
>It's 2005
>Friday night so you're done with school for the week
>The Pizza you ordered is still being made so you stroll into Blockbuster to grab some weekly rentals
>this starts playing:

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I kind of miss the ritual of renting videos and DVDs, but honestly I got the point where I would only watch one of the five rentals I got so it wasn't even worth it desu.
Even now I won't watch movies that much, it's just too big a time investment for me.

>he went to Blockbuster instead of Movie Gallery

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>2005 instead of 1995
Fuck off zoomer

Is that the Great Value brand Blockbuster or something?
Poorfags need not apply to this thread, please.

Hollywood Video > Cockduster

>being 30 on Yas Forums
Yikes bro.

>this starts playing

Yeah no fuck off Ahmed.

Where else are Wizards supposed to go? 8-chan got shut down.

The prices were about the same as Blockbuster, but they did away with jewish late fees years earlier and they also had a better selection in general. They also owned Hollywood Video, so if you ever went there you basically went to a Movie Gallery.


What did your Blockbusters turn into?
The two closest to me became a shoe store, and the other a bank.

Attached: bendblockbuster2.jpg (750x563, 145.89K)

Being under 30 on Yas Forums is way worse. You're wasting the best years of life in this dumpster. Get a fucking life and go party and have sex you fucking loser.

My second Blockbuster became a bathroom interior store, like tiling and baths and shit.
It then moved to a mechanic, it was a tiny room next to their office. They had half the collection then gradually sold all the movies over that year.

Phone stores are pretty common replacements. It's kind of disappointing because one of my local Blockbusters was a pretty large standalone building (originally a restaurant) and they turned it into a fucking Verizon store that doesn't even use half the floor area. Something way more interesting could have gone there.

True. I have a decent social life and sometimes party, as for sex, haven't done that. Kissed plenty of girls but nothing more.

Battle Tanks 64
Buncha Crunch
Mountain Dew


Then video rental stores were basically already gone you dumb fucking zoomer.
The last time I went to my local video rental store was in 2001

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I don't think it was a blockbuster but the closest one I can remember is now a bank.

I rented movies until 2013 lol.

the movie gallery here became a laundromat filled with niggers.

Video Update was the first video store I went to in the mid 80's with my mom and brother. There was a bigass cardboard cutout for Mike Tyson's Punchout, and it scared me and I cried haha

Thinking about going and getting a membership at the Family Video up the street from me, but I'm not sure I'd really use it.

you mean battletanx?

It's not like it costs any money just to have a membership.

for some reason everytime i went to go rent a movie id have to take a shit shit after about 5 mins of browsing so my grandma would have to drive me back to the house to shit and then drive me back again.
this happened also when they took me out for me to buy a video game or something, i guess it was the excitement

>he was alive in 1995

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I recently moved house and saw that my local shopping complex had a Blockbuster in it. I felt this thrill of ecstasy that maybe I could cut down on internet consumption and just rent movies and get back into cinema again.

I went up to the window and it was completely empty, stripped bare. Killed me inside.

>tfw when you see boomers using these at walmart

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A pet store.

>The last time I went to my local video rental store was in 2001

I rented Dungeons & Dragons the movie on DVD.
It was the first DVD I ever saw.
I played it on my PS2 which I bought because it was basically the cheapest DVD player at the time.
The movie was terrible. It had dozens of deleted scenes hidden behind labyrinthine menus. I thought all DVDs would be this complicated and confusing.

Holy shit, that was nearly 20 years ago...where does the time go bros?

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it seems like a fun idea at first, but i always just think of how easy it is to find shit online
damn dude, the only chain i know of now is family video, see if there's one in your area?

I remember when I was 5, I was in a blockbuster and really had to pee but I was having so much fun looking at all the movies so I just kept running around hoping my Dad would leave soon. Anyway, when we were in line to rent, he noticed I was hopping from foot to foot and he asked me what I was doing and I told him I really needed to go to the toilet. He told me to hold it in for one more minute and then we'd go next door. As he was paying for our movies I pissed all down my trouser leg and all over the carpet and some of it got on one of those cardboard displays.

The lesson here is that video rental places needed fucking bathrooms. Most people would spend 20 minutes browsing.

>Larping faggot zoomer who's never been inside a Blockbuster BTFO!

they probably would have let you use the employee one if your dad wasn't a retard and just asked nicely. what is your dad, some kind of an idiot?


Oh yeah, now we're talking! It's 49 cent Tuesdays at the the friendly local neighborhood video rental store!
Me and my buddies scrape together some change and rent one or all of the following...

>A Mad Max sequel
>An Evil Dead sequel
>A Jackie Chan flick

We crack open a few OK sodas and pop a video into the VHS player. Good times were had.

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Absolutely based


i was 7 in 2005

Bro, I rented from Blockbuster from the age of 3 until 15, why would I LARP about that?

So you watched the same movies every month.

That's right you dumb fucking zoomer. We didn't have the internet or youtube. We were happy and grateful to be able to afford to watch a fun movie every once in awhile with our bros.

I was born in 2000 and went to video stores up until 2010

You're a retard and your video store had a shit collection, you should've been able to watch a new film each week.

>in 2005
Dude seriously, what the FUCK?

My local video store didn't shut down til 2012 city slicker

Based Shut-in.

What is this pic?

My girlfriend with her old high school friend on SNAPCHAT, you ever heard of that you dumb Boomer?

Shut up you fucking zoomer. Go watch your Fortnite stream and fap to your discord trannies

Mine became an H&R Block

Why would you post that in this thread? What relevance does it serve? Kill yourself immediately, you're too low IQ.

HEY! I only do one of those things.

>it's 2000
>you're playing Pokemon in the backseat of your mom's car after she just picked you up from school
>Mom takes you to Blockbuster to rent a kino and a vidya
>walk in
>see this motherfucker

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Anyone else get free rentals and personal pizzas if you showed a good report card? Probably the main reason I gave half a shit about grades desu

No, sounds like you had good parents.
My Dad would let me eat and watch whatever I wanted as a kid and now I have no self-control and a short attention span.


Funny enough the Movie Gallery never really closed. It was an independent store first, then became Movie Gallery, and now it's back to being an independent but it's also half pet store.

This, but I will say that Blockbuster was better about getting new release games. When the Xbox 360 came out I had to rent games exclusively from there for several months because Movie Gallery hadn't ordered them yet.

Blaze pizza

>rent some manga vhs
>tell mom it's just some cartoon
>rated R
>go to room and fire it up
>this happens

Salvation army.

T Mobile and a Chipotle

I went to Blockbuster like 3 times a week up until I was 18, in 2012

>3 times a week
Did you watch a lot of movies or were you a new release chad?

I meant that my Blockbuster and Pizza Hut gave them for free if you showed them a good report card. Since they were huge nationwide chains that would apply everywhere. This would have been mid to late nineties though so maybe they stopped.

mostly scouring the horror section for anything that looked remotely interesting
But of course you gotta hit up the new releases sometimes too

Didn't go into a video store since about 1995 and I regret it

The comfiest was the mom and pop video stores before the chains had their own. We had one called "Crazy Mikes" the place smelled like a wet dog.

Im renting, Waiting... And Munich. I was a patrician at 9 years old

I was going to family video until 2016. It closed last year, and theres still one open in the area.
So, no video stores didn't die in 2001. Youre just a faggot