Time Travel

What's your favorite movie about time travel?

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time travel doesn't make sense

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Time police from even far into the future would stop you altering the timeline

Feel like that information wouldnt have helped uncle Adolf all that much.

>time travel
>end up in the middle of space because the earth isn't where it was anymore

Why would he believe some spic? He’d have you killed.

yeah but my cunning

I've never heard this. Would make a great plot device.

This would accomplish literally nothing, why do people pretend like germany could do anything other than lose? There was no scenario that allowed them to win

> thanks user, but I already knew that. Kill him.

Predestination was good

>He’d have you killed.

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>Don't invade the USSR but instead solidify gains
>Don't declare war on the USA but instead try to ally with the USA by stating you're the only thing containing the gommies


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>thinks time exists in a vacuum
>doesn't realize that time travel is limited to geosynchronous coordinates
LOL @(You), my friend.

He literally would though

Jews would have bitched long enough to get their Golem to wage war.

It does exist in a vacuum

>30 minutes
i aint got time for this shit

True, but assuming that Hitler has a Time Travel Advisor that is also surmountable. Maybe by creating a counter-Jew economic task force to essentially out-Jew the Jew.

You are literally time traveling right now user.

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If I were able to time travel I would engineer events so that Daddario and JLaw become pornstars.

Timestamped you dumb nigger


They were running out of oil though, that was one of the main reasons why they invaded the Soviet Union in the first place, they were relying on synthetic oil

*backwards time travel

No can do i don't fuck with that time shit

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how about mobilizing the economy FOR A FUCKING WAR in 1939 instead of 1942
also letting donitz and guderian run the show

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Why do they pick the most awful looking people? Is it that only they don't care if their reputation is ruined by featuring in an documentary about extremists or showing "normal" or even Yas Forums looking people would ruin the narrative?

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So does time exist or is it a manmade concept?

everything in life is a manmade concept yo

>im a basement dwelling loser
>clear face
>full head of hair
haha yeah

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>Not understanding the Law of Molecular Intertemporal/Interdimensional Attraction

Stay away from Time Travel/Parallel Universes until you learn at least some BASIC inter-reality physics, kid.
Matter, like that that makes a Time Machine/Interdimensional Conveyor, is naturally attracted to its relative position to ALL OTHER matter in its immediate proximity, such as the kind that makes up the Earth and everything on it. Depart from a location through a Wormhole and your destination, unless you intentionally fuck it up, will naturally be its intertemporal/interreality equivalent in wherever you are arriving.
The Universe literally does the work of ensuring a safe landing for you. That's why time/reality-travelers don't arrive in the vacuum of space or inside the core of the Earth due to planetary movement, merged with walls or furniture, etc. It's like going against the flow of a river rather than with it. Unless you're TRYING it won't happen.

Time and space are linked, dummies. We've known this since Einstein. That includes ACROSS time and realities.

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Cope. Hitler only ever killed white Europeans. According to naziboos he didn't even kill any Jews.

Romania unironically has decent oil supplies although I have no idea how long they would last. Good point though.

I can't help but feel the war on USSR was ideological rather than practical though. There's gotta be an easier source of oil.

>>thinks time exists in a vacuum
Everything is in space. Time is from space. Not from earf. It doesn’t grow from trees.

Storm shitters are also subhuman retards so they don't count

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Based /x/ poster. I haven't been on /x/ in over 10 years. Tell me, is it still comfy?

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For sure, he was blinded by his hatred of commies

Well aren't you a smart cookie?

>Don't declare war on the USA but instead try to ally with the USA by stating you're the only thing containing the gommies
You think state leaders are naive? This is the same as trying to ally with the UK, they tried it up until the last moment, but tell me why would a country ally with a State that will certainly use that alliance just to bid their time and amass more strength to try to subjugate its allies later? If the UK and US hadn't ensured the complete destruction of the German State, there would be another war in a decade and this time they would be even stronger, there is no reality where the US and the UK helps Germany become the sole hegemon on earth, they aren't dumb.

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>Matter, like that that makes a Time Machine/Interdimensional Conveyor, is naturally attracted to its relative position to ALL OTHER matter in its immediate proximity
No it isn't.

