gunned down on a street and get T posed on by some twink. Some get thier face fucking stolen and suffocate on flesh glue. And one in particular if he even was gay and not just autistic, gets erased from percieved reality.

The first 5 parts are Based as fuck then it starts going downhill halfway through part 6 to now with Jojolion which is just a boring rehash at this point

It's been awhile since I've read the series, who were the first two?

Hurry through part one to get to the opening song in part two, it's the fucking best

Isn’t there a character in part 6 whose backstory is just Holes?

Gelato and Tiziano & Squalo

I watched the first two seasons. My problem with the first was the exposition of every little thing they did as if they were either stretching for time ir just had shitty writers. The second was actually better with the introduction of stands IMO and hamon got kinda tossed to the side. It's made for kids and seems to resonate with zoomers like DBZ did with my generation. Let them have it I say.

Donatello Versus, or Versace depending on the translation. I like Versace more as it fits with the fashion theme of part 6

Ah, now I remember them, haven't seen the part 5 anime so it's been awhile. Thanks user.

No offense but this post comes across as really insecure

Part 2 (which is episode 9-24 of the first season of the anime) is when it gets good and "bizarre."

The first episode of Part 2 sets the tone for an excellent storyline about heroic nazis and gay aztec stripper vampires.

Part 3 is kind of boring in my opinion, the second half of 4 is kino. I'm not really into 5 which I'm currently watching.

Part 2 is basically ultraviolent looney tunes in its ridiculousness at times

Araki moved away from Hamon since he didn't want the series to become like Dragon Ball where characters just get physically stronger.

Part 3's stands are mostly lame (especially Star Platinum), but I found part 4's stand "battles" were interesting.

He asked a question, I answered. Because no matter how much homoerotic subtext the series has you can ignore death ratio of actual gay characters being similar to dogs in the same series. Everything you've assumed is a projection. Oh and dilate by the way.

>Part 3's stands are mostly lame (especially Star Platinum)

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The only thing I don't like about Jojo which is more to do with the Manga culture in Japan is each part starts pretty rough since Araki is clearly making shit up as he goes without a grand plan.

The worst offenders are part 3 and 4. In Part 3, Araki wrote the stands as an extension of Hamon so the user needed to breathe for them to work, then he abandons it in the underwater fight and he randomly tosses SP random powers like star finger and time and whatnot.

Then in 4 he sets up two serial killers for no reason before finally committing to Kira. Also the arrow is randomly introduced with no payoff.

This response only reaffirms my initial suspicions

>In Part 3, Araki wrote the stands as an extension of Hamon so the user needed to breathe for them to work,
He just said that your stand weakens when you weaken (such as when Jotaro was suffocating) which still holds true to this day
Nearly passing out from being smothered and holding your breath to swim are not the same sensation

Your answer just reaffirms that you really should dilate

Three strikes

Steel Ball Run is probably the most cohesive series.

>Season 3 is when shit starts going off the rails, plot becomes villian of the week
Part 3 was really hit and miss for me.
It felt like yugioh or some saturday morning cartoon shit.
The Villain of the week format gets better when the stands get more wacky though.

I think there was almost a year in between Stone Ocean and SBR, plus the move to monthly issues rather than weekly probably did wonders for planning.

>No, despite all appearances to the contrary almost none of the characters are gay and the characters who are gay are almost entirely villains.
This is wrong. Most of the characters are gay or at least bisexual. Jojo is a lot like Metal Gear where the majority of the cast is anything but straight but many refuse to admit it because they're insecure

On no what ever am I going to do now?! Of course point out that you should dilate. Because being triggered when someone pointed out the slaughter of few homsexual characters in the series certainly means you have quite an itch down there.

Except that native american guy that is literally the first character to get introduced in that part and just dies like any villain of the week. Still pisses me off to this day

There are literally 3 certain gay characters and one bisexual women. Everything else is just a retarded meme wishfulthinking.

My mistake for. I always count as clash and Talking heads use as one person for some reason.

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Its ironic that you say its people being insecure when your the one that needs to project his faggotry on what he watches. And that user is right, literally every confirm gay character dies pretty brutally. And one of them probably gets the lamest and weakest stand in the whole series, talking head

Telling people to dilate is ironically the gayest shit I've ever heard in my life

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