Guys, its going to be okay, we'll get past this, see, Tom Hanks with Wilson says so. :

guys, its going to be okay, we'll get past this, see, Tom Hanks with Wilson says so. :\

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Oh no! A celebrity has the sniffles! How ever will we go on? How stunning and brave he is, bragging about his cold.

Wilson is at risk now wtf Tom

>his best friend came back to him in his last few moments

This. I remember when H1N1 hit and literally no one gave a single fuck.

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He's quarantined you fucking retard, what else is he going to do then tweet, you don't even have the virus and all you do is shitpost all day

>changes the contrast to make him look healhier

hes like 60 and diabetic

hes a goner dude

Why is it always shitskins that post these forced positivity tweets?

The left one looks less natural. Even sick people don't look fucking grey.

I don't remember this at all. Was H1N1 much harder to spread? It seems like coronavirus spreads like wildfire

I thought we were all supposed to be dead of a really bad case of the sneezies. Thats what the democrats and media keep telling me.

I wonder if they got actual blood from an actual human to make it. It's a hospital, they would have some available.

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same way as coronavirus
>It seems like coronavirus spreads like wildfire
it seems that way cause social media is now a weaponized tool

You retard

Can you fucking read? It's so endemic now that it's just listed as yet another seasonal flu since they were never able to fully get rid of it. During it's pandemic spread it literally killed hundreds of thousands.

yes, I'm sure the actor with access to the best healthcare in the world and can afford his own personal dietitian and chef to make him a whole restrictive diet that he'll still want to eat is suffering from the same ravages of diabetes as some shmuck barely controlling their levels and eating like shit

Dummy. the case-mortality rate was 0.01-0.08% for H1N1. Corona is 0.6-3%

At the very least, it's 10X deadlier than H1N1. At the LEAST. The only saving grace is that Carona kills mostly older people. The bad news is that if the number of infected grows to several million in the US, we'll have to start telling older people "sorry, no life saving equipment for you, that needs to go to the younger person who has a better shot at living" like they're having to do in Italy.

The ignorance just drips off this fucking post

wtf I thought people with conora virus were on their deathbed in breathing tubes?

one problem with this bud. there was no limited nuclear war in the middle east. the western world has not devolved into police states. the coronavirus isn't fatal enough to kill off half of the world's population
sorry bud, this is just because the chinese have markets where they sell live wild animals that are kept in close proximity to each other

>has no rebuttal

people who spout percentage of kill rate are fucking retards, you do realize influenza and h1n1 both have vaccines right?

Is it just me or is it kinda fucked up? I mean I know they're doing it in good intentions but the entire story in Cast Away was fucking sad and suffering.. And he may be in a similar situation with that coronavirus.. lmao.

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What point is this retard trying to make? Does anyone know?

...And? What's your point exactly? There were 30 million cases in the US before a vaccine was even developed.

Wilson is the best product placement in a movie ever

>makes statements that,
Among other things, display total lack of knowledge of how medicine works in a non-socialized medicine country
>wants to be taken seriously
No. You are either a bernout or a foreigner.

holy shit.

He doesn't look sick

How many cases of coronavirus are there in the US right now? Not reported caes but real cases.

It's last reported that 1,654 people have the virus and you think this is the only amount of people that have it? You think this is going to be the final number?

Again, people who look at numbers this early are retarded.

50% after ww3...

I don't know why you find it surprising. SARS originated from China, many people always suspect viruses will come from there cause of how huge and crowded the place is

uh that hardly matters since there is no equivalent vaccine for covid19. the reality is that covid19 is apparently more transmissible than all the strains of influenza with a significantly higher mortality rate.

it's period blood

take south korea where they administer test on everyone and the results are more like 0.6%

who knew the figures would look good when you have a country that isn't covered in smog and polluted air constantly vs a virus that attacks the lung and a westernized health care system

But I'm not going to draw conclusions cause its early and I'm not an expert

I genuinely believe the cornoarino fearmongers are just apathetic and suicidal bernouts. I remember H1N1, swine flu, norovirus, ebola, zika, avian flu, all the other little gay "pandemics" that people said would kill everyone and end the world. Nope, we're still here. We'll be here for a long time. It's literally just the flu guys. holy fuck people need to stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

even at 0.6, that's 6x more deadly than all strains of influenza combined. in Italy the mortality is as high as 5%

That was during the earlier stages of social media. Now things get escalated so quickly because of social media panic.

Ignore cvg and they're little game of haunting others, yes it's quite serious but all the talk about it being deadlier than Spanish flu talk is comedy tier

while coronavirus isn't the be all end all kill everyone in the world virus, it definitely is worse than all of those you listed because of how easily it spreads. china has been on lockdown, and I'm surprised we haven't seen any fallout from that yet considering how much of the world's shit they produce

I remember people freaking out over SARS

I mean he's got enough money saved up to buy himself new lungs for at least 12 more years. However I dont see him getting any more roles if it becomes chronic.

>the case-mortality rate was 0.01-0.08% for H1N1
Oh thank fuck, now just tell those HALF A MILLION PEOPLE WHO DIED that it was fine for no one to care because statistical probability meant they were only in the small minority anyway.

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I'm not saying it's nothing to worry about. What I'm saying is the histrionic neurotic psychos on here and everywhere else need to calm down.

I would tell them if they were still alive.

They believe the viral load of the covid-19 is higjer in italy and apparently higher viral load means more death. apparently Wuahn chinks work in Italy and travel back and forth between the two place regularly. Italy's first cade was probably much earlier than anywhere else in Europe

This fucking scenario right here would have actually been a terrific ending to the movie. Tom goes back to the regular world, gets a disease, etc.

watch your racism please, this isn't pol

I would've told them to get on with it. In really fucking based like that.

kys and you can tell them

fuck off retard.

Sorry, virus carriers of color

>implying he isnt just going in to hiding because of the coming pedophilia alegations.

A lot of celebrities and rich people are heading to their bunkers in NZ

what the fuck does that even mean? the mortality rate is simple, the number of those reported with corona vs the number of people who died by corona. stop downplaying shit for some ridiculous reason, this is a serious health issue that we need to confront with real fucking solutions. this is a disease that is unprecedented in over 100 years with its lethality and transmissbility.

I just hope that Italian faggot who stole my now vegan ex girlfriend caught it, but alas he isn't an oldfag so he will probably live. Hope he gets sterile though. Fuck those Italian swarthy 6 foot tall Romeos.

>what the fuck does that even mean? the mortality rate is simple, the number of those reported with corona vs the number of people who died by corona. stop downplaying shit for some ridiculous reason, this is a serious health issue that we need to confront with real fucking solutions. this is a disease that is unprecedented in over 100 years with its lethality and transmissbility.
Explain yourself. I don't want any neurotic, panicked opinions. I want facts.

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t. cuckholded jelly person

user, doomerposting is done by a discord of leftypol trannies

lol i trolled u

If the Chinese traders are responsible why isn't Africa dying en masse? More than usual that is?

how much mroe simple do i need to fucking get? it's multitudes more deadly than all the seasonal influenzas combined and even more transmissible. without intervention it can spread and will spread to the same way we get seasonal influenza and the common cold. but that's not even the worst part because the seasonal flu is blunted with vaccines. the problem is there is no vaccine for covid19 and it's at least 6 times more deadly. if we do not intervene now this will not go away and it can possible reoccur indefinitely.

THEY ARE! Media fucking silence bro. re: frica.

Media wasnt as click hungry back then. There was less incentive to stoke panic.

Well, I'm sure white people will be mostly ok for now.


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FUD* lmao