Late night is kill
Late-night goes dark: NBC suspends Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers shows due to coronavirus
I have literally never met a person who enjoys late-night shows.
Who watches this shit?
back in the day we'd gather in the dorm rec room and watch Letterman when he was just starting out. fun times.
and nothing of value was lost
They were better 20 years ago. And much better 40 years ago.
Somebody stop her
it finally happened
Weird timing.
NBC is owned by Comcast.
Comcast is based in Philadelphia.
I’ve tried posting on Yas Forums a few times, using both Comcast and separately T-mobile, both times from Philadelphia, and was Captcha blocked.
Basically, you have to solve a half dozen or more Captchas, and then it says connection lost.
Only seems to happen with Yas Forums though.
The episode were Seth Meyers cried because his mother would not get to see Hillary Clinton become president was entertaining.
what score do you get here?
why dont they just have the hosts and guest on facetime? the zoomers would probably watch.
>no late night kino
no bros, noo..
Good. Hopefully it's permanent.
Ahhh trying the Jimmy Kimmel routine to get ratings
>Who watches this shit?
strange, and that's the same browser/device that you're posting from?
El zambos... El mulatos...
Boomer Flu is killing off old customs like TV shows and physical contact
jimmy fallon even did a show when hurricane hit and nyc was shut down
was probably his best one because he didn't have an audience to lean on
Craig Ferguson was the last good one
They could've easily kept doing the shows, just lose the audience.
Not that user, but I had problems with captche on my dissenter browser and got the same score as I got with browsers where I don't have problems. On dissenter, I have to solve sometimes a dozen captchas, on firefox one or two at most.
Same iphone,
Same wifi router,
Same LTE network and tower when I switch off WiFy
Worst one and Craig only stayed on air because he kept raping kids with his best friend les moonves
I thought of that too. But wouldn't that be weird to have a sign light up for every bad joke?
Have a laugh track like the sitcoms.
Or have the audience in mic'd hazmat suits.
>Who watches this shit?
Couples who stopped having sex (even weekly sex) and watch this trash from their beds until passing out.
I hope all of the late night hosts get coronavirus. They deserve it for talking shit about Trump and pushing liberal agendas.
>Only seems to happen with Yas Forums though.
If you have an ad blocker you need to turn it off to be able to post on /pol. Most other boards- like /tv and /x don't require this.
you need to go back
>no movies coming out
Yeah these are just advertising shows, with no movies coming out theres no need for them to be on tv.
Listen to me, goy! We already got the vaccine
wtf? I love Coronavirus now
Now where will fags get there political opinions patched and updated every week? How are we supposed to think on our own without someone telling us how to respond to events?! This is a tragedy, a real debacle!!!
thanks corona chan
But who will tell people that Trump is an idiot?!
You havent lived the Craig Ferguson era.
Comcast, Denver. Been posting fine. As long as you're not download from DDL that requires ReCaptcha for every download (thus increasing the amount of captcha/hr to trigger more aggressive bot checking) you should be fine.
Then again,
get the fuck out of that place bro. At least I live north of spic central Denver.
Coronavirus is only bad if:
A.) You're over 70
B.) You have a underlining serious health issue to begin with
However it spreads easily, so even if it infects 500 million people globally at least 100 million of those will fall under categories A/B and about 10% of those will die (10 million). This is why you need to just quarantine everyone until the wave slows or a vaccine comes about. The flu would be much deadlier if a vaccine for it didn't exist for instance.
Mass hysteria is becoming a bigger issue than the health risks though. It feels like the world is ending and this is solely because of the reaction. People didn't react this badly to Spanish Flu which had a far greater scale of carnage. Because social media didn't exist and society was more...mature back then.
So stay at home and have enough food for a few weeks of quarantine in case you get sick. Otherwise life your life and relax. Unless you're 80 and in a nursing home or already badly sick, then take more serious precautions.
Also remember the main problem with Coronavirus is it can be so non-serious for many people that they go about their lives and spread it while thinking they just have a cold (or don't have any symptoms, such as Tom Hanks). Huge amounts of society probably already is infected and doesn't realize it. A reason so many "notable" people are testing positive is because they have easier access to these types of screenings.
Fallon just got in trouble for tussling the corona viruses hair and accidentally calling the virus a "tranny virus"
dick cavet is kino
It definitely isn't, how is he going to do any of his travel specials?
>when the late night elitists all get visited by Carona-chan
He did? Video please
I was just watching some old late night:
Good. Can they kill Fallon then?
I believe captcha repeats increase with posting rate, either your own everyone's, depending on bandwidth availability. It's the fucking pits.
>your own or
oh really?
lmao the panic will kill 100x times more people from heart attacks and distracted driving and other random shit than the actual virus will
>Also remember the main problem with Coronavirus is it can be so non-serious for many people that they go about their lives and spread it while thinking they just have a cold
Actual doctor here.
From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.
If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.
Not a surprise jewgle hates dissenter. How dare you want to interact with others online in a way that can't be shut down or controlled.
Red boards in general seem to have intentionally atrocious captchas. English, doc?
might I introduce you to boomers?