The faces of CORONA

The faces of CORONA

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they're not going to make it. Both already have pretty bad diseases.

they say life is like a box of choc-o-lates. ya just never know if one of them is carrying a highly contagious disease.

>pretty bad diseases.
huh? They have Corona

Faces of two people in their 60s without makeup.

tom was a smoker and has diabetes and his wife had breast cancer and other problems

>His wife's surname is Wilson

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>they say life is like
That was Mandela Effected into: "Life was like a box of chocolates."
Also that movie sucks.

Tom hanks got severe diabetes after starving himself in "Castaway"....damaged his body pretty badly.

White people are so fucking ugly

shut up nigger

Goodbye, boomer

It's a publicity stunt

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Justin Trudeau's wife has it too.

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Should've used a condom at the last pizza party. You never know what kind of mischief those Chinese boys get up to.


Fake, he's being sacrificed by illuminati before his pedo shit comes out.

Trips and Tom dies from coronachan.

good thing they left us with a beautiful black legacy

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god the whole hanks family needs to be vanquished

she looks SO MUCH like tom
and that's tom hair's from the 80s

>Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife tested positive for coronavirus

rip leafs

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Chet's such a fuckup

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black excellence

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>mamma always told me life was like
No it makes sense.

I heard he fucks monkeys
What did Tom do to have such a fuck up of a son

t. current Earth native

Shit I had no idea about the diabetes

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>eye of Horus tattooed onto chest
Hard cringe.
I hope Chet dies early.
And why are the spawn of the rich and famous so worthless?

Rita has some big ol milkers tho

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Tom is a good man, pretty sure Chet didn't want to take care of his daughter and Tom is paying for that black child and her mother

Has a chad face, Chad family with money but wigger brain. Tragic

>Tom is a good man
*laugh track*

white guilt is a powerful thing

That's not the Eye of Horus you buffoon, you meal-headed jackanaw, that's the Eye of Providence

RIPCURL? More like RIP amirite

>that's the Eye of Providence
Which is a Masonic-Egyptian symbol for Horus and Ra. It's not God, unless you think Satan is God.

You get diabetes by starving?

Oh bullshit and fuck you, eat your mistake you garbageman
>well ACKtually, TECKnically
Fuck you!

I’m a Somali that worked in the captain Philips movie. Tom Hanks made us all sign NDA’s. He’s got a mistress and brought her to the set a lot behind closed doors.



t. seething assblasted Luciferian goon Boomer faggot

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Based Forest Pump

RIP bros

What will you say when he lives?

>It's not God, unless you think Satan is God.
But Satan = Set, not Ra or Horus.

Frasier's Mom, has got it going on!

>but what if diarrhea is POOP? Huh? HUH?
Nice try with those seductive trips, Satan-worshiper.

>What will you say when he lives?
We'll have years and years more of mediocre films passed off as genius because Tom Hanks sucks liberal dicks and says "all the correct things."

I'd still go down on her

>>but what if diarrhea is POOP? Huh? HUH?
What the fuck does that mean? And I don't worship anything.

it's not curl?

Is this a brad? Ie a fucking moron with no will but inherited money?

>What the fuck does that mean?
Nice cope, Satanocuck.

>not diabeetus
You had one job.

based schizo retard

is that his kid?

Why is Tom wearing grandma glasses?

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Is this how you interact with people in real life? Randomly accusing them of Satan worship, and then doubling down when they react with confusion?

SEETHING devilfag
pic totally unrelated

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sorry actually I follow Chaos Undivided

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>His wife's surname is Wilson

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>implying I discuss religion with people in real life
I do tell people they're wrong if it really, really matters. Pick your battles wisely.

>Tom is a good man

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>I do tell people they're wrong if it really, really matters
But that's what I did here:

That's Mr. Rogers

You're wrong, though. Accept Jesus.

What am I wrong about?