What if I promise that I'm going to infiltrate the time police in the future and sabotage them from within so they can't come back and stop me?

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Nice one.

This. Fucking kids these days barely even have to take a class in Octodimensional Navigation before the Academy lets them pilot an Interdimensional Conveyor. Standards are slipping and it needs to stop before we have these numb-nuts screwing up every timeline and parallel universe within six quantum levels of Earth Prime. Thanks a lot, Common Core.

Physics PhD. This guy is exactly right.

Like be real, where can you find a blueprint for a nuclear bomb?, What you can carry? An iPad? Papers with the secret stuff?, What if you travel back in time you came naked like in Terminator?

the "usa" (american jewry) declared war on germany in 1938. they were pushing for war with germany even earlier. there is no scenario in which germany could have allied with america

Only right answer. Archive this bitch already.

>tell me why would a country ally with a State that will certainly use that alliance just to bid their time and amass more strength to try to subjugate its allies later?

Economics, just like the USA did with China. Use all the slaves as the 1950's equivalent of China

He would've still gotten buttfucked by the Russians in the eastern front, being warned beforehand or not.

>We meet him in an online forum which attracts gamers and hate groups

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Porn is just cucking yourself, why not actually one of them as a wife?

What if you could go back further in time and find a way to engineer getting Ford into the White House before the outbreak of the war?

>why not actually one of them as a wife?
You have to be 6’5 and blonde to even approach them. And actually have a conversation going.

All of these

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Timecrimes is absolute kino.

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>first guy identifies as a wizard
>"I'm a voluntary celibate"
>"Have you ever had sex?"
>"... no"


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>Interdimensional Quantum Entanglement isn't real

Yeah buddy, and the Earth is flat because Gravity is a lie.
All particles are faintly yet firmly entangled with their time-twins across all Parallel Universes they exist in. You can thank the Big Bang for that.
Time Machines and Interdimensional Conveyors naturally follow these convenient little paths like a needle follows the grooves in a record. Why wouldn't it? Do you have any idea how many molecules make up an average living room or garage? That's quintillions of little paths for your Transport to ride between times/universes, acting like rails for a subway.


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>muh extraterrestrials only ever appear when my camera is not working in dead of the night

cool story bro

from my own research time travelling isn't sending you to a specific (x,y) where you can get lost in random coordinates but to f(x,y). This is why its so easy to hop into a parallel dimension that seems like time travel.

Zimmerman telegram was faked right?
it seems so dumb and it does exactly what the jews want

>Matter, like that that makes a Time Machine/Interdimensional Conveyor, is naturally attracted to its relative position to ALL OTHER matter in its immediate proximity, such as the kind that makes up the Earth and everything on it.
>The Universe literally does the work of ensuring a safe landing for you.
Some bullshit. There used to be a wall before you built the time machine. You teleport to that wall. You phase with the wall or explode on the wall. Either way your fucked. Try again.
The earth moving makes sense because we don’t notice it but the universe is moving fast as fuck. But relative to us it’s not moving at all. Because We are so insignificant as fuck and small, we don’t sense such timescales. But a time machine elevates a person to a god status. You bypass that human time sensing fallacy.

>You can thank the Big Bang for that.
>Time Machines and Interdimensional Conveyors naturally follow these convenient little paths like a needle follows the grooves in a record. Why wouldn't it? Do you have any idea how many molecules make up an average living room or garage? That's quintillions of little paths for your Transport to ride between times/universes, acting like rails for a subway
This time machine must be the size of the universe itself to make such intricate calculations. Neck yourself.

Well ww2 Germany doesn't really have as much to offer to the US as China does today, it would mostly be beneficial to Germany.

What is time other than a variable for understanding how things change? Either changing their position, their temperature, etc. That's what change is, literally. The definition of changing is time. In a pure vacuum there are no particles to change. Since nothing is changing there is no time. The only reason you have to think there is time in the vacuum is because when you think about this you think of yourself observing the vacuum and in that sense you are progressing through a variety of changing variables which you contextualize as time.