Disney is imploding tonight

Disney is imploding tonight

>Disney world and Land closing
>Cruiselines being grounded
>Disney+ not expected to profitable for years
>Mulan and New Mutants pushed back all because of Virus concerns.

On the plus side, maybe this will convince them to scrap the High Republic

Attached: virus implosion.jpg (640x424, 31.57K)

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Disney + will be doing well with everyone sitting at home all day

We always win

Buy puts on Disney & ride the market to 15k
Then buy the dip

>On the plus side, maybe this will convince them to scrap the High Republic
The reason they're doing High Republic as just books and comics first is because not only is it easier and cheaper way to try and see if the public will latch onto their new era (and quickly abandon it if it doesn't catch on), but also so they'll have groundwork placed should it be popular enough to go ahead with bigger budget stuff like movies and games. Basically even if Lucasfilm hadn't landed on High Republic exactly, we'd still be stuck with a Frankenstein'd era based on whatever the existing Star Wars book/comic writers think are cool and have it be shoved down our throats until the public eventually swallows it or vomits it back up because their strategy for any new era would be the same regardless.

Very cool.

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>We always win

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It has literally nothing though and everybody already forgot about Mandalorian.


Will Jenny make it, bros?

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I'm working for Disney+ now
boy I am hoping to get laid off


you forgot to mention that onward just came out and is underperforming

not sure if bait, but Disney only makes money from subscription fees. they get the same amount of money from a subscriber regardless of if they watch it 0 hours per day or 12 hours per day.

It's time to realize you're not the center of the universe, sweetie. A lot of brats are going to be home from school and moms want family friendly cartoons and content.

remember me

Attached: galaxy edge.png (1075x768, 1.6M)

Also that Ford movie with the dog. Even if it was a Fox movie they still had to pay for advertising and it's the biggest flop of the year

This is why Iger stepped down. He knew this in advance.

He didn't step down though, he moved to another spot on the board.

Lel this pic always makes me laugh

Is she gonna be okay

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Not so much "win" as "recoup some loss" but sure.

What's the story on this girl? I've seen her face around but missed where it got started.

Pizza faced guy who works at Krusty Burger from the Simpsons had a daughter

>Megan Sneedman

With everyone staying home because of Carona-chan, why doesn't Disney just release Mulan and Black Widow on Disney+ to boost subs?

That's actually a good idea.
I look forward to our comfy isolationist future.

*one coofer infects thousands of patrons*

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I'm legit curious tho

>Ding Dang, we got a foreclosure notice!

Attached: tt.jpg (663x284, 170.5K)

No Avengers movie to bail them out this year.



Using my 4-day pass on Saturday to go to Magic Kingdom before the official close starts. Wait times are plummeting thanks to the virus scare, I saw Peter Pan was below an hour wait time. I can't wait to see Space Mountain again. I hope I get the virus and die.

Are there actual confirmed cases at Disneyland or did they just shut down as a precaution?

I'm going to Magic Kingdom on Saturday as well. I'll see you there!

The tequila in the mexican part of Epcot with flush the virus out

These closures of PRIVATE venues are so ridiculous. Why is the world shutting down? This virus only kills 1 in 100 and it's out there folks. Can't stop it. It's a pandemic. You are going to get it, if you want to live at all.

Oh shit, nice! I'll be one of the 7 dozen faggots wearing a purple Avengers shirt. Hope you have a great time

D+ hiring any producers?

I'll be the one high as a kite on grey market edibles

literal retards is why

Requesting anyone going to Disneyland this weekend to catch Coronachan and then cough all over the food court near the Observatron thing and kill my ex pls and thank you frens.

she is gone user

>Using my 4-day pass on Saturday to go to Magic Kingdom before the official close starts. Wait times are plummeting thanks to the virus scare, I saw Peter Pan was below an hour wait time. I can't wait to see Space Mountain again. I hope I get the virus and die.

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You know nothing about the queen of Yas Forums? How sad

It makes no sense. The parks and cruise are shutting down for a month? In a month this thing is going to be fucking everywhere. We'll be approaching a million cases worldwide. There's no getting off this ride now. The only thing we can do is pray the FDA gets out of the way and we get human trials started on vaccine candidates right away. A vaccine is still many months, perhaps a year away.

No because faggots like you refuse to tell me.

because it's bad fuckin press to read "Man infects 450 people in attendance at Disneyland" instead of just seeing "Disney to close due to virus concerns"

Everything about Disney is shit, i've seen around 4 of their films from their entire catalogue, nothing they put out interestes me, shut it down.

Uwe Boll's youtube channel.

New Mutants is going to be a period piece when it finally gets released. Jesus.

>Old Republic is safe because High Republic =/= Old Republic

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There's not much to tell. Spergs got obsessed with her and stalked her social media profiles. She set got creeped out and privated her accounts except for her FB which is still visible. youtu.be/dTSECD_3NM0

We crowned a new queen last week

Attached: FO ballbreakers.webm (720x1280, 1.38M)

She's no Megan

I know what I'm watching tomorrow

Attached: stargirl 2020 happy birthday.webm (1920x960, 2.79M)

There's so much compression in this webm you can barely see her face.

>A lot of brats are going to be home from school and moms want family friendly cartoons and content.
This. Karen needs her virtual babysitter locked and loaded.


>some thot
nothing like megan

>A vaccine is still many months, perhaps a year away.
Actual doctor here.

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.

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In English, doc!

Yas Forums did this.

fuck I've always wanted to say that.

Anya Taylor-Joy will have hit the wall. *shivers*

Tell us something we DON'T know

So you're telling me there's a chance.

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Better than ok... All Walt Disney World Cast Members are getting March 15th til the end of the month off work PAID. She’s basically getting a paid vacation

She should set up an onlyfans for extra cash.