Friday the 13th

We can all agree that Friday the 13th VI is the best of the series, but what is the second best?

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The Final Chapter

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Jason Lives fags are the most pathetic, disgusting, worthless faggots that ever considered themselves fans of Friday the 13th. A shitty satire of a franchise that was already hilarious without needing a fucking parody

Jason X

1 is a classic by fortune of its release date only, only the twist and the special effects are enjoyable.
I like the way Jason acts in 2, 3 and 4 when he was still human, and these movies have a nostalgic feel to them.
5 was an interesting movie despite being the black sheep.
6 was fucking shit.
7 was meh.
8 was so stupid I loved it. Jason fucking with those punks and their boombox is fucking gold.
9 was shit.
Jason X was essentially a comedy film so I consider it enjoyable.

The remake was fucking garbage.

Reddit's favorite

Horror buff's favorite, 'muh' gore xd

As films themselves, not ebin Jason vehicles, A New Beginning (V) and Takes Manhattan (VIII) and the the are the two best ones

but Jason is the only good thing about VIII

3 and 4 have the most likeable characters

Both awful. 2 and 4 are the best films.

1 has the best characters, realistic and the girls are kawaii

I'm a part 9 chad myself.

Attached: jgth_hero.jpg (1200x680, 74.45K)

VIII is by far the most heartfelt and humanist of the series, if not of the whole slasher genre.
Gorefags are simple-minded.

The teacher was a fag for not just fucking that girl who wanted a higher grade.

It also has Kevin Bacon in it who unfortunately has the same distracting effect on normies watching in modern times as Johnny Depp has in Nightmare on Elm Street.

True. Dem curves

Part II is objectively the best. Part I is boring and Part III is underwhelming compared to Part II. Part II has good characters, good deaths and good sexual tension.

I think VIII has the only confirmed case of Jason teleporting in the franchise.

In other sequences, you might wonder "how did Jason get ahead of them?" but in this one in VIII is blatant.
>Jason is chasing someone down an alleyway
>Jason is WALKING several meters behind the victim while the victim is sprinting away
>victim runs into building as camera remains outside
>victim is suddenly thrown back outside from a window on a higher floor
>Jason is inside the building looking out the broken window

>That guy in the wheelchair who almost got laid.

Poor guy.

The fat jewy guy and chong ripoff in 3 and Crispin "Dead Fuck" Glover in 4 are more kino

Part III is probably my favorite, so let's go with that.

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This. Always hated that scene, would ne corny af for Goosebumps.


And by the hottest chick in group too. I was rooting for him.

Jason became a supernatural being on 6 already

The hottest girl in the entire franchise desu

Thats the comfiest thing about these movies. Putting in yourself in the guys shoes hoping they get to fuck.

Like that fat guy in the 3rd one who keeps scaring people, Shelly? Wanted him tofuck that hot brunette soooo bad

Please try to construct your points in a way where you don't sound retarded and then we might listen to you

also VIII is absolute trash

Why would anyone on this place ever bother trying any depth when dealing with self-described pleb mouthbreathers e.g. (You)?

so your point is that it should all be shitposting without any in depth discussion? aren't you part of the problem?

I agree. Part 2 is my second favorite after 4.
Massive facts. She was easily top five hottest girls in the series.

Not quite. One liners, hot takes and memes are the basis of the board(s) and not shitposting by default.
I am part of the 'problem' as much as anyone else who chooses to be on Yas Forums, for all good and bad.

Hmmmm gonna have to go with Part 2.

Attached: part2.jpg (300x450, 30.59K)

>part 6 is shit
said this for years, garbage movie
the same homos that like halloween III like f13 part VI

Good Jason films:

Bad Jason films:

Attached: b b based jason.jpg (1329x731, 126.32K)

How would've Fulci directed a Friday the 13th movie?

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>the same homos that like halloween III like f13 part VI
I literally unironically couldn't SECOND this harder.
Thought I ws the only one who noticed that. Fucking im-so-above-it hipsters latching to the odd film

It would have been excruciatingly boring with interesting camera angles with sub-par special effects.

^Imagine those anons lives that can't appreciate Halloween III and Friday the 13th Part VI.
I bet that reality smells of dog shit and burnt popcorn.

Absolute shit taste.

Part 3

Attached: jason part 3.jpg (1920x1080, 283.91K)

The idea of turning Halloween into an anthology series is a good one, it's too bad they made Halloween III and killed it forever.

It would have been very boring and long, but featured a woman getting her eye slowly gouged out, and very sexual murders and mutilations, where a woman is slowly disemboweled from her pussy to her chest as she screams almost in orgasm.

Why did they get rid of the Starsky and Hutch lines?

4 is the final chapter you disgusting nigger

Whatever, but Halloween 4 is the best one. Best ending ever for a horror villain.

you fags are hilarious acting so serious about a bunch of samey serial killer sims

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Manhatten is the best Jason and the most appropriate use of the 'let's put him in new york' premise so far.

I don't think that was called for.

Agreed. Despite the bad mask, H4 is great

10/10 got me to respond.

My nigga

>Despite the bad mask
It grew on me. And it's leagues better than the one they used for H20;et al.

But they are not samey. Quite different one from the other. Only someone who's dismissing them already as ''shit'' wouldn't notice it.

I have recently come to the conclusion that part 5 is one of the best, especially if you think of it as just a stand alone slasher film

Quick name the Friday the 13th film in which Jason snuck around picking victims off one by one until only one person was left alive.

yikes tier zoomer posts

I respect that in the same way that one can watch The Force Awakens without seeing the others and as a standalone thing.

Quick the name the drama film in which a character has dialogue with another character.

Therefore all dramas are the same and so shit

And by the way your description doen't even fit all F13 movies

I think jason x trumps the rest of the movies

Part 5 is directed by Danny Steinmann who also directed Savage Streets

>DURRR dis means they all the same moobie!!

Except it isn't the second best, it's the best.

>The Last Jedi is great!

>And by the way your description doen't even fit all F13 movies
I know and it's telling how you failed to take full advantage of that. Look, they are all about a killer who kills and they are rather all the same except for V, VI, VIII, IX, and X, arguably.

/and I did think that Crystal Lake went to shit for part III back when I first saw the film
//Higgen's what?

Jason Goes to Hell was the best

but only if you treat it as an Evil Dead spinoff instead of a Friday the 13th movie

Gotcha in quite the mental corner, huh?

This, but unironically. The only parts that make me cringe are the "humor" and the scenes with Admiral Cunt dealing with not-white-not-Han.

It would have unironically been kino, and better than the franchise deserved.

So this is the power of apologists.

The Last Jedi perfectly ended Star Wars.
Rian is based. Don't like it? I invite you to seethe.

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