Stand-up specials

What are the best ones?

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the only thing patton ever annihilated was his wife's heart

Grow up.

Jesus. She's only been dead 3 years.

He's not unfunny. So what he killed his wife.

Stand-up is the lowest form of comedy.

louis ck chewed up

let me guess, shitposting is the highest

Isnt this the guy who killed his wife?

Eddie Murphy's Raw and Delirious are the two funniest stand up acts of all time. Nothing has ever come close to topping them.

Richard Pryor's Live on the Sunset Strip is top tier with Eddie.

All of Jim Jefferies shit was pretty good before the whole "Gun Control" bit went viral and he became a political/social preacher.

The issue with stand up is that its so oversaturated with unfunny shit and the guys that get most of the attention nowadays are also shit (Joe Rogan and his entire crew, Bill Burr etc.)

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Top tier Stanhope right here.

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>Do you have flag?

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Jim Jefferies is lame. I'd rather that wife killer Patton Owalt looking after my coronavirused wife than that lame ass.

> Bill Burr
> Shit
Your opinion was good, until this

marc's new one was honestly pretty good. he's no longer a PC simp and he's not as whiney as he used to be

pic related obviously not related to the topic

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>Says USA is an 'Empire'
>ignores the fact 17 nations have the Queen as head of state and ignoring that UK has additional territories around the world
Dumb liberal. I used to love him but he's become insufferable these past 10 years. Not even one of these knobs who ignores people as soon as they say politics I don't like but it's tainted his shit.

just listen to cumtown or secret pod if u want a laff. standup is in a coma until social justice fucks off

I think he killed his wife because he has different political opinions than me


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He always seems to have a tight set but I still think his original special was his best

And her trust. And her life.

forgot pic

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He was good, until sobriety/children. That's a death sentence for comedy.

>Over here you have "looking like a dickhead", and here's you're more "average, normal looking" then "cool", "hip", and "groovy" AND "you're looking like a dickhead"
>I've been known to cruise in that back corner

I used to really love his stand up, but once he started to get into politics it completely turned me off him. Not because I disagree with him politically, but I hate it when anyone does that even if I do agree with their politics.
Stick to what you're good at.

Ray Romano made it work.

This dude understands comedy.
I think Robin Williams: Live on Broadway deserves a mention though, it's not quite Eddie-tier but certainly a classic in it's own right.

I only know him by his show. Any recommendations for specials?

Burr's last stand up sucked dick. It's like his wife saw the John Mulaney stand-ups where he mentions his wife to segue into more comedy bits to highlight how much an non-threatening chump he is and with playful anti semetism sprinkled in and fucking forced Bill to bring up their relationship. Seriously Burr taking the time out to mention his wife or go on about how if blacks had the same opportunity as whites then they would've invented the airplane or some stupid shit just derails the entire fucking thing and he does it like three times. I don't wanna be lectured even a little in my standup unless it's leading to something good. And it didn't.

Ray don't do fucking specials, he does Scorsese

He was on an American comedy talk show saying how he was getting into politics because he can't let the nazis win.
He's one of those real loony activists.

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>Robin Williams: Live on Broadway

>You had to be very careful about that name, Homeland Security, you couldnt say Fatherland cos theres a lot of old germans going 'dats a good one...'

My sides.

some personal favorites:

>louis ck
shameless, chewed up
>bill burr
you people are all the same, why do i do this
killing them softly, for what its worth
>tom segura
>jim jefferies
alcolohocaust, bare
beeer hall putsch, although all his stuff is good thats a favorite
>eddie murphy

I personally don't think a lot of old standup has aged that well, I can appreciate why its good but it's less funny in my opinion, idk.

Tom Segura has a good one, I can't recall which, but it's at least a few years old now. 2014-2017ish



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I always got the feeling he'd go too far. When he does that show in Seattle or San Francisco or wherever it is where he's talking about WWII and then brings up Hitler you could tell then.
He mentions Hitler not playing Risk as a kid and a little before or after that he says something along the lines of "because Hitler was a mass murdering fuckhead", but it doesn't really fit with what he's saying and you can tell he's saying it in expectation of applause.
I've seen the same thing on plebbit when I've had to visit. Plebbitors will mention things that don't need mentioned, or even mention straight up platitudes. And I can't tell if it's because they're looking for some kind of kudos for stating the obvious or if it's because everyone will think they secretly agree with something no one agrees with unless they outright state the obvious. It's all really strange.

jeselnik's thoughts and prayers is alright

He's great. Recently he was in that stupid J.Lo strip movie where you don't see any tits or vag. They cast him as DJ where he only had like three lines. What a tremendous fucking waste of a genuinely funny person.

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For video recorded specials, I prefer Bill Hick's Sane Man over anything else. If we consider audio, then Rants in E-Minor is great.


Rogan and his crew are not funny but the people they cater to are not that smart so good on joe for making the money
Burr is on a decline, he doesn't really need it anymore with that podcast cash
Chapelle is really hit and miss
Louis ck hit a huge low kissing left wing ass but might be able to recover because of all the bullshit they threw him

>Bill Cosby Is a Very Funny Fellow...Right!

Say what you will about the man, it's still comedy gold.

This one is unironically kino

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comedy central presents mitch hedberg 1999

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i need louis back so bad

Louie Anderson never left us. Maybe you left him.

But Gomez is still being a real ass dude.

>patton constantly monitors Yas Forums for threads about him
I know this is only headcanon but it seems likely

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>pander Oswalt
Kek you have to go back.

Also Gary Gulman ftw

Saw Anderson live, one of the best shows I’ve been to. 2hr+ set

He's a bit of a cunt as a person but I generally like Metzger's specials.

>Chapelle is really hit and miss
Name for me, if you please, his misses. We might just have differing tastes, but I was never unimpressed with Chapelle's standup routines until his Netflix stuff.

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>It's all really strange.
That's my problem with Reddit, in general. Users behave like abused housewives at best and like disingenuous sycophants at worst.
But thank God for the lesser gacha mobile game subreddits. People seem a lot more sincere in the smaller, less patrolled communities.

Ahhh Mitch.
King of the Two-Liner.
Or, at the berry least, Jack of Hearts.