What is some mass shooter kino?

What is some mass shooter kino?

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The movie is called Happiness. Because I know 90% of this board hasnt seen this movie


Falling Down
Phone Booth

>mfw dad gave my tuna sandwiches as a kid

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we need to talk about kevin

>we need to talk about kevin
great book.. the film, not so much

Is this the same dude that played the Nazi in Hunters and shoots up his family?

literally just look up "mass shooting raw footage" man, its 2020

I had a sandwich. Where did it go?

thought that was moot from the thumbnail

>yfw dad never jerked you off

Can't find my mass shooter webm.

>No niggers, Peter
Christ, what were they thinking?

wtf was his problem?

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duck the carbine high massacre


This is a really cool movie

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Post NZ shooter please, pure kino.

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He's been browsing Yas Forums since he was 15.

did he ever have his trial

The FBI vault of the 2011 Tucson shooting is incredibly interesting. There are pictures, camera footage of the guy in safeway prior throwing up sign language, all kinds of weird shit

Checking this out user, thank you.

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is that code for you fucked your mom and dad watched?

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0 day
Bowling for columbine

God Bless America
It's not the best of the genre but it hasn't been mentioned.

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you should watch happiness, its a real fun comedy

51 charges of murder, 40 of attempted murder and one of engaging in a terrorist act

This one is going to take a while think.

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theres video, does it really need to take longer than a week? whats he gonna do blame his evil twin?

i will now

the kerch university security tape

that'd be hilarious, I hope he does it
but nah, he went down the "I'm not a criminal, I'm a uniformed combatant" route the IRA went down, I highly doubt he's going to win it, but the main reason it's taking so long is so the defense can try to gather up as many resources and info as they can for the most favorable outcome. Which considering what went down, its going to take a long time to look up every loophole and argument in the book.

the police station shootout in maniac cop 2. also the one from terminator of course.

White man bad, nigger good.

it seems like a big waste of everyone's time. Just take him outside and put a bullet in his head.

Tower is a pretty good documentary

The Wild Bunch

I saw this scene as a kid while channel surfing at night well over ten years ago and it scarred me

I didn't know what it was until now

This is counterintuitive Sir, the black man ins generally bad, the white man good.

Legit kino though.


but user, western society has progressed beyond that. we are better than these criminals because instead of putting them to death, we spend millions of taxpayer dollars on long trials and indefinite incarceration during which their every human need is catered to. no one believes in God anymore and everyone's a nihilist but putting down unrepentant murderers is just too darn immoral for our enlightened culture.

Best scene.

Why do guns always look they're being fired below the barrel in movies?

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New Zealand film called "out of the blue"
True account of the Aramoana massacre, historically accurate down to the small details and strangely shows most of it through the shooters point of view


We didn't do that to you muhammed when when you blew up a bunch of little girls.

Would Natural Born Killers count?

What if jury makes a mistake?
Do you trust the government to play executioner?

The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis

Why? All he did was what the muzzies do to everybody else on a weekly basis. Plus the place was a recruiting center for ISIS (like 98% of all the mosques on the fucking planet).

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This movie fucking sucked so much dick except for PSH and the dad

el sneedo

I rented this on VHS in the 2000s and the guy at the desk was like, "Do you know anything about this movie?"

Does it still count as a mass shooting if it’s arrows?


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Are lives of a few innocents are worth the removal of thousands of evil people? That's how we justify bombing French cities to beat the Nazis. It's the question you have to ask and I say it is. I don't care what your opinion is and I will not answer any further questions

scarily real movie

>it hasn't been mentioned
There's a good reason for that.
It's because "God Bless America" fucking sucks.
That and "Pink Floyd's The Wall" are what turned me from left-wing to centrist.
But at least "Pink Floyd's The Wall" was actually art.

>you like him!?
>well I agree there should be less gun control
>what, so any crazy person can just get a gun
Ironically, the one character that runs against both of their moral systems that they didn't kill was the black market gun dealer that sold the hardware.

Uwe boll's masterpiece ofc

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Out of the Blue is kino

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I can't help but feel like Uwe Boll is secretly rooting for the killer.

I haven't read the book but I like the movie, could you please tell me why you like the book but not the movie, pretty please?

Stalking Laura (1993)

the first incel